Page 29 of Exposed

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By the time we get our shit together, it has gotten pretty late, especially since we started our day when it was already halfway over. We didn’t need to order any dinner because we over-ordered lunch and there was still so much Indian food left over. So we just heated it up and had leftovers. As we all start to disperse and head our separate ways, BJ goes around the room, one by one, kissing and squeezing the life out of us like we’re going to disappear overnight. When she reaches King, it makes me laugh at how uncomfortable he looks.

Leave it to BJ to be so emotional on a night like this.

As BJ leaves the room, she snaps around quickly and says, “AWW, you guys, we forgot to eat my pie…You know, the one Celly brought out from the kitchen earlier today. I made it for us last night when Stryker was sweet enough to let me have Laney-Poo over to help. It’s a ShooFly Pie. Eat it up. Please enjoy all its yumminess. I’m emotionally exhausted and want some rest before tomorrow’s big event.” She looks around with sadness in her eyes again and blows us all a dramatic kiss with a big wave of her arm before heading upstairs to her room.Marcela decides she’s going to head out too, but she takes a piece of pie for the road.

That just leaves us and Nat. King is her man too. We all know it, even if he wants to be a prick and act like she doesn’t do anything to him. I dish us all out a piece of pie. It’s so good. I’m not surprised because BJ is always making us little goodies and bringing them into the office for us to devour. I have yet to taste something bad that she has baked.

We finish dessert and pick up all the food containers, cleaning the dining room up. Nat and King say their goodbyes and head up to his room.

Based on his ‘hate’ for Nat, it must be miserable for both parties to share that room. King is such a grouchy fuck most of the time.

As I get up to head down the hall, I have a weird feeling that someone is crowding in on me. I turn around to find Alexie right behind me. He pushes me into the corner with his arms bracketing my head.

“What the fuck, dude? Back the hell up! If you wanna talk to me, just fucking say so, damn!” I holler at him while shoving him back out of my personal bubble with my hands on his chest.

“Listen, I’m going tomorrow. Even if I can’t be with myMalyshka,I want to be in the car or somewhere close by. I must know she is safe at all times,” Alexie demands of me with a no-nonsense look on his face.

“Absolutely fucking not, man. Are you high or something? We can’t risk Ingram seeing you! That will put Nat in even more danger. It will risk her safety, not to mention the entire team’s safety,” I bark back at him.

“My Zaychikhas been away for too long! Yes, I know this is partly my fault, but I won’t have her meeting your mole without me, at least in the vicinity. I need to be there for her and for my own sanity. I need to be close, I know you can understand that,” Alexie tells me angrily, starting a full-on argument now.

“Okay, Russian Asshole! Let’s get something straight; you hold no power here. I thought you understood and accepted that. I even felt like we were starting to band together on common ground over Nat. You’re fucking lucky we all care about her so much that we’d even allow you to be here, to begin with. If it wasn’t for Nat, you’d be locked up in a fucking cell somewhere at our mercy,” my voice rises along with my anger as I speak to him.

“Oh, you naive little boy, I could have already killed you all and escaped a million times at this point. What you don’t seem to understand is that I wish to take down the Bratva just as badly as you all do. Once they’re no more, I want to live my life in peace with our girl. I know you understand this, stop fighting me.” He reaches a hand out to me as a peace offering to shake it.

Reaching out, I clasp hands with him and let out a heavy sigh. He pulls me in closer, grabbing my elbow with his other hand and intensifying our handshake. “Fine, you can come with us, BUT you must agree to a few things, understand?” He lets go of my hand and gestures for me to continue.

“ can NOT under any circumstances have a weapon, got it?” He shrugs and nods.I’m sure he knows at least twenty ways to kill someone with only his hands, so I’m not worried about his safety.

“ must, and I mean MUST, stay by my side at all fucking times.” I point my finger at him like I’m scolding a toddler or puppy. He agrees reluctantly and goes off to his room with a swagger to his walk like he knows he won.

I decide to stay the night at the house in case anything happens that would need my immediate attention. Also, I think we all need to be together in the morning. Slumping my shoulders, I head up to my room, which I rarely use because I’d much prefer my apartment. I shut and lock the door behind me, so I’m not disturbed. I need some time to myself to get in the right headspace. But all I can think about is my Little Fox and how proud I am of her. She was so cunning in her call with Ingram today, and I was very impressed.

I never thought she was fragile or needed protecting; she’s always shown she can hold her own. But now, after today, I’m one hundred percent sure she can. Which makes me feel better about sending her into the lion’s den tomorrow. I decide to shoot her a quick text.

Stryker: Little Fox, get some rest for tomorrow, and don’t forget we’re all going to be there even if you can’t see us…even Alexie.

Natalie: Thank you, handsome. I could use some company, though.Winky face emojiall I have is grumpy ole King over here.

Stryker: As tempting as that is, and you have no idea how nice that sounds, I really do think we all need to get some rest.

Natalie: I know a few sure-fire ways to make you sleepy.

Stryker: Goodnight, Little Fox.

Natalie: Boooo…party pooper, goodnight.

Stryker:blowing kiss face emoji

I take a shower, thinking of Nat the entire time. The sex drive on that damn woman can’t be matched, but I’m sure as hell here to try. I dry off and go lay down fully nude, my sheets are the same black silk ones that I have at home, and they feel amazing against my skin. Melting into them, I relax.

Now, let’s just hope everything goes as planned tomorrow.


Natfollowedmeupto my room. Well, I guess it’s our room for the time being. I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep yet another night on this shitty ass couch. It’s good to sit on to read or watch a show or two, but sleeping on it is for the fucking birds.

Reaching into the hallway closet as I pass, I grab an extra pillow, praying it brings some extra comfort for me tonight. I fluff it up in hopes that it will help let me get at least a solid hour of uninterrupted sleep. After taking a quick shower, I threw on some black sweats while Nat is in the bathroom getting ready for bed.
