Page 30 of Exposed

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The bathroom door opens, and Nat comes walking out in a billowing cloud of steam.Jesus Fucking Christ. Reaching down, I discreetly try to adjust my hardening cock. She just strolls around the room like it’s normal for us to be sharing a bedroom. Like it’s not a big deal she’s wearing only a Spice Girls shirt and the skimpiest blue panties I’ve ever seen.

With a lazy swagger, she walks to the bed and gives me a look over her shoulder before climbing up into it. Sitting on the blanket while leaning back against the headboard, she watches me. I’m trying to focus on my pillow and getting my blankets arranged how I like them when I sleep. I try to avoid her stare because I’m not sure how I feel about her yet, or rather, I’m not ready to admit how I feel about her. My cock is doing the thinking right now, and he’s on thewe’ve-forgiven-her-train,full steam ahead.

“King, that couch is way too small for you. Why don’t you stop being a baby and just get in the bed?” she asks as she gives the other side of the bed a hard pat with her hand.

“In your dreams, Luci,” I retort dryly.It might also be in my dreams.

“Oh, come on, King. We’re grown adults, I promise not to touch you. Better yet, we can build a pillow wall between us.” She laughs as she rolls her eyes.

“Hell no, Luci! Now, leave it be, I’m fine on the couch,” I growl at her, getting a bit annoyed at her persistence. I’m fine sleeping on the couch. I’m sure soon enough, she’ll be warming the bed of one of her boyfriends instead of being stuck in here with me. I’m actually not sure why she’s still in here after last night, honestly. I’m sure if she wandered next door to Conrad’s or even to Alexie’s room, they’d happily let her stay and not send her back to me.

She rolls her eyes at me again while shaking her head, but she shuts up. Pulling back the blankets, she slides under the covers with a huff. Obviously, I pissed her off by not just getting in the bed with her. I walk over and shut the light off before heading to my couch to try to sleep.

Sitting down, I move the blanket and swing my legs up onto the couch, pulling the blanket back over me. I lay down facing the back of the couch and close my eyes. After twenty minutes of flipping and flopping back and forth and adjusting my pillows and blanket, I give up. Nothing is working. I can’t get fucking comfortable.

“Dammit, King! Get in this fucking bed. I won’t even face your way. We have shit to do tomorrow, and it’s important. You need to be on your best game. Plus, if you sigh or roll-over, making the couch rustle one more time, I’m going to suffocate you with your fucking pillow!” Luci scolds.

I thought she was asleep and couldn’t hear me rolling back and forth or my annoyed huffs. I relent, grabbing my pillow and heading to the opposite side of the bed. Nat mumbles a thank you as she relaxes back into the comfort of her blankets.

“You better stay on your own side of the bed tonight, Kash. I’m not a snuggler,” I chastise as I slide under the same blanket as her, releasing a sigh as I settle down deeper into the bed. The last few nights on the couch had me missing a bed I can actually stretch out on and a blanket that actually covers me all the way.

I’m lost in thought with my eyes closed when I feel something soft and warm caress my leg.Luci is trying to play fucking footsie with me?Christ, does this woman ever listen to anything she’s told? She was specifically told not to touch me. I move my leg with a jolt, growling at her to knock it the hell off.

Laughing, she rolls over and says, “You’re so easy to wind up, King. You should try to relax sometime. Have a little fun.”

Ignoring her, I turn on my side, facing away from her. I’ve just gotten comfortable and start to doze off when I feel her ass push up against me. The heat from her skin burns me through those thin panties she has on. For fuck’s sake!

“Luci, you have about three seconds to get back where you belong, or you’re going to find out what happens when you don’t listen to me. I only have so much restraint, and you’re pushing the fucking line tonight.”

She pushes back against me a little more.




She fake snores, and wiggles her ass just a bit.That fucking does it!I climb out of the bed quickly and storm over to her side of the bed. Grabbing hold of her roughly, I turn and sit down on the edge of the bed, positioning her so that she is bent over my lap.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she yells angrily at me.

Reaching over her, I grab one wrist and then the other, holding them both with one of my hands against her lower back. With my free hand, I rub her ass softly before grabbing her little blue panties and ripping them off of her. She gasps but otherwise stays silent.

“I’m giving you the punishment you deserve, Luci. You’ve been a naughty girl, not listening tonight. Pushing my boundaries when I told you to stop. Making me feel things I shouldn’t feel after what you did to us with that Russian asshole. NOW COUNT!” I demand before bringing my right hand down hard on her plump ass cheek.

She whimpers, and I rub the skin that is now pink from my touch. I swat her again, this time bringing my hand down on the opposite cheek. Both of her deliciously plump asscheeks are now marked pink by my hand. She squeezes her thighs together, and I can see the proof of her desire starting to glisten at her core.

“Count, Luci, or I’ll add two for every time you stay silent,” I reach between her body and mine to adjust my hardening cock.

“One,” she murmurs quietly.

Giving her cheek an approving squeeze, I raise my hand again, only to bring it down with another firm smack.

“Two,” she says, and her voice gains more confidence.

After giving her five good swats while she counted like a good girl for me, I decide she’s had enough. For tonight, at least. Releasing her from my lap, she rolls off of me and stands up quickly. She’s staring at me while I watch as her chest rises and falls rapidly, pupils blown wide with desire and her juices leaking down her thighs. She looks hot as fucking hell.

For a few seconds, we just stare at each other without saying a word. Her eyes glance down at my hard-as-steel cock, and before I can say another word, she’s straddling my lap, attacking my mouth with hers. Reaching down, I snag the hem of her shirt and pull it over her head, tossing it to the floor beside us. I move my kisses from her lips, down her throat, and to her luscious tit before popping a stiff peak into my mouth. I roll my tongue around her nipple a few times before nipping at it roughly. She moans and wraps a hand around the bun I’ve tied my long hair up in, holding me to her breasts as she grinds her bare pussy against my cock.
