Page 57 of Exposed

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Laughing, Nat says, “Oh, shit! Marcela, my bad, I keep forgetting it’s you, I barely recognized your ass in a dress.” Marcela flips her off, laughing and walking towards the door.

Nat calls after her, “You also look fuckable, Marcela! You’re more than welcome to join my harem?” She finishes her sentence with a dramatic wink to us guys.

Marcela throws her head back, shaking it and cackling, but leaves without an actual response.

Then King leans down, nipping at Nat’s earlobe playfully, and whispers, “I thought we said no more, Luci?”

Nat blushes a little at his response. She unlinks her arms and moves around to the front of him, looking up into his eyes. “Oh, don’t you worry. You men are all I need.” She has to reach up, even in her heels, to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.

King reaches around through the slits on her dress with both hands gripping her ass. “You’re a naughty little slut, aren’t you, Luci? I bet you’re wet and needy for your men already,” King growls out.

I overhear the intimate exchange, and it causes me to let out an audible laugh since just a short time ago, King wouldn’t have been caught dead doing these things or talking to our girl this way, but I love it, nonetheless.

“Come on, love birds, let’s get moving. Save it as a treat for when we all get home later, will ya?” I tease them.

A small gasp escapes Nat’s lip, she straightens her dress and turns to head outside to the van. Conrad jumps in the driver’s seat of the van waiting for us to get in. King climbs in the back before me, his giant frame taking up most of the cramped back seat. I squeeze in beside him and slide the door shut, ready to get tonight over with. Before the door closes all the way, I see BJ. She’s in the doorway, watching us all part ways. She hollers to us, “Stay safe, kitty cats. I will hold down the fort. I’ll be right here waiting with a giant hug for you each when you come home tonight!” Then she blows a kiss our way.

Conrad turns the key, and the van roars to life. I lean over to look out the windshield and see the town car we ordered for Alexie and Marcela pulling into the driveway.Perfect.They’ll get there right after us, giving us time to get set up and into position.

We get to our destination, parking our van across the street from the club. Conrad had the van lettered this afternoon with’Pauley’s Plumbing Services’across the sides. He strategically parked over there, so it looks like the pet shop across the street is having some maintenance done.

Time slowly ticks by, with us all on the edge of our seats, overflowing with anticipation. Then it finally happens, Conrad gets the signal from the three taps on the fancy new rings he came up with that Alexie and Marcela have entered the basement. He pulls up the video feed for us to watch; it shows us the view from Marcela’s necklace so we can all be on the same page and learn the layout a little better of tonight’s event. He lets us know to be ready for the signal to go to the door.

“Luci, you better be fucking careful,” King says with a deep sigh.

She places her hand on his leg, saying, “Don’t you worry about me, King.” She then looks at both King and me. “Both of you just take care of yourselves in there, okay? I need everyone to come back alive, you don’t have to be unscathed, but you must be alive, got it?” she demands sternly.

Looking directly into her eyes, I confirm, “You got it, Little Fox.”

I reach to grab her right hand and bring it to my lips, giving it a sweet kiss.


Wepulluptothe gentlemen’s lounge where my papa had instructed us to meet him. I am ready to end this tonight, to retrieve Katia and bring her back to Natalia, safe and sound. Also, I am fully prepared to put a bullet or knife between my papa’s eyes. I’ve always loved him, but I can’t stand beside him as he sells human beings. Let alone ever forgive him for taking Katia and staging her death, then telling Natalia that I’m the one who murdered her.He will regret the day he ever shot his cum in Mama’s womb.

I grab Marcela’s hand as we exit the vehicle, and she places her hand in the crook of my bent arm while heading toward the entrance. I open the door and hold it open for her like a proper gentleman. She strides in, and I follow behind her. Taking the place in, it looks like every other fancy Vegas Gentlemens’ Lounge, nothing out of the ordinary or that screams skin trade, but I know there is more than meets the eye because Papa said to meet him here.

Arms linked at the elbows once more, we make our way through the lounge. There are armed men all around the room, but they just watch us closely as we head to where I know Papa will be. Following the signs marking the location of an office, I led Marcela to him. Not bothering to knock, I swing open the door and stroll inside. As predicted, my papa sits behind the dark mahogany desk in a velvet maroon suit jacket, smoking a cigar with one hand and holding a highball of Russo-Baltique Vodka in the other. “You never did have any manners, Son,” he chuckles while taking a sip of his drink.

“You asked me to come, so here I am,” I retort. I will not bend to him nor let him in on any of the secrets I’m harboring. He won’t ever know what hit him or that this whole night is a trap set up by his son. His eyes move from me to Marcela, taking her in, while his soulless eyes fucking her.

As he’s perusing Marcela’s body, I catch him giving a quick nod to someone behind me. I glance back to see what the hell is going on and see some of our men coming toward me and Marcela. Turning my head back, I raise a brow in question to my papa.

“You can’t think I’d just blindly let you walk right in here after months of being gone, Alexie?Glupyy mal’chik.You and your date need to be searched before I continue this conversation. So be a goodmal’chikand let my men search you,” he hums. The men kick our legs apart and pat us down before another one steps into the room with a wand and runs it over both of us. Looking at Papa, the man with the wand gives an approving nod and flees the room. The two men who patted us down take a spot on either side of the office door with their arms crossed. Rolling my eyes, I focus my gaze back on my papa.

“Can we move on, or are we still playing child games, Papa?” I snark.

“I’m just glad to seemoy mal’chikis alive and well. Who do we have here, though? Did you beat me to Julieta Marin?” he purrs, licking his lips as he continues his lusty gaze over my partner.

Laughing like he just told a good joke, I wait a minute and then clear my throat. “This is my date for the evening. Her name is Marcy, and I met her this morning at the casino.Ona podula na moi kosti i sdelala menya bogache(she blew on my dice and made me richer), so I brought her along tonight as my plus one,” I wink at him. I run the back of my pointer finger down Marcela’s face seductively, hoping the extra touch shows papa this isn’t a ploy.

He grunts and reaches down, and adjusts himself behind the desk.Bol’noy Podonok!He makes his way around the desk and to the door. Opening it and motioning for us to follow, he says, “Come, we have much to discuss.” We do as he says and follow him from the office. As we are making our way down a hall to a door-marked ’stairway.’ I glance at Marcela and raise a brow at her, checking in. It’s the best I can do in this situation. She nods, and we descend the stairs.

“Where is yourshchenok, Ivan, tonight?” I ask when we are about halfway down the staircase. I haven’t seen him yet, and that is strange. Usually, he is up my papa’s ass. I plan on strangling him with his intestines tonight, so he better be here somewhere.

“ThatPodonokis around here somewhere. You know how he is,mal’chik;always watching, never seen. That’s what makes him Umbra.”

Upon entering the basement, we see it doesn’t look like a basement at all. Dark tile covers the floor, and high-end-looking velvet chairs surround black tables everywhere. The walls are covered in black and silver drapery, and the bar is a pure white marble with gold flecks. There is a crowd gathering asSweet Dreamsby Besamorph plays over the speaker system.
