Page 58 of Exposed

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Mostly, everyone is dressed in fancy tuxedos and elegant gowns, like me and my date for the evening, but there are a few people wearing lingerie and wearing collars around their necks. They are not as well ’taken care of’ as the rest of the groups. They must be ’merchandise’ bought at previous sales. I feel a tight squeeze on my forearm and slightly turn to reassure Marcela that we will save as many of these people as we can tonight. Tapping my onyx stone in my ring three times, I signal to the others that we had entered the basement area.

“This is the main area where the buyers sit and wait to bid on the merchandise once the sale begins. I had a designer come in and decorate the whole place to give an…’ominous chic’is what I think she called it,” he boasts. “Doesn’t matter. She was sold, so she wouldn’t speak of what she saw.”What the fuck is wrong with this man?This isn’t the Papa I grew up with. Yes, he’s always been ruthless and cold, but never with pedestrians. Never selling a woman because she did the job she was literally hired for. I don’t know this man, and I can’t wait to eradicate him from existence.

He leads us up onto a stage, and even though we are off to the side, the lights still blind me. I have to squint just to look out onto the sick pigs who think their next fuck will be bought here tonight. If only they knew the hell that was about to rain down on them. As Papa is yammering on in excitement about his new adventure in sales and marketing, a woman almost knocks into Marcela. She glares at Marcela, and I bare my teeth to her.

“Oh, this is Samantha, our emcee for the night,” Papa introduces us. Samantha shoots daggers at us, giving us a once over and dismissing us like we are gum on her shoe. “Samantha, this is Alexie, my son.” Samantha’s eyes widen in shock and, more than likely, fear. Because she just looked at the Volkov heir like he is filth. She sticks her right hand out in greeting, but I slap it away and spit on the ground at her feet.

“I’m ready to see more. Let’s move on.” I turn, ignoring Samantha and giving my attention to Papa. He just gives a light chortle and spins, waving us to follow him once more. We continue our tour down a dark hallway that has doors on either side. Each door has a guard standing outside and is labeled with a number range. I’m assuming they are the age ranges of the victims inside.

“Kakogo Khrena! What would someone want a baby for?” I stop short and ask, my tone giving away my rage at someone so small being here. Marcela gasps as she hears my question and sees the label on the door I’m frozen in front of.

“Not my business as long as we get our money. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it’s someone who wants a child but cannot have one, and they come here to ’adopt’. That’s the case for most of the smaller kids up to…like, age four, but after that, the tastes get more nefarious,” he explains nonchalantly.I want to stab my knife through his eye and feed it to him like a lollipop.

He must be able to tell by the look on my face that I am not as on board as he thought I would be with his new endeavor. “Look,Mal’chik, it doesn’t matter to me as long as we get the money and they leave no mess for our crew to clean up. Nothing can happen on the property. They must take the purchases and leave, then it’s out of my hands.”

I school my features and nod my head in agreement. “Makes sense. I am just excited by all this. You’ve been running this big enterprise without me. Papa, you kept something large from me, how will I be heir if you hide things?” I question, hoping that it will appease him if I make it seem like I’m upset over not being told instead of what’s going on.

He gives me a once over, thinking about his next words. “I wasn’t sure the reason for your vanishing act, and you’ve been gone awhile, Alexie. I asked you here because you are my son, but you will have to prove your loyalty to the Volkov empire once again tonight,” he tells me as he treks further down the hall. Stopping in front of a room labeled twenty to thirty, he opens the door, and I see that the room is lined wall to wall with cages full of men and women wearing nothing but what they were born in. All are crying or screaming for help. My stomach rolls as I take them all in.

“Why is there an empty cage,” I ask as I scan the room looking for Katia. If she is here, this would be her age group. I don’t see her though, and a pit forms in my stomach.Where is she?

“Oh, that is reserved for our prized auction of the night. She hasn’t arrived yet.” He preens like a peacock. “That sale will be what tests your loyalty to me,moy’ malchik. So pay attention or pay with a bullet.”

I curve my lips up, baring my teeth in a spine-chilling smile. “Well, then, we should head back to the main area. I’d like to see how things operate from a buying standpoint. Plus, without Natalia here, it will be good to have someone out there listening for any usable information. Marcy, baby,” I say, looking at Marcela. She smiles and just bats her lashes at me. “You’ll be on the sale right before the main event.Eto bylo, veselo(It’s been fun babe).”

“You can’t do that!” she screams and raises her arm to slap me. I grab hold of her wrist in my left hand and her chin with my right, squishing her cheeks together roughly.

“I’ll do whatever I damn well please. Now you’ll be a good girl and sit with me and look sexy being the heir’s date, and when the time comes, I’ll sell you. If you want to keep making a scene, I’ll fuck you dry in front of the guests before slitting your throat. Are we clear?” Her eyes flicker back and forth between mine, and she whimpers, nodding her head once. I release her, patting her on the head. “Good girl.”

I hear my papa chuckling behind me, but I pay him no mind. I place my hand on her shoulder, pushing her in front of me towards the main area so we can get tonight’s festivities underway.

We’ve watched about ten ’lots’ be sold. Cages are rolled out onto the stage in groups; then one by one, each cage is pushed to the front of the stage when it’s their lot number. The cages all hold a victim unless they’re a child, then they are led around the stage in chains as Samantha reads their bio to the audience. Which consists of age, hair, eye color, and measurements. The bidding is intense as men and women raise their paddles in the air, vying for the opportunity to be the ones who will destroy these innocent lives. Children and virgins, it seems, are the most sought-after. I’m sick to my stomach just sitting here, and I pray we get each one of these victims out of here tonight.

Papa leans over and whispers, “This is your legacy, pick a pussy tonight, and it can be yours. A prize for coming home.” Luckily, I don’t need to respond to that because Marcela interrupts, whining.

“Baby, please don’t do this. Whatever you want, I will do it. I can be such a good girl.” She sniffles at the end of her statement, causing eyes to flash our way. I growl at her before standing up and yanking her up after me. I push her down over the table and spank her ass once, hard.

“You do not interrupt me when I’m enjoying the show! Understand? Don’t think I won’t be teaching you a more thorough lesson away from prying eyes,” I grind out at her, and she whimpers but says nothing. I grab her hand and haul her from the room, following the sign for the restroom. We head back to the main floor where the prints Conrad found told us the only bathroom is located.Inconvenient from a business standpoint.Shaking that irrelevant thought from my head, I focus on the task at hand.

We arrive in the hall with the restroom and the employee entrance. Marcela taps the stone on her ring to signal the others before peering around the corner, peeking out while I watch the hall behind us to make sure no one followed us. Marcela holds up two fingers, telling me there are two guards by the door. She stumbles out into the hallway in front of them, giggling, and then straightens up, trying to walk down the hall. Making it to the guards, she throws her arms around them while stuttering over her words and getting worked up. Her act of being intoxicated has them turning their backs to me. Now that she has their full attention, I sneak up behind one while he’s ogling Marcela, grabbing him and quickly snapping his neck. Marcela knees the other one in his crotch, and as he falls to his knees, I put a hand on either side of his head, killing him with one quick jerking motion. Marcela then moves to the door, opens it, and lets King, Natalia, and Stryker enter the hall. Immediately, we all give each other a once-over. King looks at Marcela and then whips his eyes to me. “Why does she have fingerprint marks on her cheeks? You asshole!” he whisper-yells so as not to attract anyone’s attention.

Marcela pats his chest. “Relax. He had a part to play, and he played it well. I’d like to think I did too. Nat, girl, I don’t know how you do it. He only spanked me once, and that was enough for a lifetime.”

King and Natalia’s heads both jerk my way, and while King looks furious,Malyshkahas an eyebrow quirked at me. Nat hands me and Marcela our comms now since we’ve already been searched. Grabbing mine from her delicate hand, I place it in my ear and grab Marcela’s hand to make our way back to the basement. We can’t be gone long, or Andrei will get suspicious. Before we make our way back to the auction, I grab hold of Natalia’s arm, warning her about Ivan being in attendance.

Marcela and I turn to leave, but I can’t go just yet. I turn back around. “That puts my score at two, boys,” I make sure to let them know with a gleeful tone.Let the best man win.

We enter the basement, Marcela and I first. The rest of the team will come in later after they clear the guards from the top floor and get everyone else to safety. We didn’t want any sign that we were all together. Thankfully, the designer made it so dark in here that with the lights being all focused on the stage, Natalia will be able to sneak around without being recognized as long as she avoids Ivan and my papa.

As we get back to our table, I notice my papa has disappeared from his seat. I look around to see if I can spot him, but he’s nowhere to be seen. I sit back in my chair and act unaffected in case he is watching me from a distance.

A few more people are sold while we wait for the team to handle the main floor. There’s nothing we can do but sit here feeling disgusted at what we are witnessing. Praying when the shit hits the fan soon that we are able to save all these people from the fate my asshole papa has chosen for them.

Feeling a tap on the shoulder, I glance out of the corner of my eye and see Stryker pass us.Perfect, they’ve all made it to the basement without incident.The com in my ear turns on, which verifies the top floor extraction went smoothly, and everyone is now down here with us. I scope the room, seeing King and Natalie heading towards the hall backstage, where all the victims are being kept. Stryker is heading straight up the middle of the room to the front of the stage. That leaves me to take stage left, which is perfect since Papa will think I’m just leading Marcela up to be sold. When in reality, she is heading to the exit to make sure the innocents are safely evacuated and sent up to Conrad.

Samantha must not have gotten the memo that we were having a last-minute addition. Either that or Papa is testing me again right now. Samantha announces it is the last sale of the night, and out comes a cage being rolled to the front of the stage. The woman is caged and shackled, but her head is still held high.Katia.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special treat tonight. You may have seen this pretty face here before, and we heard your wishes for her to be on the stage. Your wish is our command. Shall we start the bidding at…two million?” Samantha coos out.
