Page 7 of Exposed

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I open my mouth to yell at them all again, but Natalia cuts me off before I can even get started.

“STOP IT! All of you, knock it off. Yes, I’ve been locked in a cell. It was miserable and dark, but they fed me. It was fucking uncalled for to be locked up, and I’ll die before you send me back down there. However, I deserved punishment. I formed friendships and more with people on this team while keeping secrets. I didn’t outright betray you. Everything I did was to find Alexie, and then it became about protecting all of you,” Natalia admonishes.

I try interjecting, to say something, but she doesn’t let me continue her speech. “And you,” she says as she whirls to stare at me. “’I’m sorry’ That’s the text I get when you disappear? You were working on finding Katia’s murderer, and then you’re just gone for days on end. Andrei comes to me saying you killed her, and I need to find you. Then I get a text that only says, ’I’m sorry’. Just what the fuck are you sorry for, Alexie? I’ve loved you since I was a child. We’ve been together since we were sixteen, and you just send a text and then disappear off the face of the planet for months?”she yells furiously.

“I’m sorry I left and didn’t say goodbye. I found out that Katia was still alive and that Andrei and Ivan were covering it up. When I delved a little deeper, I found out they’re running a trafficking ring, and I had to see Katia for myself. I didn’t want you involved since we know what happens when you stand against Ivan,” I tell her, staring into her deep green eyes.

“I love you,Malyshka.I always have, but you were safer if I was on my own. If I knew father would send you here to find me, I would have contacted you so we could have made a plan. Now, it seems like he has sent Ivan to deal with you. You must not have been compliant; were you naughty,Malyshka?” I ask, grinning at her and teasing her like old times. She’s never been good at following orders. My father only kept sending her on jobs because she always got the information he wanted, she just did it her own way. He didn’t care as long as he got what he wanted in the end.

Conrad-I’m not calling any of them Agent-speaks up, saying he has work to be done, and he’s heard enough for now. He leaves the room after nodding at Natalia and giving her a sad half smile. I see the way they’re looking at my girl. It seemsMalyshkaand I need to have a chat. King also gets up and follows him from the room, saying he’s going to check in on him. They can do what they want. I have some making-up to do with my girl.

I’m sitting up in the bed with my back flat against the headboard. Natalia is sitting next to me, holding my hand. I grab her waist, pulling her so that she is straddling me; shoulder be damned. I want to feel my girl against me. “Malyshka, I missed you so much,” I say as I press my lips to hers. She opens her mouth when she feels my tongue pressing against the seam of her lips, allowing me entry. Our tongues dance together as I run my hand up under her shirt to pinch her nipple. She moans into my mouth, so I nip her bottom lip with my teeth.

“I don’t know if I should forgive you, Alexie. You left me,” she whines against my lips.

“Zaychik, I love you. I promise to never leave again. I’ve told you why I had to leave. I swear it was to keep you safe and to find Katia,” I say with urgency.

“You’re lucky I can tell when you’re lying. I forgive you, but you have a lot of making-up to me to do,” she whispers and starts to grind her pussy against my pants-covered cock.

“Take my cock out,Malyshka, let me feel you from inside you,” I mumble against her mouth. She runs her hand down my chest, heading in the right direction, when a throat clears behind her.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I’m not sure it’s wise to fuck in your condition, Volkov,” Stryker says, glaring at us.

“Oops, it seems we forgot we still had an audience,Malyshka,” I say with a snicker, and she just giggles at me.

“Sorry, Stryker,” Natalia says as she moves off of me to go sit in the chair across the room where that giant asshole was when I awoke. I’m not sorry, but that’s okay we have plenty of time to reacquaint my cock with her pussy.

“It’s fine, Little Fox. I’m going to step out and send King back in to watch over our friend, Alexie, here,” he says with a wink as he strides from the room.What a peculiar name he’s called Natalia.I’m going to ask her about that and why all these men are looking at her like she hung the sun.

“When you said you formed friendshipsand morewith the team, are you talking about the men,Malyshka? Did you form connections with the assholes who locked you up? You always have been a naughty little girl, haven’t you?”

She blushes but answers me without breaking eye contact. “Yes, I have feelings for the men. It started out as just a job, but then it became so much more. They cared for me and made me feel things I was missing since you disappeared and Katia was gone. I didn’t intend to have this be anything more than a job, but then I fell for Conrad and Stryker. They were on board from the beginning to be with me at the same time. King is another story that is way too complex for the time we have.”

I stay quiet, just nodding my head at her admission.

“It doesn’t mean I don’t love you, Alexie. I’ll love you until the day I die. I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I have room in my heart for all of you,” she says just above a whisper.

I can tell she’s worried I’ll leave or make her choose. She forgets that she is my heart, and the other part of my soul. She was made to be mine. It’s not exactly ideal to share my soulmate with others, but if that is what I must do to keep her as my mate, then I will do that. The others will have A LOT of proving themselves to me after they locked her up, though. “Malyshka, I would never make you choose. I’m not happy that they locked you up after you tell me that they have feelings for you, but it’s your heart and feelings. If you need them to be happy, then who am I to stand in the way? As long as there is always room for Alexie Volkov, then I’m open to sharing you with them. But Natalia, do they know any of this? How you really feel?”

“Conrad and Stryker know, and yes, they feel the same about me, or at least they did until they found out about my secrets. King is complicated,” she says with a sigh. “We kissed twice, both were in the heat of the moment, and both ended with him choking me and calling me names. The last time he kissed me was the day you were shot. He was kissing me and touching me when he received a video of Katia, you, and me together. He called me a cunt and choked me.” With that admission, she reddens some more.

“Oh,Malyshka, you are a kinky girl, aren’t you? Four men needed to please you? Four cocks to pleasure you?” I ask. My cock growing hard at the thought of my girl being shared between all of us. Full of cocks everywhere she can fit one.Or two.Natalia gets up from the share and comes to sit on the side of the bed. She grabs my hand in hers, locking her deep green eyes with my bright blues.

“Alexie, what if they don’t forgive me? I’ve been intimate with Stryker and Conrad, and you know I don’t do that with just anyone. What if I gave them a piece of me I can never get back?” she asks, holding back tears. “I owe you an apology as well, Alexie. I created a whole new life pretty much without you. I swear, on my life, I love you with everything I have. I’m sorry for being intimate with other men even though you were the one that ghosted me,” she apologizes as a sob escapes her.

“Malyshka, if they don’t forgive you for keeping secrets to keep your family and them safe, then they don’t deserve you. You are forgiving me for secrets, so they should do the same. If they can’t find that in themselves, then they don’t deserve you. Tell them how you feel; explain why you did what you did. You’ll have to tell them about Ivan,Malyshka. Tell them everything, leave nothing out.Wehave nothing to hide. I want my father to rot for what he’s doing,” I tell her sternly.

Grabbing her chin, I force her deep green eyes to look into mine. “I will love you until the end of my life. I will not leave you again. We will get through this together just like we’ve survived everything else.”

We hear a sharp intake of breath, and we both turn to look where -or, rather, who- it came from. There stands King, the asshole, standing in the doorway, looking at Natalia. I’ve never been one to mince words, so I ask right away. “ How long have you been standing there? How much did you hear?”

“Enough,” he says, still looking at Natalia. She is staring at him with a small smile on her face. “Come, Luci, you should get cleaned up. We have a lot to discuss.”


Enough?I wonder just how much King heard.Oh, God! Did he hear me refer to him as a Viking?That’s just what he needs to stroke his ever-growing ego.

King’s still standing in the doorway, waiting for me to go with him. I know he’s watching Alexie and me intently, so I decide to give him a little show.Turning my whole body towards Alexie, I use both hands to cup his face. I press my mouth firmly to his and use my tongue to part his lush lips. Our tongues entwine as his right-hand grips the back of my head, pressing me closer. Thoughts of doing this little show for King leave my mind, and all my focus turns to Alexie.That’s what the asshole gets for eavesdropping.
