Page 76 of Exposed

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I holler down to them as I approach where the deck steps meet the grass, walking over to them. “Hey, we have some new info about a possible location for Andrei and Ivan by the docks. Stryker would like you guys to go with him in about an hour to have a little stakeout. Are you good with that, and will you be ready?” I ask.

“Yeah! Let me just beat this prick real quick,” King says. Alexie lets out a chuckle and rolls his eyes at him, but they both agree to be ready.

I sit back and watch the pissing match they have going on. When Alexie wins, he roasts King.

“Fuck you!” King shouts. “Dammit, you win the bet.”

Alexie lets a huge smile spread across his face and says next time they ‘play’ with Nat, he gets to show King just how fun a knife can be in their bed too.

“Oh my god, I swear some of the shit you guys do is wild. Just be ready in an hour. I’ll order a car for you guys,” I tell them as I walk back up the steps to go inside.

We all meet an hour later in the driveway. The car I had sent over just arrived. Quickly, I hook up a dash camera that records in and out of the car. It has a two-way speaker, so I can see what they see and talk with them, this way, I can be with them in a way too.

The guys all load up and head over to the warehouse. Katia and Nat have joined me in my room to monitor things too. We can see and hear through the camera that they’re sitting in the car, just shooting the shit, taking turns keeping watch, snacking, and napping.

The large building is one of the fanciest on the docks. You can tell it was probably once an office for one of the original shipping companies or something because of its location and age. It is a large two-story brick building built in a neoclassical style to match most of Chicago’s old architecture. It’s beautiful.

Finally, around one in the morning, a black SUV pulls up, and Andrei gets out, walking into the building. We keep an eye on the building as the hours tick by but see no other movement.

It’s almost eight AM, and Stryker speaks to us from the car. I get out my phone quickly and call BJ and Marcela, once they both answer, I put it on speaker so they can hear what the stakeout crew has to say.

“Andrei is here, but we can’t see anything going on inside,” Stryker says. “We’re going to need to get some eyes on the inside.”

“I volunteer,” Alexie’s voice comes over the speaker.

“Calm down, Katniss,” King tells Alexie.

“Wait,” Nat says, leaning forward to talk more directly into the speaker. “You never told me you were a Hunger Games fan, King. I can totally see you in District Two.” Nat and Katia burst out into laughter behind me.

“We can all discuss King’s love for young adult books later, so let’s get back to getting someone on the inside,” Stryker commands.

“Yes, boss,” Nat replies.

Stryker continues, “It can’t be someone from our team. They will recognize everyone at this point.”

We agree with his idea since we aren’t sure if anyone else was with Ingram or if it was just him and Marvin working with the BraTVa.

We are all deep in conversation, brainstorming who we could send in when we hear a random female voice say, “I’ll do it.” I don’t recognize it immediately, but then Marcela says, “Shut up, Laura, you will not.”

“I mean, that’s not a bad idea. Also, Marcela, why the fuck are you with Laura?” Stryker demands.

“That’s not important right now. What is important is my fucking girlfriend trying to play an undercover cop,” Marcela rages.

“So, It’s decided. Laura will call the number in the ad for renting the loft and ask for a showing as soon as possible,” Stryker tells us.

An hour and thirty minutes later, I hear the car door open quietly, and a pissed off Marcela gets in with the guys and tells them that if anything happens to her girl, she’ll kill them all.

“Ahhh, Firecracker, I shall call you that from now on. I promise she’ll be okay. You know I take the safety of my friends and their loved ones seriously,” Alexie reassures her.

“Laura called on the way over here and asked if she could view the place as soon as they could let her in. She spun a beautiful story of a recent breakup and desperately needing her own space, and they told her to come now,” she says with a tinge of pride in her tone about how her girl nailed her task.

“Before Marcela and Laura left the house, I had her put on an audio-only necklace so we can hear what’s going on, but for her safety, I didn’t want to put a camera on her since we don’t know what she is walking into,” I tell the team over the camera comms.

We all watch Laura pull up and park by the building. She gets out, smoothing her clothes out, and fixes her hair before she goes to the front door to the offices. She knocks, but there is no answer. Seeing her pull out her phone, we hear her call the number from the ad again, telling them that she is here.

The door opens a few seconds later, but the only thing we can see is a masculine hand ushering her inside, and there is no way we can tell who it is.

“That voice sounds familiar, but I can’t place it for sure,” Stryker says.
