Page 79 of Exposed

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“Yes,” he says. “My father was very short-sighted, but I believe it could be a legitimate business with the right person in charge.” He sounds so confident in what he is saying that I know he’s been thinking about this for some time.Why hasn’t he said anything to me about it? I will support him in whatever he wants to do.

I glance around the table and see that everyone else is looking at Alexie as well. Stryker has a concerned look on his face, and he has a right to be. He is currently working to take down the braTVa, and here is Alexie, talking about raising it from the ashes we’re about to burn it to.

“We will discuss thispossibilitylater,” Stryker tells him in an authoritative tone. “Let’s finish this, and then we’ll talk about what’s going to happen with your business venture.” Alexie agrees by nodding to Stryker.

“When we are in the building, we take out anyone we can, but if we can bring Andrei in alive, we will.” There are gasps and sounds of concern from the entire table.

“No way,” Katia speaks up.

“Listen,” Stryker addresses not just Katia but the entire team, “if we want him to pay for his crimes, death will be too easy for him. He can also lead us to his partners, which will help us recover more victims of his auctions.”

Katia lets out a groan and slams her back against her chair but concedes. “You’re right. It’s more important to save as many victims as we can, and Andrei will lead us there faster.” No one else says anything because we all know that Stryker is right, no matter how much killing Andrei would be the preferred outcome.

“Now,” Stryker begins again, “most of us don’t know what Ivan looks like, but now know he’s in there. We’re going to depend on Nat and Alexie to point him out if he’s there. Once identified, he gets taken out immediately. With everything we know about him, leaving him alive is not an option, nor will it further us in saving any innocents.”

Marcela sits forward in her chair, asking, “You left me out, Stryker? Are you that pissed off that I brought Laura here?”

“You will provide a distraction,” Stryker tells her. “Before we move into the building, you are heading to the Kandy Factory to start a little fire.” Marcela perks up a little at that. “Conrad will signal you, and you are to start a fire, making sure that all the men at the Kandy Factory stay put to deal with the fire. We don’t want anyone showing up uninvited to our operation. Start the fire and head to us. You will park by Conrad here,” he points to a parking lot next to the image of the building. “If we need backup, you are coming in or helping as a getaway vehicle.”

“Got it, boss,” she says.

“We are going in tomorrow night, darkness will help with our cover. Get some rest,” he dismisses us. “We’re meeting back here to review and prepare at five tomorrow night.”

King shoots out of his chair, and Alexie does the same. “Rematch, Prince-y?” Alexie taunts.

“I won’t hold back this time, Volkov,” King replies. “I’ll fucking show you who should be able to go into all three rooms.” They continue to bicker back and forth as they walk out of the room.They have a fucking problem.Next, Marcela and Laura get up and walk out. Marcela starts in again on how she doesn’t like Laura being so involved, but Laura is not allowing any of it.

“So, do you want to hang out upstairs?” Katia asks, leaning into me.

That sounds perfect, but I already had something else in mind. “Sorry, I’m going to put in some Stryker time,” I tell her, and her face immediately drops. “It’s not that I wouldn’t love to go upstairs with you, but this is what happens sometimes. I wish I could be with all of you at once. Actually, that’s a crazy idea. I’m not sure how that would work…” I trail off, thinking about it for a moment.The logistics could get wild.

“I get it,” Katia says to me. “I’m going to shower and then read in bed. I’ll see you later.” She gets up from her chair, but I grab her wrist before she can walk away. I pull her towards me and continue to pull, forcing her to bend down. I lean up and press my lips to hers. I release her wrist and then her lips.

“I’ll see you later, I promise,” I tell her. Katia turns and walks out of the room. I look over to talk to Stryker but notice that he already left.Sneaky fucker.

I walk out of the dining room to head to Stryker’s room. When I enter the living room, I see Stryker lounging on the couch with his head laying on the back of it. His feet are stretched out, perched on the coffee table in front of him. I move to the couch and sit next to him, close enough, so our legs are touching. He lifts his head and puts his arm around my shoulder.

“You are mine today,” I tell him.

“What did you have in mind?” he asks me. There are so many naughty things coming to mind, but there has been something I’ve wanted him to do for some time now.

“You told me once that you’ve never seenGame of Thrones.I think it’s time you met the dragon queen,” I tell him.

He grabs the remote, setting it on my lap, “Get it fired up.”Yes, Boss-man, Sir!

We are about two episodes in and laying side by side on the couch. My back is pressed tightly to Stryker’s chest, so I don’t fall off the edge of this couch. I feel his warm, calloused hand slide up my side and rest on my right breast. He leaves it there for a few minutes and then slyly -or so he thinks-starts circling my nipple through the thin fabric of my tank top. I can feel his cock hardening and pressing against my ass too.

“You’re being naughty, Boss-man,” I purr as I grind my ass against his erection. “Can’t you see I’m watching my show?”

He pinches my nipple hard. “You’re pushing for a punishment, Little Fox,” he whispers into my ear.

“We’re in the living room, Stryker,” I whine as he tries to slide his hand under the waistband of my sleep pants. I grab his hand, halting him in his tracks.

“You’re fucking almost everyone in this house, Little Fox. We all love you and can’t get enough of you. Do you think if one of your lovers happened upon us, they’d complain instead of enjoying our little show?”

“You love me?” I gasp as I stand up from the couch, which causes him to sit up. I love him but haven’t told him yet. I want to make sure he means what he says and wasn’t just saying it in passing.

“Of course I do, Little Fox. I have for a bit now. Just haven’t had the right time or place to tell you. I guess cuddling on the couch and watching your dragon queen is the best time. Not how I planned, but it is what it is,” he rambles as he runs a hand over his hair like he’s uncomfortable.
