Page 62 of One Kind Night

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He took the key, but he also put both his hands around hers. He looked as if he was going to say something, but instead he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her forehead. Nodding at Charlie, he turned around and walked down the hallway.

“Room 236 is this way,” Charlie said. “And do I want to know what’s going on between you and Jackson? What did he do?”

“He didn’t do anything,” Isabel said as she followed Charlie. “Jackson has been absolutely wonderful. So wonderful that I ignored my grandfather and what he needed from me.”

Charlie stopped walking and Isabel almost banged into her. She turned around to face Isabel and put her hands on her hips. “You’re blaming yourself for this?” She motioned to the hospital around them.

“If I’d been with Grandpa instead—”

“If you’d been with Grandpa, there wouldn’t have been anything you could have done to avoid coming here,” Charlie said. “You know that man. Do you honestly think he would have said, Isabel, I’m feeling a little like I need to go to the hospital?” She blew out a breath. “Not in a million years. Do you know where he was when he had the heart attack? What he was doing?”

Isabel shook her head. Grandpa hadn’t wanted to talk the specifics of the attack and she hadn’t pushed, figuring it was upsetting to him.

“He was going up and down a ladder all day, checking the chimneys and roofs of the cottages. All of the cottages. He was pushing himself like he always does. He probably went to bed that night, pain in his chest and all, because Grandpa Eugene is no complainer.”

“But if I had been there tonight, I would have noticed if he was dizzy or out of breath.”

“And you would have spent the night insisting he come here while he insisted he didn’t need to.” Charlie pointed at her. “You know I’m right. Look, all I’m saying is don’t blame yourself and certainly don’t blame your time with Jackson. You’re having fun with him, aren’t you?”

Isabel nodded, knowing she couldn’t lie to Charlie. The woman smelled lies a mile away.

“Then keep having fun with him.”

“I got the vibe you didn’t approve of me getting involved with him again.”

“Aw, honey, I just wanted you to be careful with your heart, but I knew the moment I saw you two in the same room that you guys would be able to pick right up where you left off.”

“But what happens next?”

“Next?” Charlie paused as they arrived at Room 236. “Next you find out about Grandpa, you do what you can for him, then you go talk to Jackson.” She stepped closer and put her arms on Isabel’s shoulders. “When I spilled into the waiting room looking for you,” she said, “I immediately saw Jackson. He was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, his head in his hands, as if one of his family members was in here. He’s worried about your grandfather. He’s worried about you. And if he knows you think being with him was a mistake, he’s no doubt worried about what that means for this relationship you both reignited. You owe him a conversation at least. You can’t walk away like you did last time.”

That last sentence hit Isabel square in the stomach, but Charlie was right. She was an adult now. Stomping away without any discussion would be childish and Jackson deserved more than that. She’d wanted to talk to him tonight, but Jackson hadn’t wanted to for legitimate reasons. A conversation like this one shouldn’t be done in a hospital waiting room while her nerves were frazzled over Grandpa.

She followed Charlie into Grandpa’s room and immediately sidled up next to his bed.

“Grandpa.” She let out a breath when he turned his head toward her and smiled.

“Hey, Belly. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

She reached for the hand he held out, feeling better at the color of Grandpa’s skin and the alertness in his eyes.

The doctor stood on the other side of the bed with a tablet in his hands, but he looked up and said, “I’m Doctor Rogers.”

“Hi,” Isabel said. “I’m Isabel, his granddaughter.”

“Nice to meet you,” the doctor said. “I’m your grandfather’s cardiologist and the tests we ran tell us his heart is functioning fine. He just overexerted himself.”

“Overexerted?” Isabel narrowed her eyes at Grandpa.

“We agreed we’d leave that part out,” Grandpa said, looking at the doctor.

“You requested I leave that part out,” Doctor Rogers said, “but I never agreed to it.”

Grandpa snapped his fingers. “Shucks.”

“What were you doing tonight, Grandpa? You promised you’d take it easy.”

Charlie let out a laugh. “And you believed him? Eugene Perri doesn’t know the meaning of the words take it easy.”

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