Page 95 of One Kind Heart

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All the way to New Zealand, apparently.

“Noah’s grandmother is on a readers’ cruise,” Krista explained. “Her reading group gals bought her a ticket for her birthday and they all went together. With Noah free for two weeks, he called Dakota and proposed the New Zealand trip. The two of them have been planning that trip since the fourth grade when they did a project on the country. All they had to do was hop online and make it happen.”

“So they did.” Leah fiddled with the clipboard in her hands and realized she should say something positive, something supportive. “Well, good. Good for them. They’re two hard-working men who deserve some time off.”

But knowing how far away Dakota was right now made something tear a little more inside Leah. Not in the way she’d expected either. She’d thought—if they were still together, that is—that if Dakota went away, she’d be concerned about his safety and be nervous over whether he’d make it to and from his destination in one piece.

What she felt instead, however, was a powerful drive to… to be with him. In New Zealand. To be where Dakota was. Next to him. Holding his hand. Kissing him as the natural beauty of the far away country put on a show for them. Making love under a moon that looked the same no matter where you were.

She… well, it was possible she loved Dakota so much that being away from him was no longer an option. This news about him not being in Maplehaven scrambled her brain.

Backing up a few steps, she sat in one of the tiny kindergarten chairs by the pick-up door, set the clipboard in her lap, and cradled her head in her hands.

“Leah?” Krista stepped into the school as well and crouched in front of Leah, balancing on the balls of her feet. “What’s happening right now? Are you having a panic attack? Should I get the school nurse?”

Slowly, Leah raised her head so her gaze met Krista’s. “I… I love Dakota.”

A smile bloomed on Krista’s face. “Yeah, no shit.”

“No, I mean… Ilove, love him. Like more than I’m afraid of traveling or losing him to some horrible accident. I love him like I need to be with him. Right now. Maybe always.”

Krista shot to her feet and clapped. “I was hoping you’d change your mind about him.” She backed up as Leah stood. “For the record, Dakota’s been miserable since last Saturday when you told him you guys were through. Like, I’ve never seen a depressed Dakota. It wasn’t attractive. At all. I want to scrub it from my mind and never see it again.”

“What do I do now?” Leah grabbed Krista by the biceps.

“What do you want to do?”

Leah let go of Krista and paced away from her. On her pace back, she stopped short. “I want to go to New Zealand.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” Krista’s smile widened.

“I mean, I could wait until he comes back, but two weeks is too long. He needs to know that I love him and want to be with him now. I’ve wasted enough time trying to get over my past. I want to start my life. With Dakota.”

“Wonderful.” Krista opened her arms. “We need to hug about this.”

Laughing, Leah accepted the embrace. “I’d rather not travel all the way to New Zealand alone, but I have to tell him how I feel in person.”

Krista held her out at arm’s length. “Oh, I was hoping you’d say that too. I’m free. Pick me.”

“Who can you get to watch Luke?”

Digging out her cell phone, Krista grinned. “I have just the folks.” She tapped her phone’s screen. A moment later, she said, “Hi, William. Can you and Chennie do me a favor?”

When she explained what she wanted and why they were going to New Zealand to Dakota’s father, William hooted so loudly Leah could hear him.

Krista pulled the phone away from her ear for a moment, shook her head, then pressed her ear back to the phone. “So, I can take that as a yes to watching Luke then?” She listened then gave Leah a thumbs up.

After she hung up, Leah asked, “Do you know where Dakota and Noah are staying?” Otherwise they’d be searching an entire country.

“I do. He left all the details with me. Can you get tomorrow and Friday off? I can make our travel arrangements as soon as I get back to the office. Birch Peak Adventures is closed until Dakota gets back. I was just going in to get ahead on some things while he wasn’t in my way.”

“I can take those days, but is it inconvenient for you to come babysit me?”

“Leah, this is an opportunity for me to see a happily ever after at its beginning. I’m not missing that, girl. Dakota is my best friend. I’ve wanted to see him settled with someone perfect for years.” She clamped her hands on Leah’s shoulders. “You are that someone perfect.”

“I hope he thinks so.”

“Only one way to find out.” Krista gave Leah a final squeeze. “You go get the days off and pack your bags. I call you later with the details.”
