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Mostly I would catch up with Xander since I’d spoken with my parents while on holiday. Xander had tagged a few of my posted photos on social media, and I couldn’t wait to share some of the fabric I picked up in Paris. Paul, Laurence, and I exited the plane. Seeing my new designer luggage set was jarring since I’d arrived at the aircraft with nothing a week ago.

Laurence and the crew were loading bags into one of Paul’s Mercedes when a Bentley pulled up. He went over to greet the driver. “Hello, David.”

I raised my brows, and Paul turned to me. “This is David. He’ll be driving you back to the Hudson. I’ll be over next week, but you can call me anytime.”

I didn’t hear anything he said as blood rushed to my ears. My stomach dived. My mind tried to comprehend how Paul could spend time with me daily and sometimes hours in bed before sleeping. Yet, he wanted to return to living separate lives?

He came over and placed his hands on my shoulders. “Nadia, please don’t be upset. I have work, and you have school. Do you need me to come back until you fall asleep?”

My skin heated, and I bit the inside of my cheek. Hearing Paul mention what he’d done aloud made me sound like a child. In some ways, that was how I was with him. He was my first real kiss. The first man I’d had sex with. Hell, he took me out on dates. Our arrangement was my first relationship, so I didn’t have the experience and tools in my arsenal to hide my feelings and disappointments. At times, Paul seemed to like my inexperience, but he had more expectations at other times. I had felt we connected at thePont de Bir-Hakeim, but he was back where we were with our arrangement. Would he ever take me seriously?

I lifted my chin high. “I’m fine. I’ll see you later.” Then I tossed my hair over my shoulder and flounced to the car. Paul captured my waist before I climbed in.

“You don’t say goodbye to me like that,” he whispered against my neck. He turned me around and kissed me all over my face until I giggled. My heart skipped beats as I held his gaze when he turned serious, studying me. He didn’t want to miss anything, and neither did I. He brushed my lips. “See you soon, Nadia.”

A lump rose to my throat as he let me go, and I watched him move back for me to climb inside the car. I couldn’t look anymore as we moved away from him. It was like losing the sun. I felt empty in the cold.

I closed my eyes and woke up outside of the Hudson. The housekeepers came down, and I thanked David before walking into the bedroom. All evidence of my first time was gone, and a brand-new duvet set and pillows were on the king-sized bed. Paul surrounded me with luxuries, but I was learning that it was him I wanted to be surrounded by. I didn’t need any luxuries.

My walk-in closet was like a dream closet, filled with new clothing from Tricia and shelves lined with shoes. There was even jewelry on the vanity.

Paul left me wanting for nothing.

Yet I couldn’t have what I desired more than anything else: him.I needed Paul, but he didn’t need me.

My dad’s voice echoed in my brain.Remember where you come from. I’d been born that day they took me to their home and loved me.

Changing into a Summerfest T-shirt, I took a pillow and blanket to one of the large empty wardrobes. There alone was the only way I could ease my mind and rest.

“Good to see you, and for the love of God, stop giving me money.”

I greeted Xander with a hug at the door of my apartment. “You need things.”

“I don’t needeverything. I’m starting to feel dirty,” Xander joked.

I pretended to laugh, but inside, my stomach squelched.

Paul told me the same when he paid me. When I used the money to make a student loan payment, Paul had cleared it entirely. He continued to overstep, and I didn’t know how to make him stop or ease my conscience in accepting his money. When I gave money to family and charities, he immediately replaced it.

He was generous with his money, but I wanted to know more than what I’d read in autobiographies and journals. He started in Paris, but since then, the only time I’d seen him was for sex before his scheduled trip to California eight days ago. We’dstayed in touch, but I missed him. He agreed to a video chat later.

The doorbell rang with a package delivery, a gift bag. “Thank you.”

Xander clapped and followed me into the kitchen. “I love surprises. Open it.”

Peering inside the bag, I recognized the box as the same one that came with the cuffs and chastity belt. My face warmed, and I left to put the gift in the bedroom. “I believe it’s private.”

Xander laughed when I returned. “He’s kinky.”

I blanked my facial expression. “I’m not talking about sex and Paul.”

“Can you tell me if he’s good in bed? Oh, forget it.” He waved his hand. “Who do you have to compare him to?”

I shrugged and took out the perogies and salad.

“Oh, I miss your cooking. Perogies! Did your dad finally give you his secret recipe?” Xander heated his plate in the microwave.

I grinned and nodded yes. “Before I left for college.”
