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We left each other, and I was going to head to the Hudson, but asked Ben, “Can you please take me to the Julliard event?”

“I should probably clear that with Mr. Crane.…”

Hearing Ben confirm what I already knew about Paul’s intentions hurt even more. Yet I still wanted to go. “I’m only going to stand in the back. Paul won’t see me at all. You’re with me, so you can’t stop me, right?”

“I can’t interfere with where a client wants to go. But I try my best not to take them places that might hurt them.”

Ben drove anyway. When we got to the Lincoln Center, he parked and led me to the commemoration. The auditorium was packed, and we could only stand along the back of the hall.

Paul played Beethoven, but he also played a song with a group of violinists. It was a haunting, beautiful tune I had never seen him play before.

“What is that?” I whispered to Ben.

“That’sAbsolution. Paul and Aubrey wrote the song together.”

Paul’s performance was flawless, though having seen him perform before, he seemed to play on autopilot. There wasn’t the passion and love that usually infused his work. However, there was a screen behind him playing a video slideshow. Most were of Aubrey playing the violin. She played in packed concert halls and on the streets of New York City.

One image was from their marriage in Prague. It was stunning in beauty and artistry. The idea that he lost her so soon after was painful to watch. Or so I thought, until they showed a short video of Paul gazing at Aubrey with all the love in his heart. And I recognized that gaze because I had it when our eyes locked across the room or in bed. However, he never returned the look. Xander’s words came back to me at that moment.“But seriously, wake up. He’s enjoyed the sex, but even that gets old after a while. What else do you have with him? He’ll move on. Your career needs to last to support your life.”

My eyes filled, and my heart shattered.

I turned to leave when someone said, “Ben, what are you doing here?” I looked up, and it was a man who looked like Paul but older. He was just as handsome, with a touch of gray at his temples. He had the same eyes and smiled as he stared at me.

“She wanted to come see,” Ben told him softly.

He reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a handkerchief. “I’m Jonas. You must be Nadia. I didn’t think we’d get to meet you today.”

“You won’t meet me. I mean, I’m not invited. I’m leaving,” I stammered.

“Nonsense. You can come to dinner with us at Paul’s house.”

Hearing Paul had arranged dinner with his family today felt like I’d been stabbed in the heart.Dinner at Paul’s? I don’t even know where he lives.

I squared my shoulders and sucked in the air. “No, thank you, Mr. Crane—”

“Jonas,” he corrected me. “And I insist.”

A beautiful woman with silver eyes came, and Jonas hugged her to him. “Hello. I’m Lily Crane, Paul’s stepmom.”

“This is Nadia,” Jonas said to her. “She’s afraid to come with us because she wasn’t invited.”

“Nonsense,” Lily said, and they laughed together. I could see the love between them, and I felt nauseated.

“Actually, I’m tired, and I want to go home. Nice to meet you, and I’m sorry.”I turned to run out of the hall.

“Nadia, stop.”

I recognized the voice behind that command. Paul’s voice worked to stop me in my tracks. His surprised face made me feel even more ill.

“I was merely curious,” I mumbled.

“I invited Nadia over,” Jonas walked up to us, flanked by the security positioned around us to keep the public back.

“She can’t come.” A woman in a designer suit and high ponytail came close and glared at me. “How could you bring your escort to my sister’s dedication?”

Escort?I cringed.What did she know about me?

Paul turned on her and snarled, “Escort? I mean, wow. Your audacity is breathtaking. You dare to lecture me, Faith?”
