Page 13 of Collide

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How can I just stop looking for him?

Uhhh hello- brother’s best friend, ring a bell?

Yeah. Loud and fucking clear.

“Let’s dance!” Maia says and my friends follow her deeper into the living room, sucked into the crowd of moving bodies.

I stay back against the wall, not drunk enough yet to dance. I pull out my phone to check for any messages.

And then I feel it.

The burn.

The fire.

The feeling I only feel from one person.


Asher Russell.

I look up from my phone and find him staring from across the room.

Yet he’s not looking at my face.

Instead, he’s eye fucking every inch of my body.

Am I imagining shit? I must be. There’s no way he’s looking at me like that. I know my pregame wasn’t that good.

Or maybe those shots Lennox fed me did more than I thought.

His costume doesn’t disappoint, the sexy cop uniform highlighting his toned body he usually hides under baggy hoodies and jeans.

When my gaze reaches his, his knowing smirk sends my body into overdrive.

What the hell is happening right now?

Damn it, I need a drink. I signal to my friends where I’m going and escape, ignoring the set of eyes literally setting my skin ablaze.

Finally I make it to the drink area and help myself to a cup of punch. One sip tells me it’s more alcohol than juice so I shoot it down like a shot and refill my cup.

“Whoa. Be careful. The punch sneaks up on you.”

Asher’s breath tickles my ear and his low voice sounds like a sexy growl, sending shivers down my spine.

Damn, he found me quickly.

He’s always had this effect on me, it’s nothing new. But lately, it seems like he's acting differently. There’s no way he has a crush like I do. I would’ve known by now, right?

The whole situation is throwing me off. Making me act weird. As if I don’t know how to act around him at all. What is even happening?

“It does? Good.” I mumble without looking at him. I need to distract myself with my friends. I push into the crowd but I feel his fingers slide around my wrist and tug me back.

I could easily pull out of his grasp but I don’t. I let him lead me backwards, through the kitchen, and out another entrance into a back hallway.

The crowd thins as he keeps walking until we reach the back patio, the yard glowing with orange string lights and various Halloween decorations.

Outside, there’s a lot less people, and I gulp down some much needed fresh air. It’s salty and sweet, the shore only across the street.
