Page 25 of Collide

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I start unpacking the box in front of me when I feel a warm hand wrap around my arm and tug. “Let’s take a break and sit.”

“A break already? I tease and fall onto the couch next to him in a heap of giggles and awkward limbs.

I quickly straighten myself into a sitting position, but Asher doesn’t let go of my arm. My entire body freezes. What is he doing?

His thumb brushes the side of my arm and a cute smile plays on his lips, one that makes my heart leap.

“Um, Ash?” I ask, afraid to ruin the moment but also wondering what the hell is going on.

“Mm, yeah?”

It’s like he’s in a trance. I’ve never seen him this way with me before. “You good?”

He looks up at me then and when our eyes lock, the air in the room shifts.

It grows hot, tense, palpable almost.

My body flushes as warmth spreads through me. It feels almost like my skin is on fire and I need a cold shower.

My mind can’t keep up, can’t process. Is this really Asher right now?

Did I suddenly slip into a dream state?

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.” Asher says in a low tone, his voice almost a growl. It does something to my insides.

“There is?”

“Mads, you—”

Mason bursts through the door and we fly apart to opposite ends of the couch. Not suspicious looking at all…

Mason gives us a weird look as he holds up the bag of drinks and boxes of pizza. “The pizza came when I was walking back inside. Perfect timing.”

Asher glances at me, I can feel the heat of his look from the corner of my eye, but I don’t look back. Instead I jump into action, needing a distraction and something to do with my hands.

My mind is still mush as I dish out pizza onto paper plates and pour soda into plastic cups.

Mason goes on and on about some football story as Asher tries to pay attention but I know he’s not. His eyes haven’t left me since Mason came back.

Our back and forth game heats up and cools down over and over again.

But this is a whole new level.

I can’t stop thinking about the parts of us touching, the movements of his fingers, and his almost confession to…to what?

What was he going to tell me?

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”

“There is?”

“Mads, you—”

Mads you what?

How much longer can we play this game?

How much longer until it all explodes in our face?
