Page 28 of Collide

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I’m already jogging back to the party, my drunk ass nearly falling several times.

But once I reach the crowd, I let it suck me in.



“Madison! Wait!” I call out after her. I jog in hopes of catching up to her but it’s too late.

She disappears into the party, the large group swallowing her up.

I stop and sit in the sand, right where I’m at. I could chase after her and try to pull her away again so I could explain to her.

Finish saying what I’ve been wanting to say but never get the right opportunity to.

That I’m in love with her but can never be with her, which I’m sure she knows. And I know I risk my friendship with her, with Mason if he were to find out, but I can’t keep ignoring her hints without some sort of explanation. She deserves that.

But she also deserves someone special. Someone who can give her the time and attention she needs. Our endless flirting won’t get anywhere and soon Mason will notice and it’ll all blow up in our face.

Even so, I want her to know how I really feel. I don’t want to lie. Because breaking both our hearts is bad enough with the fact that we can’t be together, but adding lies on top of it will only destroy us in the end.

And selfishly, I need to get this shit off my chest before it eats me alive.

Now everything is fucked up, since Madison went and kissed me. I mean, I could still tell her, but will it hurt her more now that she let her guard down?

I blow out a defeated breath and stare at the ocean. Gentle waves lap at the shore, soft and soothing, the complete opposite of my chaotic brain, the thoughts flowing in strong and steady.

“Hey, want some company?” Mason stands above me, a goofy grin on his face.

“Ha, you found me.”

When he plops down beside me, he offers me a sip of his beer but I shake my head no. “I always do.”

I love how well Mason knows me. I mainly go to these parties for him and Madison, so when I need to step out and reset, he doesn’t ask questions.

“I think I’m going to break up with Sienna.” Mason announces.

I look him over, thinking he might be drunk, but he doesn’t seem it. “Really?” I’m a bit surprised. It’s coming up on one year and I just assumed they’d pass it with flying colors.

Mason doesn’t complain much and when it comes to Sienna, he doesn’t say much at all. I don’t push it, since he’s always been reserved about his relationships.

Plus what can I say really? Can’t call someone out for being the same.

“Yeah. It’s just…fuck, man. I think we’re over at this point.”

I nod. “It happens.”

“She’s not going to take it well. I hate to say this but a text message might be the way to go.”

“Oof. That’s a low blow. But I don’t blame ya.”

“A clean break, nice and easy.” Mason makes a wave motion with his hand, gentle at first, but soon it’s anything but.

“You don’t seem too upset.” I say in between laughs.

“Nah, I’m just done. We bicker over the smallest shit. It’s not fun anymore. Nothing against her.”

“You’re too good, man. Won’t even call her a bitch even if she deserves it.”
