Page 56 of Collide

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My mother stands and walks out of the room. I hear the sliding door out to the back porch open and close.

My father sighs and leans forward on his elbows. “Fuck!” He shouts and slams his fist on the table.

I jump, his outburst unexpected. I’ve never seen my father that angry, nor does he ever hit something.

My eyes fill and I blink them away. Everything is so hard. So fucking hard.

Mason’s death has caused a ripple effect in every part of our lives. Not just mine, but my parents, Asher, our friends. Everyone close to Mason has felt some kind of change in their lives.

“I want to read the reports with you.”

My father looks at me. If he’s surprised, he doesn’t show it. “Are you sure?”

I nod. I want to know what happened to my brother. I might never know if his argument with me or his argument with Sienna caused the accident to happen but I at least want to know every bit of information available.

And I want to know everything in that single report.

After dinner and my mom is upstairs in her room, my father hands me the envelope to open. He then leaves me to read it, as per my request. He’ll read it after I’m finished.

There’s two sets of documents inside, one is the accident report and the other is the medical examiner’s report.

Accident Report Summary: Driver took a turn too fast at bottom of hill and lost control of the car, flipping over the side of the guard rail and landing upside down and into a tree. Slippery wet conditions present from rainy weather.

Medical Examiner Report:

Killed in a car crash, after the car flipped over and landed upside down resulting in blunt force trauma to the head from the impact. Person may have been alive for some time before succumbing to his injuries. Leg had been crushed and pinned beneath the dashboard, along with a broken arm. There were scratches and bruises covering the surfaces of his skin and he had also been cut by some glass from the windshield. Seatbelt had been worn and may have prevented further injuries. Toxicology report pending.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I try to take all of the information in.

He may have been alive for some time before passing?

Took turn at the bottom of the hill too fast. Bottom of the hill…

I gasp. That’s when it hits me.

The night Asher and I went looking for Mason.

We drove by a hill.

There was smoke.

Asher didn’t want to stop. Insisted it couldn’t be Mason.

Insisted it must be acamp fire.

A fucking camp fire.

Turns out it was my brother dying alone, trapped in his car.

And we didn’t save him.



I grab my car keys off the hook by the door and throw my bag over my shoulder. Tears fall from my eyes and my vision blurs. I am so pissed. So fucking pissed.

I don’t let my parents know I’m going anywhere. I just get in the car and drive in the direction of the motel.
