Page 69 of Collide

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“I love you, Mase. More than anything. I promise to live on for you.”

“Make sure Asher does too. He needs you, Mads.”

“I know.”

“I love you. Always and forever.”

I hug him tight, not wanting to let go. But I feel him slipping, disappearing right from under my grasp.

“I love you too. Always and forever.”


“Bye,” I whisper and then he’s gone.

When I open my eyes, tears are already falling.

* * *

That fall, I headed back to Sierra Cove. Because of the year I lost, I won’t graduate at the same time as everyone else.

But compared to everything else, it’s small potatoes. I can’t sweat the small stuff.

One day at a time.

That’s my new mantra.

It’s a big adjustment but my parents help every step of the way from finding an apartment, to moving in, and registering for new classes.

I didn’t tell anyone I was moving back besides Chloe. She gave me Asher’s new address and after a couple of days, I drive over there.

His truck sits outside which tells me he’s home. With a tornado of butterflies in my stomach, I ring his buzzer.

“What’s up?”

The sound of his voice melts my insides. It’s been too long.

“Hi.” It’s all I can manage, my throat suddenly dry.


I hear the surprise in his voice.

“Yup, the one and only.”

“I’ll be right down.”

I wait with baited breath and when he opens the door, the sight of him takes my breath away.

He looks good. I mean, he always looked good, but he looks a lot better than the last time we saw each other.

He doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t have to because his eyes tell me everything I need to know. He’s happy to see me.

“Can we talk?” I ask.

“Yes, of course.”

I follow him inside and he brings me to his apartment, the last door at the end of the hall.
