Page 22 of Monster Girl

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I gnaw on my bottom lip as Mr James starts assigning partners. I deflate the slightest when I realise he’s just choosing whoever people are next to. My eyes slide to Corin only to find him already looking at me and I muster up a small smile. A contemplative expression covers his face and I focus on our teacher who stops in front of us with a smirk. I really don’t know what he has against me. I give him a syrupy sweet smile as he assigns Corin and I partners which has his smarmy expression folding into a scowl. Hah.

My fingers drum on my desk as he releases us early to start discussing it with our partner and collecting information we’ll need. I’m sure lots of supernaturals will need to look into stuff that humans need, but I already love lots of human things, animated movies at the top of my list, so I have a good idea of the issue I want to fix.

“So…” I trail off, awkwardness clenching my stomach. Goddess, what is happening to me? I’m usually chill in every situation, but since I was homeschooled, I’ve never been partners with someone like this before.

Corin grins at me and I falter, my eyes widening. Wow. I swallow hard and ignore the butterflies swirling in my stomach. I need to take some bug spray to those bastards. “Do you have an idea of which human issue you’d like to do?”

My eyes narrow as I search his expression looking for any indication that he’s mocking me and not actually interested, but when I find none, I nod. “Yes; humans have a big issue with deforestation so I figured that could be the issue we try to fix.” My voice is low to avoid prying ears and Corin gets to his feet, offering me his hand. I grasp it and he pulls me up in a surprisingly smooth movement.

“Come on, I know a good section of the library with old books on runes.”

I just nod, unsure of this version of Corin. I was half expecting him to slack off and have me carry the brunt of the assignment, despite him being there for me this morning and presumably last night, which is confusing and unexpected. Following him I ponder our past interactions. I’m used to silent, broody Corin, and mischievous Corin, but ready to work and talking in full sentences Corin is new to me.

When we get to the threshold of the library I freeze, and Corin who is still holding my hand is jolted to a stop. Those kaleidoscope eyes peer into mine searchingly. I swallow hard, memories from last night flashing through my mind.Get it together Nessa. He’s obviously not going to be in there today.Swallowing again, I let out a strained breath. “I’m okay…Let’s keep going.”

“Are you sure? It’s okay if you—”

“No, I’m alright. Promise.” I send him a tight smile and shuffle forwards, stepping between the dark shelves, the ambience that was previously comforting now a little ominous. Seeming to sense my discomfort, Unicorn nuzzles my throat and hums, kneading her tiny claws into my shoulder in a mini massage. Her ministrations help ground me and I release a tense breath. We’re almost to the shelf I know well, it’s home to TheIschyrós Rune Chroniclesbooks that I love.

Corin gives my hand a soft squeeze and I jolt when I realise Oscar and Dylan must have told him what went down with me last night. My jaw clenches as I contemplate that, unsure how to take it. On one hand it was private, but on the other, I didn’t mention anything about them keeping it a secret. I shove my contemplations away for now and focus on the assignment.

We come to a stop before letting me go to grab a few thick novels from a top shelf. I scan the covers not recognising them, then grab out the books I’ve been reading. Readying myself to show him some of the ideas I had, I study him as I tug the heavy volumes out of their places and find a look of intense concentration covering his face. Maybe I won’t regret having him as a partner after all.

We settle in once we have two sizeable stacks of books and our gazes collide. A laugh falls from my lips. Goddess, this is going to take us forever to get through. Clearing my throat, I leaf through one of them, savouring the muskiness that clings to the pages. “So I came across these runes the other day and they came to mind to use, if we choose deforestation as our issue.” I rescan the page and nod decisively at the information below, before I spin the book to face Corin so he can read it.

After a moment his focus returns to me, those unique eyes of his swirling again. “I’m happy to do that. This rune would work great for that environmental aspect of the circle. I think I have a rune that could aid in optimising the power pushed into it.”

He slides a book my way and I grin reading the offered passage happily. Definitely not going to regret having him as my partner.

Chapter Twenty-Seven — Nessa

Ismotherayawnas we shuffle towards the front of the library. Both Corin and I have our arms full of books that we need to register to our name before we can leave and a great basis for our assignment written out. My eyes slide to his profile and a tiny smile tugs at my lips. The evening was definitely unexpected. I only had one class other than runes today, and it was cancelled, so we spent hours brainstorming. I got to see a completely different side to Corin, and I can’t say I dislike it. I open my mouth, but before I can speak someone lunges out of another aisle landing directly in front of me.

I jerk back with a growl that Unicorn echoes, and my tower of books goes tumbling to the floor as my claws extend, my new powers rioting in my chest at the chance of a threat. My creature is like stone on my shoulder, her body coiled tight and ready to spring as is mine. I vaguely register a curse falling from Corin’s lips as tension lines my body.No one will get the drop on us again if I have anything to say about it. My thoughts slam to a halt at that.Us?I blink before refocusing on the potential threat in front of us.

My head cocks to the side as I take in the blonde hair and willowy build…Ethan? What is he doing here?I wonder, and voice as much when he has the sense to look sheepish.Some of the tension in my body releases, but Unicorn stays unmoving. I waver, my emotions turning into a tumultuous mess as I’m confronted by my past yet again. Twice in one fucking day—not counting the minor flashbacks—, the Goddess really isn’t shining down on me today.

“Sorry, I was studying. I was actually heading out but I tripped.”

My eyes narrow as he points to a book that’s peeking out from the dark area he just came from. Not quite sure what to make of him, I simply nod before dropping down to my haunches to collect my books. Corin goes to help, shifting closer to my side, but I wave him off. He doesn’t need to drop his stack of books as well. I have them restacked and balanced in my arms in under a minute, Ethan placing one I missed on top before he steps back. I stumble to my feet—where’s grace when you need it—then take a step closer to Corin. His Mountain Man presence soothes my somewhat frayed nerves as I mumble a goodbye to the ghost from my past and hurry towards the front desk. Corin hovers just behind me as we leave the library once we have the books registered and safely stowed away. The library is actually spelled so if the book isn’t registered to your name then it physically cannot leave the perimeters of the library with you or anyone else unregistered. Which is an odd mix of cool and creepy if you ask me.

I speed walk towards one of the many balconies the school has on this floor and throw the doors open, taking in great lungfuls of fresh air. The discomfort that I’ve never really felt before that had my lungs in a vice like grip, loosens and some of my tension drains away. Part of that could also be because of the shadow towering over me, his silence reassuring me the same as any meaningful words could.

He lets my brain defrag for all of a minute before moving to lean against the railing beside me. “So…”

The word holds a world of inflection, and my eyes slide to his, but I don’t give anything away. “So… I think it’s time for me to get back to my dorm and get ready so I don’t have to explain to my roomie why I was late to meet up with her.”

Those rainbow eyes narrow, but he lets my subject change slide for now. “Hmm.” He releases a sigh before nudging his shoulder against mine. “Come on Monster, better get you back then.”

My jaw drops as I stare at him, sputtering.Monster. Of all the possible nicknames. Before I can protest, he turns away and starts walking at a fast clip in the direction of my dorm. “Asshole,” I mutter under my breath.

“Heard that,” he throws over his shoulder casually.

“Dick.” His laughter is the only response I get as I trail after him.

Chapter Twenty-Eight — Oscar

Iflailaroundlikea newborn giraffe as I try to tug on one of my socks. The stupid thing is being difficult—ignoring the fact that I probably should have just sat down to put it on—but who wants to be normal. Normal’s boring. I take pride in being one weird motherfucker. I yelp when I finally fall over, landing on my ass with a thud. Dammit, one day I’ll find my balance. I scratch my chin absently while using my other hand to tug my sock on the rest of the way. Ahh, there. Odd socks stare up at me and I smile. One is decorated in glittery little unicorns and the other motorbikes. Now if I need an excuse to smile today, all I have to do is look at my feet and remember that I have the coolest socks around.
