Page 25 of Monster Girl

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I refocus on Nessa and my chest vibrates with something I struggle to identify as my eyes clash with the black haired monster beside me.You ready?I convey silently, with a playful eyebrow wiggle.

Like you even need to ask,her eye roll conveys.

We take a moment before getting ready to go, Dumb and Dumber doing the same then Nessa shouts, “Go!” We all take off at a sprint and Nessa lets out a whoop of joy, laughing as she throws her body over obstacle after obstacle. I follow closely behind her, grinning as we keep pace with Dumb and Dumber.

Chapter Thirty-One — Nessa

Myentirebodytinglesas the finish line comes into sight and I honestly couldn’t care less about the stupid race with Dumb and Dumber, I just know that we’re almost finished. I latch onto Oscar’s arm and give his shoulder a playful bump as we sprint towards a rock climbing wall, the top marked with a Finish Line banner that shimmers with magic. I have no idea if anyone has crossed it yet. From what I can tell we’ve been moving through the course for about thirty minutes so far.

I lunge at the wall, using my claws for extra leverage as I start my ascent. Oscar quickly overtakes me and a chuckle falls from my lips when he pauses just shy of the finish line to wait for me. I don’t look around to check on the Gargoyles progress, instead I keep my focus on getting to the top. When I’m in reach, Oscar tugs me up the last few feet and we cross the finish together.

I whoop when the banner turns silver. Not first place, but second is just as good in my books. It could have gone a lot worse. Out of curiosity I move off to the side and peer over the edge wondering where Dumb and Dumber got to, I could’ve sworn they were right behind us. I bite down on a smile when I spot them at the base of the climbing wall with an angry looking fairy standing over them while cursing them out. Looks like Karma got them anyway.

Matching pace with Oscar as he heads back through the barrier and into the gym, I ask, “Sorry we didn’t get the prize. Are you okay?” He seemed more set on it then I was. I caught the way he tensed in distress when I wanted to throw away our chance at winning to kick Dumb and Dumbers asses.

“Yeah I’m fine, what about you? You didn’t get hurt in any of the fights?”

A grin tugs at my lips. “No, I’m good. Ready for a nap, though. I was really expecting the need to use more magic…”

Mrs Doray gives us permission to leave after sending a narrowed stare our way and grumbling about how the obstacle course is supposed to be an individual task and that we technically tied this time, but next time she’d mark us in whatever order we crossed the line. When she’s finished I give her a small wave as we grab our things and throw an inquisitive look at the girl who must have gotten first place before we duck out the door. “Dylan said that they build up to more magic and higher difficulty levels as you progress. The academy decides some, but the teachers decide the rest. Past that I’m not sure how it works,” Oscar explains with a shrug.

He smothers a yawn and I say my goodbyes, Unicorn sending him a friendly chuff in her own farewell before we head up to Lexi and I’s shared dorm.


I fumble with my keys as I unlock the door, forgoing using my magic like I usually do because of my sheer exhaustion. When I finally get a hold of them correctly I go to shove them in the lock, only to stumble inside when the door swings open at the pressure. My brows furrow as I try to get my bearings in the dark room. We have black out curtains, but usually leave them open during the day. I slide my hand blindly along the wall until I locate the light switch and flick it on.

My breath stutters to a stop as I get my first decent glimpse of the room. The tiny dining table is upended, as are the chairs. A mixture of cutlery, smashed plates and all manner of mine and Lexi’s belongings are strewn all over the room. My throat constricts and I drop my bag, jogging towards Lexi’s room. “Lexi! Are you here? Are you okay?” I push open her ajar door, and freeze when I see similar carnage, but no Lexi. A bad feeling crawls up my spine, winding its way around my body until I feel like I’m going to be sick.She should be here, unless whoever did this did something to her.I check my room and stumble when I get a good look at the wall behind my bed.“No…”Bloody handwriting stands out starkly against pale paint and I have to swallow down bile as I read the message.

I know you’ve been digging into things that you have no business knowing Nessa. I’ve taken your little friend as payment. Do it again and you won’t like the consequences.

My throat constricts as horror has my stomach spasming to the point that my muscles lock up, trying to keep the contents of my stomach down. The metallic scent of blood permeates the air, the only thing that keeps me from completely spiralling is knowing that it isn’t Lexi’s from the scent of it.Not yet. I shove away the unwanted thought and quickly pull out my phone to dial Lexi.I need to be sure.We have a code between us that means if we call three times in under five minutes it’s an emergency and you have to pick up no matter what. I’m a stickler for her keeping her phone on her person for that reason. I check the rest of the dorm as it rings until I get her voicemail. “Shit.” I try another three times before it starts cutting straight to voicemail. “Shit!” I slam my palm against the wall in sheer frustration. Giving up on her phone for now, I dial Oscar then Corin, giving them a rundown of what’s happened. Oscar promises to call Dylan for me and that they’ll be here in the next fifteen.

After that I bite the bullet and dial her mates with helplessness rolling through me. I question them only to find that they haven’t heard from her or seen her since this morning and I bite the inside of my cheek, before reassuring them when they start to panic—understandably—and that I have it under control. They trust me—despite us having never met in person still—but with how much Lexi talks about me, they know I’ll do anything to get her back. They’re reluctant about holding off on contacting the authorities, but I just have to pray to the Goddess that they’ll hold off long enough for us to find Lexi and get her back. I toss my phone onto the partially shredded couch after hanging up and run a shaking hand through my hair. I’ve been such a terrible friend as of late, too busy with the new school and getting to know the guys to see her. And what the hell am I going to tell her Mates? The ones I still haven’t met yet. “I promise Lex, once we get you home safe I’m going to be the best damn friend you’ve ever had.”

The words send a pang through my gut reminding me of purpley-blue eyes and a pudgy child's smiling face. I can’t lose another person I love.Goddess, please let her be safe.

Chapter Thirty-Two — Nessa

Unicornnuzzlesmythroatgently as I scrub my hands over my face, peeking through my fingers at Oscar who is pacing in front of us. The troll hasn’t been able to sit still since he burst into the room a few minutes ago. Dylan and Corin arrived seconds afterwards, and the Mountain Man had me go over everything a second time to make sure he had the whole story. Oscar’s movements pause as though he’s come to a conclusion about something and I perk up, interested in hearing their input, but knowing I have a plan that I can put in motion on my own. “We need to tell one of the instructors, I have one that—”

“No!” Corin and I say at the same time. Our eyes meet and my expression pinches as I suppress a grimace hoping he doesn’t question why I don’t want them involved. The large supernatural merely gives me a curious look before focusing on Oscar.

“We can’t go to anyone on the school board.”

Oscar's silver eyes harden, a faint flush painting his cheeks. “Why not? We can’t do anything about this. If it’s the same person who has been murdering supes what’s to say we can beat him?”

I flinch ever so slightly at the unintentional jab, but shake it off knowing he doesn’t mean it the way I took it. Being talked down to andbeing looked over because I’m a girl—who at the time didn’t have powers—was a common occurrence back home with supernaturals outside of my immediate circle. I cut those peoples voices out and focus on the here and now.

“I…I can’t tell you. You just have to trust me, we can’t go to the teachers.”

Before Oscar has a chance to press Corin harder for answers I interrupt. “What if I said that I have a way to track her.” I let that sink in before continuing. “And that I might have a plan?”

Everyone’s eyes whip to me and Dylan’s brows raise. “I’d say that you’re a little crazy, Monster Girl, but we probably wouldn’t be friends if you weren’t.”

I grin and duck down to rummage through my backpack for my laptop. I place it on the kitchen bench and set it up with efficient movements. After opening it up I log into the encrypted program that gives me access to the tracking device Lexi’s wearing. When it shows up as still active I close my eyes for a moment and offer a silent prayer of thanks to the Goddess before running a scan to find a more precise location. My fingers drum against the table as I wait for it to load, anxiety creeping into my gut.What if she’s hurt? Worse, what if she’s dead?Before I have a chance to fall into a full panic attack my computer beeps and I scramble to scan the information. It has the four primary tracking blips on screen, mine, two that are Lexi’s mates, and Lexi’s, and I focus on that for now. When the info comes up I pause and a hint of doubt hits me.She’s still on campus, maybe I was wrong and she’s fine?

I take a screenshot of her exact location then quickly open my schematics of the school to cross reference it. If the tracking device is correct and it hasn’t been found and discarded then she’s in a storage room on the third floor. What the hell? My nose scrunches up as I get lost in my thoughts for a minute.
