Page 36 of Forgive My Sin

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“You fucking hurt her, Seery, and nothing will stop me from ripping your body apart piece by piece,” Levan rasps, his voice lethal.

She lets out a humorless laugh that sends chills down my spine. Her eyes are dead as she gazes from me to Zak, and before I can react, she has the gun pointed at the helpless man. “Don’t,” I warn. I’ll die if any ofthemdo. I couldn’t live with myself.

She shuffles closer to Zakar, which means she’s a step closer to me. I know I won’t have time to reach for one of the guns, but I could get another knife. Do I have it in me to stab her? Yesterday I would have said no; today, I think I could.

“You’ve hurt him enough, don’t you think?” Levan’s voice is more level this time. Calmer, and I want to smack him because how can he be calm when she has a gun aimed at Zak? Sweet, intense, overwhelming Zak. My Zakar.

“What do you want?” I finally find my voice, and when her gaze locks on me, murderous intent swirling through the dark depths, I know, in this moment, it will be her or us. And I’m the only one in the position to ensure it’sherthat doesn’t leave this house.

“What I’ve always wanted,” she murmurs, eyeing up Levan. “I wanthim. He was supposed to be mine, but then you came along. You filthy whore. Fucking three men? How can he know you’ll ever be truly loyal to him?” The disgust in her tone is one I’m wholly familiar with, but not for the same reason as hers. I love my relationship with all three men. It’s unconventional and different but so right. I won’t be ashamed of it. Not for her. Not for anyone.

“He’ll never be yours,” I tell her. “He’s mine. They’re all mine.”

“Shut the fuck up!” she screams at me.

Her gun hand shakes, but the barrel has dipped down, so it’s no longer aimed at Zak. “You don’t like the truth?” I smirk. I need her closer to me.

“Abilene,” Levan warns with a look in his eyes telling me to back off.

Doesn’t he know I can’t? They wouldn’t if it were me. I know that now.

Noticing Seery getting increasingly agitated as Levan doesn’t pay her the attention she craves, I play on that. “I love you,” I confess to him. “I love all three of you like I never thought I could.” His jaw grinds, and there’s a tick in his temple where his pulse pounds through an engorged vein. His ire is off the charts with me right now, and as Seery takes another step towards me, I reach up my shirt for the shorter knife, slicing my skin as I drag it out, and I attack.

My hand flies up and down, over and over, as we tumble to the floor. Blood splatters in every direction, and the gun goes off before flying across the room as I smash her hand against the floor. I don’t stop stabbing through it all. Adrenaline and fear have taken hold of me, and I know that if I let her up, not only am I dead, but so is Zak, probably Val, and maybe even Levan because she knows he’ll never be hers.

I wanted so much to wake up today and let my past go, be ready for a future with the three men I love and know adore me. I wanted to wake up today and tell them I would be okay, that I wasn’t the same girl they met a week ago. I’m not completely fixed, but I’m not as broken, either.

“Abi!” I hear my name as my hand comes down again, the blade digging into my men’s abductor’s chest. “Abilene!” Levan’s voice penetrates my frenzied mind, and I stop. My breathing harsh, but I see it. I see her.

Eyes rolled back and lifeless. She’s not fighting me anymore.

Seery is dead.

“Chemo sikharulo.” Levan’s voice is tender, pleading with me to come to him. “Come here, Abi. Cut me loose. She’s dead.”

“Dead,” I repeat, twisting my body off her corpse to take in the carnage. She’s…a bloodstain. There’s so much blood. “I killed her.”

* * *


Never in my life have I been as gobsmacked as I am right now. Abilene is covered in blood. Head to knee, it drips from her like she’s been rained on. I don’t know if that wild shot hit her, I don’t know if she’s hurt, and I can’t fucking move to find out. “Abilene, get your ass over here and fucking untie me.” She gets into gear at my command, crawling over and cutting through the rope binding my wrists.

Taking the blade from her, she collapses to the floor as I cut my other leg free. “Chemo sikharulo, look at me.” Her eyes keep shooting to Seery. Guilt is written all over her face, but I won’t let it swallow her.

“There’s a grenade in my bra,” she mutters, and my eyes widen as I look for the bulge before rushing to her side to find it.

“You’re fucking insane.” Grunting as I pull it out, I place it on the chair before pressing the knife back into her palm. “Go get Val. I’m going to need his help with Zak.” She doesn’t move at first, barely blinks. She’s going into shock.

Gripping her jaw in my hand, I slam my mouth over top of hers, claiming her lips, sucking her tongue, biting and loving on her the best way I know how without slamming my cock into her tight cunt. There’ll be time for that later. “Abi, you’ve got to concentrate.”

Her eyes clear now, refocused as she looks from me to Zak. “Are you okay?”

Snorting at her concern, I feel across her body for any new holes that shouldn’t be there. “You’re the one covered in blood. I think I should be askingyouthat.” Taking her hands, I see where the knife sliced her up as she plunged it into Seery. “Anywhere else?” Lifting her shirt, I notice a long cut down her stomach from when she took the blade from under her clothes. “Christ, Abi, you came prepared.” Awe and admiration fight with my concern for her, but right now, we have to get Zak to the hospital. “Go help Val, then come back here.” She nods this time, getting to her feet and leaving the room at a run.

She’s going to be fucking traumatized, and I’m livid that she was put in this position, but I’m also proud as fucking hell, too, because I worried that this life, our life, would not be for her. She’s so soft, caring, and loving, but our woman has got balls of steel to come in here and rescue the three of us. I’m starting to wonder ifwe’renot prepared to be in her life now.

“Are you going to let me loose yet?” Zakar’s pain-filled voice draws me from my thoughts.
