Page 67 of Alien Soldier

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Her cunt pulses and contracts. She pulls me in closer, always demanding.

They are bothso demanding. Always in control.

I’ve wanted to be nestled between them since we met.


I slide inside her, my shaft enveloped in her heat while my hasp finds her other hole. The soft barbs at my tip flare and lock me inside, feeling every soft and squeezing corner of her. I rock forward and Frankie groans, writhing beneath me.

When I pull out slightly, I feel Malix behind me.

I wrap my tail tighter, encouraging him.

The head of his cock nudges my hole, then again,deeper.He’s still slick with my saliva, with Frankie’s arousal from moments ago, the ridge on top slotting into place perfectly. I groan at the dual sensation of my cock nestled in Frankie while Malix invades me from the back.

He drives deeper, slowly, and I push myself inside Frankie as she begins to crest…

…and break…

She moans into the firefern above us, contracting desperately, keeping her eyes on us every moment. Malix’s hands slide up my back and he starts a punishing rhythm, forcing me deeper inside Frankie. She screams and comes again, her hands limp beside her face, her brow furrowed as she watches us. Malix’s hips slap against mine, his hands braced on my shoulders, rough as I knew he would be.

I was ready for this, and at the same time I wasn’t ready at all.

Frankie moves her hips up toward me, clenching and rolling her hips. This is tension, balance, rhythm,passion. I bury my face in her hair and thrust one more time, and then I feel Malix spill within me as I empty myself into Frankie.

I let myself soften inside her as my tail goes slack, and Malix pulls out. For a moment, I expect shame—as humans so often feel, as the Lyra are prone to. But Malix leans forward and brushes kisses up my spine, which I’m certain has to be glowing brighter than the firefern above us.

Because I am in love, I think.

In love with how stern he is, and how gentle when needed.

How she takes me and breaks me and molds me into a better man.

I extract myself from Frankie and lie down in the pillows, my human on one side and my Lyran on the other.

I suddenly understand the pained look I see on Zandro’s face sometimes, why he tried to leave Bekah behind on Traika so many months ago.

This is war. We’re in constant danger. Before I told these two how I felt, I could keep them at arm’s length, convincing myself that maintaining casual intimacy would be enough for me.

But now…I don’t know what I would do if I lost them.

That is what scares me most of all.




I dream about Gus.

Snippets of memory, twisted in the way dreams often are. I see family dinners, hear conversations in Spanish and English, laughter and music. I fish in the bay, catch something, pull—then I’m diving into the cool waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

I surface, swim to the shore, run up the beach and fall face-first into a puddle of mud. Army crawl under the barbed wire, Gus ahead of me, alwaysahead of me, challenging me, looking back with a grin as he beats me to the finish line.

The dream shifts to anofrendacentered around a black and white skull, yellow petals painted painstakingly around the eye sockets. An ICO medal of honor—the planet Earth with a shield over it—shines silver in a nest of pink flowers, hibiscus the size of dinner plates. I zero in on that shape, on the flowers, and they grow larger and larger…

My eyes snap open, my breath coming in short gasps. For a moment, I see that skull again, the shape of it unshakeable, but it slowly fades over Malix’s face. The yellow petals ring his eye sockets, painted lines making his lips look like a grinning skull.
