Page 105 of Tainted Rose

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Her tails shot up before she scurried under the blanket, turning around; her head popped out before she glanced at me.

“MEW!” she called out.

I glanced back at Ryder who stirred, turning to his side before falling back asleep. I pressed my finger to my lips, signalling Nighty to be quiet. “Let him sleep. You know he doesn’t sleep for long,” I urged, leaning over and kissing him once on the cheek before taking my time to kiss him on his neck with every intention of leaving a visible love bite.

He moaned, stirring again but relaxing into the sheets below us, his breathing evened out as I pulled back. With that, everyone knows he’s mine. I claimed him first.

I proceeded to get cleaned up, taking a long shower before using some of the makeup I borrowed from Eli to cover the discoloured red and purple marks scattered across my chest and apparently, my neck also. I only covered the areas that would be visible from my outfit.

I slipped into some simple, black tights and a maroon t-shirt with the wordsDemon Baitplastered in thick, white lettering. I seriously needed to find out where Elias got all these shirts from.

I straightened my hair, tying it up in a neat bun before applying my makeup – aiming for a more natural look, but not hesitating to add a dash of blush to my cheeks and topping the look off with bright, red lipstick which complimented my turquoise eyes.

Thank you, Eli, for the makeup lessons.

I found the bling, stud earrings she had created. I swear fairy shifters had some crafty hands. Her ability to create such majestic looking jewellery would be any girls dream to carry such a skill.

I put the earrings in; my eyes landed on the friendship bracelet on my wrist. I was glad we’d worked things out. Whatever happened with our future relationship was up to the Starlight gods.

I made my way over to the kitchen Ryder had explained was their private one; only used by him, family and important guests.

I’d brought the carton of chocolate milk from the mini-fridge in his room, placing it in the large double door fridge before me. My eyes scanned the contents of the fridge, narrowing down the breakfast options in my head. I had more than enough to make a large breakfast.

After yesterday’s events, I was famished, and I could imagine Ryder being just as hungry. I noticed the hooks holding a few aprons on the wall next to the fridge. The variety of colours made me smile at the fabric as I noticed the small embroidery on them –Ryder, Elias, Marcus, Daniel, Kai, Mom.

I could picture my knights in their younger cycles, crowding the spacious kitchen as they made a horrendous mess.

I bet Marcus would be laughing his head off while Ryder and Daniel argued about something, Elias quietly reading a recipe book as Ryder’s mom explained to him the steps. Kai would probably be in the corner, drawing the scene out.

I giggled to myself before looking through the second row of adult aprons, easily locating Ryder’s – the only purple apron in the adult set.

I strapped it on and got to work. It was still early, but I decided to start with baking cookies, muffins and brownies, and make breakfast later on. I told Nightmare to check on Ryder frequently to see if he was still in deep sleep or beginning to wake. He’d probably shower before coming out to look for me, so I wasn’t too concerned. Breakfast wouldn’t take long.

I began playing music on my phone, bringing the device along for the trip just in case any of the others needed us and for the sake of silencing Eli’s constant nagging.

She wouldn’t allow us to leave unless we brought our phones, emphasizing their purpose of being with us at all times, even in the washroom. I thought it was ridiculous, but to save the lives of any furniture we agreed.

In two hours, I’d made multiple batches of muffins; blueberry, carrot, banana and strawberry.

I laid out the trays on the large black countertop, allowing them to cool as I placed the chocolate ones in the first oven, the second one holding the egg soufflés.

Nightmare came striding in; mewing repetitively to inform me Ryder was awake. I decided to start breakfast, making pancakes and boiling a bunch of eggs. Bacon and sausage wouldn’t take long, so I wasn’t worried about those.

I was so caught up staring at the muffins rise that I didn’t realize I wasn’t alone.

“What did my son do to score a woman who knows how to cook and put other demon shifters in their place regardless of status?”

I jumped up, turning in the direction of the gentle voice. My eyes widened at the sight of Ryder’s Mom, the Queen of Minato stood in a long, jeweled robe, her long, dark purple hair tied up into a ponytail. The hairstyle made her look young, bringing out her Tyrian eyes; the exact replica of her son.

I was ready to answer when I realized she was royalty, quickly bowing before her.

“Morning, your Majesty.” I greeted.

She laughed, the rich, light tone soared through the air, making me jump before I raised my head slightly to watch her hand press against her mouth to muffle her laughter.

“In all my Starlight’s, it’s refreshing to meet the Daughter of Arthur and Catherine, alive and safe. Rosalina, or should I say Makoto, no need to bow. We are both royals. Though, I’m very pleased with your manners and respect. It makes me wonder about your upbringing when you weren’t raised within the palace walls. And good morning,” she explained before returning my greetings, making her way to the counter and pulling out a black stool, sitting down.
