Page 119 of Tainted Rose

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Holy Starlight!

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking. Did I scare you?” the stranger questioned; her confusion was apparent. She had black hair, which was tied in a ponytail, and was the same height as me.

I could see a glimpse of her markings which were located on her medium sized breasts; her cleavage peeked out from the purple dress she wore. She wore black combat boots and was holding a small, stylish leather backpack. She had a bag filled with craft stuff she most likely just purchased.


“You said Holy Starlight.”

“OH! Sorry, I talk out loud by accident,” I apologized.

“Ah. Well, my apologies.” She bowed her head.

“No worries...what’s that in your bag?” I questioned, my eyes became distracted by the reflective coloured beads peeked from inside the open bag.

“These? They’re crystal beads! You can make crafts and stuff with them. Each colour has different powers. You can make a bracelet with one set of beads and it can heal or summon an element depending on the ones you choose. If you use a balance of multiple ones, they can do different skills as well,” she explained.

“Is it only for female shifters?” I questioned, hesitantly.

She shook her head before smiling softly, her eyes peeking over my shoulder at Marcus who was staring at his phone.

“There’s a section for boys and girls. My boss is waiting for me, so I have to leave, but I can show you real quick which ones are the best. Who are they for?”

“ Hmmmm, let’s just go with love interests.” I blushed, scratching my head as I let out a nervous giggle.

“Multiple interests huh. Hehehe, totally fine by me. Why choose?” She winked at me, her bright purple eyes and mischievous smile reminded me of Ryder.

She helped me pinpoint which ones to get for each of the boy’s and Eli before I thanked her.

“Um...can I ask a weird question?” I voiced softly as I picked up the basket filled with goods, ready to ask Marcus if I could buy them.

“Sure! I like weird. Normal is totally boring.” She shrugged.

I like her.

“Do you have an older brother...or siblings?” I questioned.

She gave me a sad smile.

“Nah, I’m an orphan, but I got adopted by a family in Wintalyn. I have a pretty good job that allows me to travel around the realms. I’m here for work,” she explained, solemnly.

I frowned. I’d seen a picture of Anya at her death anniversary, the little girl’s vibrant eyes, hair colour and couture of her face looking so similar to the girl before me.Wouldn’t that be my luck if there was such a chance of her still being alive.

“Oh. Sorry for asking such an intrusive question. You just reminded me of one of my boyfriend’s sister who went missing cycles ago.”

“That’s depressing. Hey, you never know. Maybe, she’s out there somewhere. As long as you have faith in the stars, you never know what to expect.”

I nodded giving her a genuine smile.Too bad...she’d be a nice friend.

“My name is Anna, but it seems everyone can’t remember the “A” at the end, so simply call me Ann. A pleasure to meet,” she introduced before trailing off.

“Makoto. Everyone calls me Mako.” I introduced myself.

“Mako. I like it! Very unique.” She shook my hand.

“I know. I’m one of a kind.” I joked as we both laughed.

“I better go! I hope we get to meet again Mako!” She gave a curtsey before taking off in a sprint, turning back once more and waving again.
