Page 124 of Tainted Rose

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He was standing next to me, his arms crossed against his chest as he glared. I could practically see the anger seep out of him.

My eyes trailed across the room, landing on EliaseAnne, her body leaned with Ryder, her eyes closed. I had stated my concern, her complexion still pale, but she reassured me she was well when we exchanged greetings.

Kai paid no attention at all, sitting on his stool and concentrating on the sketch before him. He twirled his pencil, as usual.

The angel was the only calm looking one, but I paid him no mind. I still didn’t like him, though his angel spirit seemed to know what he wanted. Makoto knew my history with Samuel. The feelings I held for him and the way he had manipulated me. I knew it was hard on her, feeling what I felt for the angel across the room, but I didn’t want to see her hurt by him. If he didn’t love her, then she needed to know. I just needed to find the way to explain that to her.

“I...I failed the group exam. The headmaster gave me the chance to take a make-up exam, but I need a female shifter to go with me. The exam is in Minato, just on the outskirts! It won’t take long, but I need a female partner,” he revealed.

“Are you telling me that the female population suddenly went extinct and I’m the lone survivor? Geez, what have I’ve been missing?” I mocked.

“I’ve asked everyone! Most of the students are preparing for next semester, or they’re on vacation. The remaining female shifters are too busy with their boyfriends!” he stressed, those beady, little eyes pleaded for Mako’s help.

I was about to insist he fuck off, when an image of the blonde, demon shifter Rose humiliated flashed through my mind.

“What about that Brittany girl?” I suggested, coldly.

“She won’t do it! I’ve begged her. She doesn’t want to be anywhere close to the headmaster. Something about him being a scam artist! I have no one. I’ve been searching for two rotations, since the exam results came out. If I don’t—”

“You get kicked out,” I finished, bluntly.

He nodded, his head bowed once more to the floor. Makoto, please I can’t deal with this. I’m a centimeter away from just ending his misery.

“Fine, Switch.”


“Yup, you are beyond pathetic. You’re telling me you had the guts to come here and beg for my forgiveness only because no female in the Knightwood population would dare take an exam with you? I hope you understand how bad you look right now.”

Not only did Leo leave us the day of the final exam, going ahead of us on his own, but then it’s revealed that he sold us out to Blair Aspen, gave him vital information of our arrival. None of us had seen Leo since we’d returned to Knightwood.

“I know, but I’m desperate. I don’t have any other friends. I get it, I was an idiot and it was because of me you got hurt...over my cowardice. I know my actions weren’t knightly, to say the least, but I’m willing to change!” he insisted, still kneeling before me.

“Elias almost died. I almost died. Do you understand any of that?” I took a step closer, trying to contain the anger that flooded my system.

“We could have died – all of us – and that blood would have been on your hands. Do you understand that?” I felt my body heating as I stood before the person who almost cost me my freedom, my life, my knights.

“Yes. I understand and cannot say enough how sorry I am. But, I’ve dreamed of being a knight my entire life and I want to give this everything I’ve got. I promise you won’t need to do much. I’ll do all the fighting to prove myself. It won’t be hard. All I have to do is find the object like the last exam. They’ll be focusing on my performance, so it won’t impact your score or rank. All mock-up exams need a male and a female, so I can’t go without you...please Makoto,” he begged. His voice cracked. “Please allow me to show you I’ve changed.”

“Everything he said was with truthful intention. He means it,”Hope sang, still awake compared to the others who weren’t present.

Do we leave him, like he left us? Or do we help him?

“No.” Four sets of voices proclaimed.

Ryder, Marcus, EliaseAnne and Kai announced their disapproval. I looked at Daniel who was silent.

“And you, Daniel?” I wanted to know how he felt. He seemed to be the only one not completely against helping Leo.

“You can hear the truth in his words. Doesn’t mean I don’t despise and wish for his downfall, but we shouldn’t put ourselves on his level. We won’t be here much longer anyways.” He mumbled the last sentence; his voice low enough that I doubt Leo heard his comment.

I turned to face him.

“As much as I’d love to kick your ass out of here and never see you again, Daniel is right. I’m not going to allow myself or the others to fall to your level. We aren’t as selfish as you. As a knight, you put yourself last and make sure the people around you are safe and secure before worrying about your own needs. What you did at the exam was wrong and far from knightly, but seeing as your life was at risk, I’ll brush your actions under the rug. I’ll help you with your exam. BUT, after that we’re done. We aren’t friends, Leo, and I don’t foresee us ever getting along after this. The boys can decide if they want to continue being friends with you, but you and I are nothing once the exam is over. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” he responded, looking up to face my stern gaze. Relief poured off of him in waves and I could see the tension and stress drain from his face and eyes.

“Anyone disagree with my decision?” I asked the others. They were my knights and I wanted to make sure I had their full support with what I was deciding.
