Page 125 of Tainted Rose

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“It will be in Minato?” Ryder questioned.

“Yes. The headmaster said two of you can be in the exam area. You just can’t interfere with helping me. I don’t know why he’s allowing you to come, but he said something about special circumstances. I guess because of what happened last time,” Leo confessed.

“Sounds safe enough. Elias and Daniel will go with her. Tell the headmaster, I approved of her companions and will not change it,” Ryder ordered, walking away from the bookshelf to stand on my other side, facing Leo with a blank expression.

“When is it?” Kai questioned, setting his pencil down as he got off his stool, walking towards us.

“Five days from now,” Leo answered.

The boys looked among one another, clearly talking within their knightly communication.

“Fine,” all five of them announced in unison.

“Thank you!!! May Starlight bless you! I’m grateful for your help.” He thanked us over and over again.

“Alright, Leo. Now get out, you’re going to ruin our floor,” Marcus hissed.

He flinched before bowing and thanking us once more, the remnants of water from the storm still dripped onto our floor as he rose, scurrying away and closing the door gently.

I sighed, my shoulders slumped. I needed to sleep.

“Mako babe, are you sure about this?”

I looked to Marcus; his worried eyes made me smile softly at him as I reached out to stroke his cheek.

“Forgiveness is one of the Starlight gods’ mottos. We can forgive, but we don’t need to forget what he did. I’m almost back to normal, and I won’t need to do any magic, so we don’t need to worry about me exerting myself. It’s also in Minato so no Jeffrey or the Owner. Elias and Daniel will be nearby, too. We’re leaving for Heila that evening, so it works perfectly,” I reassured him, leaning up and kissing him lightly.

He smiled, before nodding. “If you’re fine with it, Princess,” he whispered.

“I guess it would be a good time to tell her,” Kai announced.

I turned to the phoenix shifter, raising my eyebrow.Tell me what?I noticed them all smirk, before surrounding me in a circle.

“Seeing as we’re going to be busy the moment we reach Heila we decided we’d give you one more gift.” Daniel’s pleased expression made me excited. These moments seemed to be growing fewer and fewer with him and it thrilled me when excitement shone in his eyes.

“She did earn it,” EliaseAnne pointed out. Her eyes glowed which clued me in on Elias’ interference.

“What is it?” I tried to hide my excitement.

“Well, I know you said you need to sleep, but you think you have enough energy to pack?” Kai asked.

“Pack? For what? Where we are we going.”

Marcus laughed, the others chuckled at my excitement as I could barely stand still.

“Earthala, Firefly.”




“Mako are you falling asleep?” Daniel questioned.

I opened my heavy eyelids, lifting my head up slightly.

“No. I’m not...sleep...” My statement trailed off as my eyelids closed; my head leaned forward.So fucking tired.
