Page 129 of Tainted Rose

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“Was she crying?”Kai questioned.

I tilted my head in confusion at his question, but realized he must have seen this coming. It made his recent warning clearer.

“She called me out on being an ass to Mako. And she informed me that I needed to figure out if I loved Mako and wanted to be with her or if I was only going to serve as her knight. And some other things…but, it’s the whole Claire thing…”Daniel trailed off.

“Daniel, you need to trust yourself more. Makoto is a fierce woman who knows what she wants. If she didn’t care about you, she wouldn’t be so worried about you. I think Midnight just doesn’t want her getting hurt. She trusts all of us even though the world has been so cruel to her. Stop thinking you don’t deserve her love, unless you want to lose her,”EliaseAnne lectured.

We were all silent until she continued.

“We need to go. Makoto’s probably at the exam site getting checked already. Kai keep using your foresight if you have enough energy. Be careful not to push yourself. Marcus make sure Ryder’s okay. Let’s go, Daniel,”she ordered.

EliaseAnne rarely got into leader mode unless we were in one of these situations, where we’re all stumped at what to do or say.

“All right,” we agreed, closing out our knight bond.

“I’m assuming you solved the problem,” Matthew proposed.

Kai and I nodded.

“Can you assist me, Matthew? Let’s get Ryder to Karen’s private office. He can rest there. Kai will teleport you guys to Heila. Vincent, how are you going to Heila? I don’t think Kai can handle taking three people.” I turned to face the tall, blue-eyed male.

“Don’t worry about me. I can get to Heila easily,” he replied, a sleek smile formed on his lips before he glanced at Winterlya.

She smiled back.

“They love each other. How sweet,” Ryuu commented. For a fierce dragon you sure do love romance. C’mon lets’ focus.

“Let’s put this plan in action” I voiced.



“Final Checkpoint! This is where I have to go alone. Thank you, Makoto, seriously. I know we got off on the wrong foot, and I treated you poorly, but I’m really grateful for your assistance.” Leo’s words rang with truth, and for a moment, I found myself almost feeling something other than disdain for the boy in front of me…almost.

I nodded, looking around the mountain before us. Twenty-five minutes had passed since the start of the exam and we’d reached the final checkpoint. The exam was easy in my opinion, having minimal traps and ambushes.

Leo had kept to his word, focused on doing everything himself.I assumed Daniel and Elias would be here within a few minutes.

They had been held up at the checkpoint, having come a few minutes late. The exam adviser had urged us to begin the exam, not wanting to go past the designated time frame. So, myself and Leo had no choice but to go first.

Now we were facing this huge, ass mountain where he’d have to go alone, and I’d chill down here.

“Good luck,” I stated as I watched him depart. I prayed it wouldn’t take long till he found the black orb he was required to retrieve.

I noticed the clouds began to darken as a foggy mist, that once surrounded just the borders of the exam area, thickened and became a dark grey.

Why am I not surprised? They always got to make everything spooky and chill-inducing during exams. Geez, they could have at least kept the temperature the same. So fucking cold.

I rubbed my arms, and goosebumps appeared on my skin as I paced around trying to keep myself warm. It would have been nice if I could turn up my internal temperature just a tad, but I’d kept Karen’s bracelet on to prove that Leo had done everything on his own.

I closed my eyes, standing in place as I checked in with my spirits. Everyone was asleep; my head felt empty. The silence was calming. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the blissful moments of my last day in Minato.


I opened my eyes at the exact moment something pierced my chest. I froze; my body’s first reaction was to numb everything as time slowed.

I glanced down; my eyes landed on a purple blade, the tip stuck out of my chest; blood began to soak my white tank as it dripped to the ground.
