Page 130 of Tainted Rose

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I struggled to scream, my lungs burned from the sudden lack of oxygen. My body tensed as the blade was pulled from my body. A high, shrilled scream left my throat as I grasped at my chest; the blood poured out of me like a stream, soaking my hands.

I tried to summon my spirits, Midnight coming into my mind, but my chest began to blaze; the mark, placed on me long ago, prevented me from summoning her.SHIT!

I shuffled away from my opponent, turning to face them. My eyes widened as familiar, haunting purple eyes greeted me.

“Jeffrey?” I struggled to say his name as I trembled, pressing my hands tighter against my open wound. I realized now why my mark burned…I couldn’t hurt the man that worked for Blair Aspen – my Owner.

“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Makoto. I’m impressed you’re still standing at this point. I guess our previous experiments proved to give you some immunity to such a substance.” His icy, cold voice sent shrills down my spine.

NIGHTMARE! Get Elias and Daniel! PLEASE.

There was no way I’d stand a chance against him. I knew Nightmare would come to my aid, but I needed my knights. I wouldn’t be able to fight him. I’d be lucky to live long enough for them to reach me.

Midnight continued to thrash in my mind, trying to take control, but failing. I could feel her frustration and fear, my teeth began to chatter as a shiver filtered through me; my body felt cold and weak.

“Substance?” I manage to spit out, before coughing up blood.

“You know how the Owner is. I guess some of his ways rubbed off on me. Insurance is always necessary. Just in case the first plan doesn’t work,” he explained.


He closed his eyes for a moment before continuing.

“It shouldn’t be much longer. The Nephilim poison should be in your bloodstream and begin to spread. I put an extra dose on the blade seeing as I know you have a strong resistance thanks to Aspen’s experiments on you.”

I gaped at him, before clenching my teeth to hold back the scream that begged to escape as a wave of pain wracked my body. It took everything in me to remain standing; my legs trembled like the rest of my body.

“Dammit, Jeffrey. He...sent you.” I struggled to finish my sentence.

“Aspen. No, he did not. He thinks you’re dead and is now looking for another shifter to best suit his plans. He didn’t approve of our demon shifter candidate, so I’m using her for other things. I have to admit, she’d be fond of you,” he admitted, pulling out a white, silk handkerchief as he began to clean the blood off his blade.

“Then why?” I questioned, my eyes stung as another wave of pain surged through me.

He frowned at my appearance; for a moment, he looked regretful before his blank expression returned. “You and your knights are taking too much time playing students. You have better things to do. You won’t be ready for what’s to come if you keep delaying. This should speed up the process,” he confirmed as his blade disappeared with a flick of his wrist, the handkerchief stained with my blood lit up, the fresh blue flames burned it to crisp.

I struggled to answer as I gasped for air, my knees buckled as I fell to the ground. My legs felt numb, the feeling in my toes beginning to disappear.

“Anyways, your knights should be here shortly. Best of luck to you, Makoto. Survive this trial because the darkness is coming. If you don’t, we’re as good as doomed,” he finished before walking away.

I reached out, trying to summon an ounce of power, to do anything against him as he casually walked away, but nothing happened. His figure disappeared into the mist.

I eased myself onto my back, the cold grass didn’t help the immense pain that raged through me, down to my bones.

I felt something vibrate before a muffled sound came from my front pocket. I struggled to reach for it, pulling the phone out of my pocket after the third try. I lifted it in my trembling hand and rested it to my side as I turned my head to face the image of Elias and I, his name in large capital letters. I struggled to slide the answer button, blood smearing the screen as I answered.

“MAKOTO! Mako, are you okay? Where are you?”

I tried to turn my body, but I couldn’t feel my legs, biting my lip to hold back the sobs that broke through me. My hand gripped the phone, my whimpers the only sound came from me.

“Mako! We’re coming just stay on the line. Nightmare’s guiding us. Daniel hold the phone, I need to shift,” I heard Elias shout. I heard muffled noises before Daniel’s voice came through the speaker.

“Makoto! We’ll be there in less than a minute. Just be strong, we’re coming,” he urged.

I could sense his fear from here. I cried harder as I struggled to breathe, my body becoming colder and colder with each passing second.

I had to tell them it was poison. I didn’t have long. I could feel death approaching, the same feeling of impending doom that claimed me when I’d died in the past, being revived by the technicians. This time, however, I didn’t have hope I’d come back.

“Ne–...Nephilim. Nephilim po– poison.” I slurred. I heard Daniel curse.
