Page 13 of Tainted Rose

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I closed my eyes as I laid my arm across my face.Fuck, I don’t want to be alone right now.

Ever since waking up to the chemical rich, hospital smelling, medical center, my anxiety and fear of being alone in a room came back in full force. I didn’t want to bother the others; all of them dealt with their own problems in our current situation, but I was scared shitless.

Switching to EliaseAnne only heightened my fears – her reactions to being in this environment for too long were far more physical.

She couldn’t last longer than fifteen minutes till her breathing would elevate; her anxiety increased as her hands shook. It wouldn’t be long till she went into panic mode and that was draining for both of us.

Marcus truly understood what I was going though. I couldn’t help but remember all the times during our younger cycles where he’d leave his door unlocked, knowing I’d barge into his bed an hour after bed time. He didn’t mind in the least, always leaving a spare blanket at the edge of the bed.

Now that my issues had resurfaced, he didn’t mind me sharing his bed. I was blessed to have him as my best friend, along with the other three knights.

We all didn’t understand or know what the Starlight gods had in store for us, but I knew we all were thankful for each other’s presence. We all contributed in some way in our little group dynamic. Mako fit perfectly within our circle – the leader of our pack.

“You want to go see her?” I asked softly.

I hated entering that sterile environment, its purpose to simply induce nightmares and unwanted memories, but if it was for Mako, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

“Yes...are you sure though? I hate that place, but I miss her,”Eli questioned; her soft admission made my heart ache.

I couldn’t handle Eli being sad. We’d gone through so much shit in the past, especially with our family. I wanted her to be happy and enjoy life now that we were out of my father’s clutches, but some days were harder than others. I’d do anything to please her and help us enjoy the new life we were privileged in receiving, thanks to the gods.

“It’s fine. Why don’t we give Marcus a few more moments with her and then we’ll go see her?”I suggested.

I figured Marcus probably hadn’t awakened much earlier than me, so I wanted him to have a bit more time.

“Elias, you okay?”

I couldn’t stop the smile that formed on my face as the low, alto voice entered our knight bond.

Speak of the devil.

“Ya, I’m fine. Um...”I struggled for words as I held my tongue.

I didn’t want to intrude on his alone time with Makoto. We all took turns watching her, each of us needed a moment to pray and allow the sound of the pulse monitor to soothe our anxieties.

“Come here.” I sighed in relief at his approval. He understood me and Eli well, just as Daniel understood Ryder.

“You both better promise to sleep later or I’ll ban you from seeing the Princess.” Kai’s voice entered my mind.

I felt myself shoot up, swinging my legs to land on the ground before rushing over to the lower drawer, pulling it open to retrieve my set of spare clothes. I always had a few sets of clothes in Marcus’ room for when I randomly slept over.

“Yes, Sir Kai. We’ll make sure to rest cause none of us want to lose our visitation rights,” Marcus acknowledged.

“How’s Daniel?” I questioned.

“Sleeping like a log after working his ass off in the training centre, again. He’s pushing himself. I’m worried,”Kaiadmitted.

“It’s a good stress reliever right now. Maybe if it gets to a point where it’s taking a negative toll on his body, we’ll talk to him. But, for now, let’s leave him alone,”Marcus suggested.

I shook my head as I slipped my dark grey sweat pants on before pulling the dark, mustard coloured shirt over my head. I took a moment to calm myself, feeling afraid of leaving the secure walls to walk through the empty castle towards the ward.


I turned my head to the sound; my eyes landed on the ball of white fur sitting in front of the door; her multiple tails wagged from side to side as she sat patiently.

“Sometimes I question if what Mako said about you is true. You being a Starlight god and all.” I whispered more to myself than to the foxshier familiar at the doorway, unable to stop the smirk that formed on my lips.

I could already feel a wave of calm go through me as my mind recognized I wouldn’t be walking through those dark halls alone. Having a companion is nice, especially if she is a Starlight god.
