Page 15 of Tainted Rose

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Help me.

“He’s a pain in the ass, that’s what he is.”

I rolled my eyes as I turned the corner, the medical center in sight.

I had passed out after my mini breakdown in front of the guys, the multiple emotions plus the lack of sleep finally took its toll on me. I guess I was happy I fainted in front of them and not in the hall or anywhere near the maids and guards.

That would have been more of a pain in the ass.

I’d slept for a solid twenty hours, before I was stirred awake by Marcus’ snoring. I still couldn’t understand how anyone could sleep next to him without a sound bubble spell around them.

I seriously commended Elias’ and Mako’s perseverance.

Apparently, Matthew had watched me till an hour before, Marcus took his place, so he could get some rest. I was thankful to have gotten some much-needed rest, but it didn’t help get rid of the anxiety I had. Mako was still in a coma.

Now, I headed back to stay by her side for as long as Kai would let me.

I swear to Starlight, he was so stubborn, reminded me of our Firefly.

I walked into the medical room, nodding my head to the blonde nurse that was making her way out, her stethoscope around her neck as she carried a clipboard in hand. She probably came to check Mako’s vitals for rounds.

It was seven in the evening, the usual time for the night shift to switch over and do their final rounds for the night.

The medical team was personally chosen by Karen herself – knights of higher rank who’d she entrusted with the secret that Makoto was Rosalina, Princess of Heila. They swore to not tell a soul and secured that section of the medical centre for our group only.

I noticed Eli sat in our designated spot; her hands fiddled with a needle and thread.

“What are you making?” I questioned, bending down to press my lips gently on Mako’s head, greeting her softly, before making my way to the curly blonde who worked on some crafting, multiple coloured beads on the side table.

“I’m making Mako a friendship bracelet. I bet she never got one when she was young, so I’ll make her an adult one. See, isn’t it pretty?” EliaseAnne raised her hands to reveal the dangling string filled with multi-coloured beads.

I noticed the pink stone-like cubes with letter engraving – the letters spelled out MAKOTO. The surrounding beads varied in colour, some of them being connected to one another while others held different charms – a carton of milk being one of them.

I smiled, an image of Mako’s gleeful smile as she jumped in place over the small bracelet warmed my heart.

“She’s going to love it,” I complimented.

Eli gave me a weak smile before standing up, placing the unfinished bracelet onto the side table.

“I’m gonna get some fresh air. I think I’ve reached my threshold and need to walk around. I’ll be back in a little while.” She grasped Mako’s hand, raised it up to kiss the back of her palm, before making her way out the room.

I was really proud of her for lasting so long. Kai had informed me she had been quietly sitting at Mako’s side for six hours, covering him and the others as they went to give Matthew and the headmaster an update.

Matthew said the headmaster looked like he’d lose his shit.

He was frightened.

If news got back to Heila of what had occurred at his school exam, a place which was ranked as safe; I bet King Arthur wouldn’t even hesitate in cutting off all funding. It was thanks to Realm Eight, that Knightwood was progressing as it was. I don’t think the King or Queen would like to find out their daughter, who had just been rescued, almost fell back into her kidnapper’s hands.

I allowed myself to sit in the white, wooden chair; my hand automatically reached out to hold hers as I watched her chest rise and fall. Her complexion had returned to its normal, pale-like shade, her red lips soft and smooth.

Eli wouldn’t let anyone touch her when it came to personal care, making sure to bathe her, and comb out any knots or tangles from her ever-growing brown hair.

The only thing Eli allowed us to do was apply lip balm on her lips, so they wouldn’t be dry and cracked.

Apparently, we kiss her too often, so it was now a part of our responsibilities to make sure her lips were in kissing condition. I guess she did have a point.

I felt Stryker nudge into my mind. It felt nice to have his company, his emotions more reserved today.
