Page 16 of Tainted Rose

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“How are you feeling?”he questioned; his voice filled with concern.

“Relax, I’m fine, seriously. All of you worry too much.” It felt weird for my demon to show so much emotion.

I knew he cared dearly for me, but he wasn’t the type to show it. I guess it takes me passing out to get some love and compassion.

“You slept too long,”he commented.

“Blame Daniel. I bet my spirit, he probably snuck in and sprinkled some of that sleep magic to make sure I didn’t wake up till my body was ready.” I frowned as I allowed my other hand to flow through my hair. I had taken one glance at the mirror before leaving my sleeping quarters and I wasn’t impressed. I seriously needed to shave. I didn’t want to grow a beard. It simply didn’t suit me.

“Don’t bet me on’re probably right though. Azriel is a sneaky asshole.”

I laughed at his comment.

“Please, you guys are best buddies. If only you two would get past your differences and share your opinions like civil spirits, you wouldn’t be at each other’s throats.”

Myself and Daniel loved hearing about how our spirits hated each other during training sessions when we were younger. It was literally a battle between cats and dogs, as the people from Earthala like to say.

I get they were opposites, darkness versus light, but we both knew they could get along if they truly wanted to.

But nope, that would apparently be categorized as a sin if Azriel accepted Stryker and tried to be nice to him. From Stryker’s point of view, he didn’t give a shit. Regardless of their differences, I knew they had good intentions for one another. If it came down to one of them being in a sticky situation, the other wouldn’t hesitate to help out.

“Ryder...any word on Rose and the others?”he asked quietly; his voice sounded hesitant.

I knew he was worried sick about Rose.

Spirits didn’t believe in the social morals of meeting and learning about an individual before pursuing companionship. If they felt a connection then they pursued it, not allowing morals to hinder them.

“No. I checked with the nurses and Karen. No changes. They completed multiple brain scans, but they can’t detect anything. Nothing significant is present. Her magic is recovering at a slow pace, and it’s getting stronger every hour. It shouldn’t be long till it is at a stable state. Karen thinks once that happens, she’ll wake up, and we’ll have a better idea of what’s going on. Hopefully, that light show was part of the plan,” I explained as I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply.

During the battle with King Aspen, Mako had somehow created rays of light in resemblance to our spirits. While her dragon hid in the cave, five rays of light were released from her.

We all assumed it was just a trick, especially since she was still in her dragon form, Lexi still present. But now, it’d been two weeks with not even one sign of spirit activity; we didn’t know for sure.

If Mako woke up with no spirits...I don’t think she would be able to handle such a reality, even with us in her life.

Her spirits were a part of her and had assisted in her surviving that hellhole. I couldn’t even imagine Stryker not being there for me during all the hardships I’ve dealt with and still deal with today.

Only time would determine whether her spirits had truly ascended or if they hid within Mako, so she could heal as Karen mentioned.

My mind remained silent for a few minutes, while the uncertainty of Rose and the others being alive sank in. If what I said really hurt Stryker, he was doing a bloody good job of not showing it, not an ounce of emotion came from his presence.

“Would you like a moment?” I realized after two weeks, I hadn’t allowed him a moment to be with Mako.

Just because he loved Rose, didn’t mean he didn’t care about Makoto. I could feel the admiration he had for her. I simply assumed he hadn’t felt comfortable in showing his compassionate side yet. He’d only just revealed himself to Mako weeks ago during the locker room incident.

I guessed he was going to pop up more after the exams were over.

“I won’t be long. Thanks, Ryder.”

I nodded in acknowledgment as I allowed my body to relax; my conscious drifted into the darkness as he took over.

I didn’t want to linger and listen in.

He deserved the same privacy he’d given me these last couple of weeks.


I allowed my eyes to open, their gaze landed on the sleeping beauty before me.
