Page 18 of Tainted Rose

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Iwatched the fireflies as they danced to the tunes of the night; such display always soothed my soul.

I knew as a fairy spirit, nature was our element of choice, but I still felt Mother Starlight always wanted me to be aware that she’d comfort me when I needed it the most.

Today was no different.

I sat comfortably in a tall oak tree, multiple vines beneath me. Their soft texture made me feel relaxed as I leaned back into their secured hold. The numerous wildlife always came by to say hello; from the chipmunks to owls, they always took a few minutes to sit with me, doing their share in comforting me.

I closed my eyes as I allowed my head to fall back against the bark. Elias was knocked out, unable to stay conscious for very long. This poison was seriously getting on my nerves.

Elias hated staying in bed all day, especially in that sterile, saline smelling environment. I supported his dislikes, but I agreed with the others, he needed to rest. I hated seeing him so weak. It simply triggered unwanted memories and feelings.

Every time I closed my eyes, I could see us strapped against that medical table. The razor-sharp blade and other medical equipment lay neatly on the sterile sheet. It didn’t matter how hard we tried to escape the metal shackles that bound us – we were trapped.

That woman with the red hair, walking in with a maleficent smile on her face, before she pulled up her medical mask; her gloved hands ready to begin the series of painful experiments that followed. I could feel everything that Elias felt, even when he tried to nudge me out of his mind – to push me away so I wouldn’t experience the torture that went on for hours.

Before I allowed my mind to wander into my dark past, Nightmare jumped into my lap; her triple white tails waved wildly.

“MEW MEW MEW MEW!” She jumped in place eagerly, causing me to raise an eyebrow at her sudden excitement.

“What does the Goddess of Destruction need from moi?” I questioned softly, nodding my head slightly to the god before me. I knew the boys didn’t believe Mako’s speculations. I didn’t blame them; they couldn’t see the same vision I saw. Even Elias, being my host, didn’t see the outpouring of power that flowed through her little body: the massive shimmers of black and pink floated around her like a barrier protecting its treasure.

She turned around, running down my long legs, visible due to the white shorts I wore. She hopped onto the branch opposite of me before her body began to shimmer.

I smoothly rose to my feet, the vines that once cushioned my sitting area morphing below. They intertwined with each other, creating a small platform for me to stand upon. I silently thanked them; they knew I would have to kneel shortly.

The shimmering light dimmed, revealing a tall, curvy figure before me. A wave of power hit me, causing me to waver. I had to take a couple of breaths as I allowed my body to adapt to the suffocating flow of power surrounding me. I knelt on one knee; my left hand rose to my chest as I bowed my head in obedience.

“It’s an honour, Goddess of Destruction and daughter of Deathpre. I can only thank the stars above for allowing me to witness your gracefulness. I’m beyond blessed.” I allowed my emotion of gratitude and praise to flow through my high-pitched voice; my mind still wrapped around the fact that I was now in the presence of a Starlight God: my creator.

If I had to use words to describe how utterly beautiful she was, I’d have to create a whole new dictionary. No earthly words could label how pure, majestic and powerful Nightmare was.

She was six-five; her strawberry pink curls flowed gloriously around her, floating lightly as if the winds were constantly lifting the pink strands in place. Her complexion was pale, similar to Mako’s; her rosy pink cheeks stood out as did her baby pink lips.

Her curvy body was covered in a sparkling black dress that flowed elegantly down her frame and draped behind her in perfection. I noticed the smaller size scythe relaxing against her back, the scythe similar to Mako’s modification weapon she had used during her exam – the same black chain with the dangling metal shaped rose, wrapped around her arms as she held the medium size scythe securely. The most stunning aspect of the goddess before me was her enchanting eyes.

“Rise Elyion, fairy spirit of Elias Kingsley. I’m pleased with your respect for me in all forms. For this conversation, feel free to relax and speak to me as normal,” she ordered; a smile formed on those smooth cupid-bow lips.

I had assumed from her familiar appearance; her mismatched eyes would stay as turquoise blue and grey. Now that I was getting a glimpse, her turquoise eye remained, but her once grey eye was a bright pink. I could see a small, magic circle within her iris, rotating around as her magic flowed through it. Those mismatched orbs held immense power that could move mountains with a simple thought.

I rose to my feet; my hands fell to my sides as I gulped.

Wouldn’t it be rude to talk so casually to a god? Ugh, where’s smarty pants Elias when I need him?

She chuckled; the melodic sound flowed through the wind as the trees shivered in happiness; the wind breezed by us as the forest praised the sound of a god. I couldn’t help myself from shivering as my heart melted in happiness. Who knew such a sound could melt away your troubles and fears.

“Elias needs to rest. He should not let such past doings prevent him from prospering. You can’t face the unknown without being prepared. That starts with your body, the vessel of power and might,” she acknowledged.

“Thank you, my Creator. I will inform him of your message once he awakens.” I thanked her, bowing deeply. I forgot she was a god, she could obviously hear my thoughts.

“Elyion...I’m proud you’ve adapted well. I’m unable to interfere with the stars above, but realize myself, Aphroditeee, Yuikimiru, and Jehovah knows of Edmund’s wrongdoings against you and Elias. We’ve heard your prayers. I just want you to know, judgment works in mysterious ways, but will always be served in the name of righteousness.”

My hands clenched into a fist, fighting the tears that threatened to escape my eyes as I swallowed hard, praying I wouldn’t break down from her declaration.

They listened...they heard my pleas...I’d one day get justice for my current situation. I wasn’t wrong.

“Elyion, never question your birth. The stars created you as you were. Jehovah himself is not pleased with your predicament, but you have great purpose in this life, regardless of gender. We listen and such tampering with our absolute law is unforgiving. The stars will reveal their plans when the time is right. Trust me when I say this, I will personally deliver justice on your behalf. Mark my words, Elyion. As a child of Yuikimiru, Goddess of Life, she sends her gratitude and vows to participate in the judgment that will occur very soon. Continue being patient and devoted to the duty that lies before you. Let us ease your burdens and fight such battles in the stars above,” she concluded.

The simple thought of being approved by a god for the feelings developing within me only made me cry harder.
