Page 25 of Tainted Rose

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“Um, Adam...hello?”Lexi suggested, her voice gave me the impression; she rolled her eyes at our struggle in choosing our favourite guy.

I was so caught up in the story that I wasn’t paying attention to the sound of footsteps.

“I think Ryder’s the best.” The low, husky voice whispered in my ear; the sound induced shivers down my spine as I whipped my head to see him smirking.

“Dammit, Ryder!!! Don’t use your sexy voice on me,” I complained, pushing at his chest, which had no effect on him.Curse him.

He moved to sit on the side of the bed, taking the reader off the blanket where I had dropped it to view the page I had reached.

“Didn’t you just start this?” He pointed at the percentage at the bottom of the screen, the numbering reading 90% in bold font.

“Yes, but it’s brilliant!!! Now, give it back, so I can finish! Don’t distract me!” I reached out for the device, but he held it up, making it too far for my short arms to reach. I glared at him.

“Ryder! Give it! I’ll have you know, I claimed it! My name is on the back of the pink case!” I insisted, continuing my attempt to take back the device.

“There’s something else more important that you’ve claimed,” he informed me, his face stern.

I froze at his changed expression, my body inches away from his; my hand still raised up in the air.

“What’s more important than my re– mhm.” I began to protest, but his soft lips cut me short.

I stared into his bright purple eyes that had regained their captivating glory, before closing my eyes as he deepened the kiss. I allowed my body to relax, lowering myself from my outstretched position to kneeling on the bed; Ryder’s body faced mine as we continued to kiss.

His hand wrapped itself in my long, brown locks, pulling my head back for better access to my neck as he made his way down to my collar bone. I let out a moan as he reached the sensitive spot on my neck, taking his sweet time to nibble and suck on my feverish skin.

“You’ve claimed me Mako baby. I’m at your disposal.” He hummed against my skin as he continued to ravish me with kisses.

“I’m not claiming you until you shave.” I whispered playfully before kissing him lightly on his scruffy chin.

Ryder hadn’t left my side since we returned to our cozy home in Knightwood.

Whenever we had the chance, we would have our mini make-out sessions.

I could never get tired of Ryder’s intoxicating smell, let alone the taste of him. I shooed him away multiple times, so the others could attempt to get at least five minutes alone with me. I didn’t mind him being greedy, but he had to learn to share.

Right now, however, I wanted only him. He dropped the e-reader to the unoccupied half of the queen size bed, rotating his body as he pushed me to lay back. He hovered above me, lowering himself so he could continue kissing me; his arms supported his weight on both sides.I hope we can do more than just kissing. I want to feel more of him.

My hands roamed across his chest, reached the waist band of his low black pants, rose up beneath his maroon t-shirt, and pulled the fabric up to reveal his abs. Before I could remove his shirt, a knock came from the door.

“It’s called bed rest for a reason. Lying in bed and making out doesn’t count,”Rose mumbled.

UGHHHHH!!! Oh, Starlight’s why?

His lips lingered against mine for a full minute before he released them, leaving me panting.

“Elias. If you don’t have a good reason to be here –“ Ryder began, slowly turning his head to stare at the fairy shifter who leaned against the doorway.

They stared at one another for a moment before Ryder let out a frustrated groan.

“Fine. You’ve been spared,” he concluded, sighing before getting off the bed; his hand ruffled his black locks. I raised my eyebrow at him, sitting up as I stared at his annoyed facial expression.

I guessed, I wasn’t the only one frustrated with all the interruptions lately.

Ryder and Elias were involved in a manly war against one another – their ultimate goal to interrupt the other from getting past the kissing stage.

My body did not enjoy this game at all. I craved far more than just kisses; the throbbing had become visibly noticeable down under, needing attention and aching for release.

Just because I was a virgin, didn’t mean I was naïve to anything about sex. I just wondered when I’d get my chance to explore the unknown territory. It did frighten me just a smidge, but now that I knew I’d lose my purity to one of my loyal, sexy, star knights, the idea sounded pretty inviting.
