Page 4 of Tainted Rose

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My conscious resurfaced again; the coldness still present against my essence…

It felt like I was floating in nothingness, but I couldn’t grasp what was going on.

There was a feeling creeping within me.

I’m lonely….

Iallowed my body to lean against the black wooden wall, peering at the sunset; it’s slow descent helped calm my anxiety.

I continued to fight the current battle I was having with my eyelids, trying my best to keep them open.When was the last time I slept?

I sometimes wished I was like Daniel. It didn’t matter where he stood or laid, he could sleep without a struggle. I didn’t know if that was a blessing or a curse.

In my case, I wish I could close my eyes and not be plagued by the nightmares – my body frozen in place as I watched King Aspen’s hands around Makoto’s throat, her eyes going dull as her life faded away, or the scene of Midnight covered in blood as she plunged into the lava below.

To think it’s been a week and a half since I’d slept longer than five hours. It was only due to Daniel’s angel forcing me to sleep that I even got that much.

I seriously hated when he did that. Not because I slept like a log, but because I never saw it coming.

He’d perfected the spell so well that with a quick snap of his finger my eyes would grow weak, and there would be nothing stopping my body from falling into a deep slumber. I sometimes was glad he was my best friend and not my enemy. He’d be a difficult opponent to face.

I continued to allow my mind to wander as I watched the sun disappear beyond the horizon. If only Mako was here to see this. She’d be sitting on the couch back at our house in Knightwood, watching the sunset before dinner.

It became such a habit, myself and the others took turns sitting next to her on the patio as we enjoyed the multi-coloured sky above; waiting for the stars to appear.

I loved holding her in my arms, my hand aimlessly venturing through her long, brown locks as we sat in silence, enjoying the various noises coming from the forest.

The best moments were when I kissed her. I always took a moment to enjoy her taste, surrounded by her addictive, vanilla scent that made me want her more. We’d gotten so used to kissing one another; her hesitation and self-consciousness were no more as she’d press her lips against mine.

I let out a frustrated breath; my hand brushed through my messy black hair, which seriously needed a cut. I needed to shave as well; my usual clean-shaven streak had been broken ever since the practical exam.

If it hadn’t been for Matthew placing the incantation on her before we entered Realm One, we would be facing a completely different scenario.

I couldn’t possibly imagine how much worse the situation could have become – Makoto and Midnight being stripped of their ability to fight King Aspen due to the loyalty mark, resulting in him taking her back to the facility we spent cycles trying to locate. She’d be an experiment once more and the rest of us would probably be among the stars above.

I didn’t have time to deal with the little specs of hair. It didn’t matter if she wasn’t here to brush her hand against my chin before kissing me. I had no one to impress. It was as if my purpose in this world had vanished, leaving me with nothing but an empty shell.

I felt a hand press against my shoulder, causing me to jolt out of my daze.

My wide eyes locked onto a pair of gold ones, their usual vibrant appearance was now dulled and weak as they gazed into me.

“Ryder. You seriously need to sleep.” Daniel’s voice was filled with concern as he frowned at my rough appearance.

He didn’t understand my struggle. How could you sleep when your mind was in overdrive, multiple emotions and thoughts barging in whenever they felt like it? You’d think my emotions could be considerate and show me some damn mercy.

“Where’s Marcus and how’s Elias doing?” I questioned, avoiding his suggestion as I pushed myself off the wall to walk towards the brown, side table. I allowed myself to lean against it as I faced my best friend.

His long, blonde locks were tied up into a small ponytail, his gold rimmed glasses relaxed on the top of his head. I had to admit, his overall appearance was disheveled for him.

He never wore anything with a wrinkle, yet his casual white shirt needed a good ironing, and messy, tied-up hair was a clear indication of the internal battle he faced.

He wore dark blue jeans and his white, indoor slippers; even though, I had reminded him on multiple occasions that he could walk barefoot in this section of the castle.

I sought comfort in the small detail, a sign that he too was still hanging on, if barely.

“Marcus is on watch duty and Elias is resting. Karen says the poison is almost out of his system. Thank the Starlight gods he’s a fairy shifter. They’re the only species who could survive such a strong poison. If only he would stay in bed for longer than fifteen minutes, he would heal a lot faster, and don’t get me started on EliaseAnne,” Daniel explained, his hand removed his glasses from his head before a sigh escaped him. I smirked at the mention of Eli.

Elias had been hit with a lightning spear during our battle. Thankfully, it missed its original target, Mako and Elias’ heart, but I guess the King figured a spear wouldn’t kill off our princess.
