Page 42 of Tainted Rose

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We all sat in silence as we took our time enjoying our drinks.

I pulled off my glasses, setting them down on the coffee table. I was already exhausted and knew they wouldn’t do any justice in helping me see better.

I had to be the odd angel of the bunch with bad vision. Karen kept saying it was because my power generally hosted itself within my eyes, such large amounts of energy affected my eye sight, but I think there was more involved.

I personally think it’s due to all the swearing I do.

Angel spirits didn’t use such slang, their hosts usually copied the spirits likes and dislikes, except for me that is.

I think I did it out of rebellion more than actually having the need to use such foul language. As long as it pissed my parents off, I’d swear all day long. I could already remember the multiple times my older brother would come home to me in the corner of shame for my bad behavior.

He’d merely shake his head with a large smile, asking me if I went on another swearing fit again. I wondered how he was doing down on Earthala? I guess at this point, anywhere was better than being stuck in that kingdom.

“You should check on the little one once in a while. She probably misses both of you. Especially with that witch,”Azriel noted, compassion rolled off his low voice.

Freila will be just fine. She’s the good child. You know how parents are. The last child always gets spoiled and never beaten. She’ll probably grow up to be their perfect angel. Maybe they’ll give her the throne instead of me or Michael. We’d just wreck everything.

“She’d like Mako,”he acknowledged quietly, before leaving my mind.

I continued to stare at the steam that rose up from my green tea; the small waves of smoke distracted me from my multiple worries.

He was right. Freila would adore Mako. Probably ruin her perfect behavior streak in three seconds flat, but it would be the fresh air she needed to realize how suffocating our dad and our step-mom were.I miss mom...


I glanced up at the others, all of them staring at me with grieving expressions. I know my emotions were working on our knight bond – leaking through to everyone else.

They knew how close I was to her. Michael took her death just as hard. Maybe that’s why we left ArchAilennia so quickly. It was thanks to Michael bringing me to Heila that I got to meet the others, finding out about my new purpose. The perfect distraction. Anything to stop the constant ache and regret.It was my fault.

“Daniel. Stop,” Kai whispered, turning to walk towards me. He ruffled my hair, a gesture that still pissed me off. I knew he was doing it on purpose, because I hated when he messed up my hair.

“I’m fine, leave my hair alone. You don’t wash your hands. I can only imagine the germs on them,” I huffed, slapping away his hand irritated.

He laughed, before sitting next to me; his arms lifted to rest on the top of the sofa as his left leg relaxed across his right. His smile dimmed as a serious expression took over.

“Ryder asleep?”

We glanced at one another, concentrating to feel the demon shifter. Ryder was the easiest to sense in our bond, being the leader of our group strengthened his connections with us. It was beneficial for us, but for times like these, it was a pain in his ass and we all felt guilty frustrating him.

“That’s pretty much the second time he’s lost his cool. Of course, the first time doesn’t necessarily count since we all felt like shit,” Marcus confessed.

“It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have panicked like that. I just thought I was gonna lose her after these agonizing two weeks, not knowing if she was going to make it. With that, and Eli being so worried and the stupid medical treatments, I just couldn’t see her walk away. She deserves to be angry with us,” Elias explained, sighing as he placed his head into his hands. Kai got up from his seat before facing us.

“It’s YOUR guys fault for not telling her. You seriously think she wasn’t going to put the pieces together? I may not know Mako like you all, but from what you’ve described the last two and a half months, she’s very perceptive of what goes on around her, whether it’s intentional or not. Even if she hadn’t noticed, none of you decided to tell her, because you assumed she couldn’t handle it instead of giving her a chance. She was stuck in the facility for sixteen cycles and was able to accept the fact she was a stolen princess from some far away realm she had NO clue of, but you couldn’t be honest and inform her that Elyion was Elias? You didn’t even need to give her the whole backstory. All she’s asking for is trust. She told you about Midnight, am I correct Elias?” He ranted before his attention turned to Elias. He lifted his head before nodding with a frown on his face.

“That’s exactly why she’s pissed and has every damn right to be. Imagine finding out your life was a lie, being forced to live in a tortuous environment with no memory of your past, assuming you were taken into the arms of a saint, only to find out he’s the devil. I don’t even want to imagine what our Princess went through there, and now that she’s finally set free, thanks to you guys, her saviors and star knights, she has to learn to trust again. But you guys blew it with not telling her that small detail, even though you saw how close she is with Elyion,” he continued to scold us.

We sat there in silence, unable to find the words to argue against his claims. Everything he had just stated was true and we deserved it. We’d been so caught up in our concerns and joy of having Mako in our lives that we hadn’t been considerate, to say the least.

“We should have known better. I know what it’s like to come out and see how big the world is after cycles of confinement. She deserves an apology from all of us,” Marcus whispered.

“I agree. We need to trust her and be open. Sure, it may hurt her at times or be something she may not want to hear, but at least we’re being straight forward. She’s our Princess after all and deserves our respect; that starts with honesty,” I lectured.

I knew; I struggled with being honest with my feelings and concerns, but maybe I’d try to connect more with Mako and the others. I just wondered if Midnight would be a problem.

Elias nodded.

“I’ll apologize when she wakes up,” he confirmed.
