Page 48 of Tainted Rose

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“We’ll figure it out. I’ll be here if you need me,” I consoled.

She nodded, giving me a weak smile before she yawned.

“You should rest up,” I encouraged


I smiled, kissing her lightly on her lips. I loved the way my name rolled off her tongue, sending waves of desire through me. “Yes, Rose.”

“You’ll talk to me if anything is bothering you, right?”

I didn’t like the worry in her eyes. “This isn’t like you, Roseline. You don’t need to worry,” I replied.


I sighed, but smiled. “I promise to inform you when something is troubling my soul. As long as you go back to your usual self. This side of you makes me uneasy.” I muttered the last part, feeling my cheeks burn.

I didn’t want to admit how satisfying it was to know she worried about me, just the same way I worried about her well-being. As spirits, we were outspoken and open in many aspects, but we still struggled with admitting how we felt with one another at times.

“Okay Strykey, I’ll return back to my voluptuous self, so you can enjoy listening to me explain our inner monologue with Lexi.” She purred with a mischievous smile.

I groaned.

“No, I don’t want to hear about your long, dirty talks with Lexi. I swear, dragons with their play time. I’m surprised she hasn’t taken control and jumped Ryuu yet, and don’t call me Strykey. That was hella annoying when you guys were younger,” I pointed out, scrunching my face in disgust. I seriously hated that nickname.

“Oh, I bet she would if she had the chance,” Rose replied with a laugh.

“I...I love you, Rose. Just wanted you to know,” I admitted, my voice barely a whisper.

“I know. I love you too, Stryker.” She leaned upward, giving me one final kiss before pulling away.

She snuggled against me as I repositioned myself in the bed, my head relaxed on the pillow, Rose cradled in my arms.

It didn’t take long for her breathing to lower to a steady pace, her deep inhales and exhales indicated her unconsciousness. I pressed my lips against her forehead before closing my eyes.

Whatever happens, I’d make sure to be there for her.



Istirred awake; my stomach felt rather empty. I always promised Karen to eat more frequently and always failed miserably. I’m surprised I hadn’t lost a ton of weight. I was glad I still had my curves.

Maybe my addiction to milk was helping keep them intact.

Didn’t humans say it helped grow your boobs?

Hmm, unsolved mysteries. I’ll ask Marcus.

I closed my eyes; my emotional outrage flashed behind my lids, EliaseAnne’s beautiful image lingered.

I’d never seen a fairy shifter in their full glory. They were such a rare race. Even in their own designated realm, their numbers were limited, many of them hidden amongst their lands from other species who had ill intentions.

Since starting my studies with Matthew, I had read that other shifters hunted fairies for multiple reasons: their ability to glamour and change anyone’s appearance to their choosing being their main quest to acquire. I’d also read about dark fairies.

Before the Aspen war, dark fairies were part of the fairy race. They were already low in numbers: one dark fairy for every ten thousand fairy births. They had been protected by their kind due to their rarity and immense power.

However, their species was hunted by Aspen’s rogues and followers with the intention of experimenting and using them to give them a higher advantage for the upcoming war. The book stated that their species were either hidden in their lands apart from everyone or they had truly gone extinct.
