Page 69 of Tainted Rose

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I took a relaxing bath, while I nibbled on this thing called beef jerky. Matthew instructed Kai to litter the house with snacks, yes, that included the bathroom. The packaging looked intriguing, so I decided to try them out while I waited for the bath to fill. Now, the almost empty package was in my hand, another salty, savory strip of jerky entering my mouth, sending out bursts of flavor across my tongue as I sat in the bubble bath.

It gave me some time to myself. My mind attempted to grasp all the events that had taken place in less than three rotations.

The dark feeling was still shut down, not making its entrance into my mind or dreams. My nightmares hadn’t come to assault me either. I finally had a sense of peace. Now, I was excited to find out what this surprise was.

After I listened to Rose nag me for ten minutes, I reluctantly left the bath and slipped into white, jean shorts and an oversized green shirt I “borrowed” from Elias. My mission in collecting things from the boys was still ongoing.

I’d successfully acquired multiple clothes from Ryder, including his favourite maroon sweater he liked to wear in the fall and winter. I simply needed to blink my eyes a few times before he blushed, giving in to my request. Both Rose and I liked to smell the lingering rose and cinnamon scent when we missed our demon boy, though he’d made it his mission to either stick by my side or check in every hour.

I had collected a few of Marcus’ workout towels I’d borrowed to “use”but, hid away in my locker. I’d finally gotten the chance to retrieve them all before the exam, placing them neatly in his souvenir section of my drawer. I wondered if he’d noticed yet.

Elias allowed me to take some of his – four, different styled shirts sat in his designated section. I glanced down at the friendship bracelet on my wrist. Now that EliaseAnne was involved, I’d have to add her to the mission list.

Girls are easier to “borrow” stuff from.

My eyes landed on the empty section in the left corner of my drawer – Daniel’s designated area. He was the only one I hadn’t been able to acquire a souvenir to lust over. I sighed.

Will he ever let me in?

I felt Hope emerge in my mind; her sing song voice rang through.

“It takes time Makoto. We all have a past. He’s probably struggling with having someone to rely on as he admitted. It won’t take a day to change a habit that’s been going on for cycles. Give him time.”

I nodded, closing the drawer as I turned to leave the room. Hope made a valid point. I was just being impatient. Yet deep down, my gut told me we didn’t have much time for peace and getting to know one another.

Once we figured out what was happening with me and Midnight, we’d be headed to Heila, once everything was clear. I doubted we’d have any free time by then. My focus would be on trying to restore whatever family bond I once had. Not that I even knew what that looked like, since I still couldn’t remember them – except for my mother.

I pray to Starlight my family accepts me...this version of me.


I turned my head, noticing EliaseAnne leaned against the door frame. She wore black shorts, a red rose design on the pockets created intricately with black rhinestones. Her simple, black top clung to her curvy figure, low enough to show a glimpse her cleavage. Her straightened blonde hair was loose, different from her usual, bountiful curls.

I gave her a look, noticing the gold rimmed glasses that sat comfortably on the bridge of her nose, those ravishing emerald eyes bore into me.

I tried to ignore the weird sensation running through me –Attraction.

“Why are you wearing Daniel’s glasses?” I questioned.

“Cause it’s fun and I assumed you’d need something to add in his section of that drawer of yours,” she revealed with a shrug.

My eyes widened as I began to blush.


“You told me when you were half asleep before the exams. told Elias, who told me. I figured you’d have some problems with Daniel, so I took his glasses and walked away,” she explained, glancing away as her fingers began to fidget.

I could see her body grow tense as she tried to look anywhere but directly at me, like when she first announced her presence.

“Do you want “this” to continue...whatever it is,” I questioned.

She glanced my way, her eyes wide. I could see her confusion as well as her realization as to what I referred to.

“How did...?” She stopped, her face turning red.

“I heard everything. It’s a bit fuzzy, but Midnight explained it to me the other day in writing. I...I don’t know if I’m ready for that just yet,” I admitted; the thought of being with Eli in such a way hadn’t registered in my brain yet.

I already had to deal with loving the others. I had a hard-enough time trying to figure out how to split my time with them; Daniel my main concern now, and with the introduction of Kai, I didn’t know if I wanted to put my friendship with Eli on the table and exchange it for something more.
