Page 70 of Tainted Rose

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She frowned, her eyes blinked rapidly as they began to tear up.

I shook my head quickly. “I’m not rejecting you. Just because I can’t return your feelings now, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Midnight...likes you, I think. She likes Elias, too. I don’t know if her being a split personality has anything to do with it. Nevertheless, she has feelings for you...and I do, too…somewhere in my heart, but I need time.” I sighed and turned away for a moment to compose myself; my eyes stung. I don’t think she understood how difficult this was to say out loud. I glanced back at her before continuing.

“There’s a lot going on. I’m just getting serious with Ryder. Daniel and I are having issues due to Midnight’s dislike problem. I still need more one-on-one time with Marcus that doesn’t revolve around weapon modification or workout clothes, and to continue enjoying my walks with Elias. Now that Kai’s in the picture, I want to get to know him as well. I also want to have some time with you. That’s asking a lot from me. I’m just one individual with multiple spirits. I somehow, have to spread myself amongst you all and it’s hard. I’m just trying to go in some type of order. Therefore, I need time.”

I stared into her eyes, determined for her to understand that I wasn’t rejecting her, but putting whatever feelings we had for one another on hold, hoping she’d allow me enough time to sort through the current situation before tackling that area.

“We can still be friends, right?” she whispered.

“Seeing as you’re the only female shifter that can stand my craziness, yes. Plus, I’d be lost without my best friend. Who’s going to help me be fashion worthy when we go to Earthala? Don’t want to be stopped by those, uh, fashion police? I think that’s what the book called it,” I reassured her, wondering if I’d got the terminology right.

She pulled me into an embrace, catching me off guard. I blushed as her strong mint scent, attached to the cherry blossom shampoo we shared, flowed around me.

“I’m sorry. I really am. I know you may not understand now, but I’ll explain everything once we have time, just us. Then, you’ll understand why I did it. It doesn’t support the fact what I did was wrong and ruined the trust we had formed, but I just want you to know, it won’t happen again. I swear to the Starlight gods above, I’ll be honest with you. Even if I know it may hurt you. Just...can you promise no matter what I reveal to you, you’ll still be my friend?” she cried.

I hugged her back, tightly. “As long as you’re not a mass murderer. Actually...if you murder stupid shifters like Brittany and her crew, I guess it’s for the better good. But, if you’re a mass murderer of innocent shifters, then I can’t. Or if you hate milk. Then, we seriously can’t be friends anymore.” I pulled back to stare up at her with a serious expression.

She laughed, tears flowed down her face. “I would NEVER hate on your dairy addiction and no, I’m not a mass murderer. If I was, Brittany and her gang would have been eliminated and buried LONG before you enrolled at Knightwood,” she confirmed.

“Then, I forgive you.” I grinned sheepishly as I attempted to think of a punishment, a sensation flowed through me with excitement at the thought that popped into my brain.

“As compensation, you owe me a date,” I announced.

She beamed; her hands grabbed onto mine. “DEAL! I’ll even treat you to strawberry milk!” she rejoiced.

I stared back at her eager expression, mortified.

“Strawberry...milk?” I glanced at her in shock, attempting to imagine such a thing.

“Yes, and guess what?” she whispered.

“What?” I leaned in closer, intrigued by what she had to share.

“It’s even pink.”

“STOP! No, it’s not! You’re lying!!!” I exclaimed. My mind was fucking blown away. First, I found out the existence of chocolate milk, and NOW, there was pink, strawberry milk.

“Yup! We don’t have it here, but maybe when we go down to Earthala, I’ll take you to this nice dessert place. Scarlet can come, too.”

“Scarlet? The one whose boyfriend knows Marcus?” I questioned, remembering Marcus’ mentioning her name when he got me the e-reader.

“Yes! Oh, trust me. You two will get along. We’ll order vanilla, chocolate and strawberry milk shakes and share,” she announced happily.

“Milk...shakes?” I asked, astonished.

“It’s milk with blended ice and ice cream, kinda like a smoothie, but with milk. Thus, a milkshake. They can put different syrups or even fresh fruit on top with whip cream! The place Marcus took me to had milk shakes with crazy straws and a scoop of ice cream on the side of the glass, drizzled with nuts, cookies, and chocolate.”

I stared up at her, wide mouthed. I was surprised I wasn’t drooling yet. “Do they top it off with a cherry?”

“With a nice, juicy cherry on top.”

“You owe me a date there.”


“Promise?” I urged her, my pinky up and ready as I glared at her.

She laughed. “Promise. Cross my heart, hope to die—”
