Page 75 of Tainted Rose

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It was just a facial image of me smiling. I flicked through the images – Ryder holding me in his arms, his lips pressed against my forehead as I smiled, an image of Marcus and I sitting in the meadow, glancing at the sky as I pointed at the butterfly passing by, an image of Daniel laughing, his glasses on my face as his hands were tangled in my hair, finishing up a braid, an image of me and Elias, holding hands as we’re surrounded by glowing fireflies – Nightmare on the top of my head as her three tails were frozen in place.

The last page was an image of me and a fork in my mouth, my face filled with delight as my rosy cheeks puffed into enjoyment.

“Kai. They’re all beautiful,” I admitted as a tear rolled down my cheek. To think we’d only just met, finalized our bond and he’d taken the time to draw all these images. Eli knelt beside me, rubbing my back gently.

“Kai’s a well-known artist. He’s been drawing since he was five and ever since has excelled. Shifters all over the galaxy request his work. He has a cycle waiting list and goes down to Earthala twice a cycle for major art exhibits that sell out.”

I nodded and closed the sacred book. I’d have to make a spot in my drawer for Kai as well. The compassion he’d already shown made me excited to get to know him and maybe, one day love him as I did the others.

I looked at the concealed packaging of the last gift, opening it up to reveal a bunch of lingerie in different colours, a few books with pictures and a pouch filled with hand crafted jewelry.

I turned my head to face EliaseAnne.

“Is this from you?” I didn’t recognize my soft voice, unable to explain the gratitude that overflowed within and love I felt.

“Yup. You can never have enough sexy undergarments. I got a set for each knight’s colour. I know; you can thank me later. The books are some of my favourites from my manga collection and the jewelry I made for you and Midnight...since you guys liked the bracelet I made. I placed a protective spell and you never know when you’ll need an antidote spell for poison etcetera so. I thought it would be good to wear something protective and fashionable...uh…and it would make me happy.” She whispered the last part, glancing away.

“Thank you EliaseAnne,” I whispered. I leaned forward and pressed a solid kiss on her cheek. I smiled up at her – those wide orbs of green blinked in shock as her cheeks burned red.

“You’re welcome...ah this is embarrassing,” she mumbled, glancing away.

Wait. I didn’t get anything from Daniel?The mere thought made me frown. I could feel Hope’s disappointment as well.

“Stop moping. Daniel! Don’t you have something to give our Princess?” Eli turned to face the angel shifter who flinched, fixing his second pair of gold rimmed glasses since Eli had hidden the borrowed pair in my souvenir draw.

I smiled, happy that my “inner” thoughts were answered.Guess this bad coping mechanism is handy at times.

“Uh, yeah. Hold on,” he acknowledged, rushing to grab something underneath the table, hidden by the table cloth. He returned, holding the neatly packaged box, the dark, shiny magenta wrapping topped off with a gold bow.

He swallowed before facing me directly. “Makoto. Here’s my gift to you. Well, it was my idea, but I needed Marcus’ credit card to get it,” he sheepishly admitted.

“It’s only cause what he got you, we don’t have here,” Marcus pitched in, smiling as his arms relaxed behind his head, his bare chest distracted me for a moment.

“Focus Mako. Play time later,”Lexi reminded, unable to hide the impressed tone in her voice.Right.

“Thank you, Daniel.” I reached out, took the box from him before neatly tearing the wrapping. A white box with a picture of something was displayed in front – the wordsIPHONE 8.

“What’s an iPhone?” I pondered.

“It’s a phone. It’s what we use to communicate with one another,” Daniel explained, taking the box from me and opening it up to reveal the communication device in a dazzling pink case. I beamed at the sparkling object.

“IT SPARKLES! Is that diamonds or something?” I asked, afraid to touch it without breaking it.

“It’s Swarovski rhinestones. They’re real, too. Don’t worry; I got my brother to put a spell so none of them will fall off. Oh, it’s water proof, too,” Daniel acknowledged happily.

“YOU GOT HER THE NEWEST IPHONE! I fully asked you a rotation ago Marcus to get me one! What the fuck happened there, huh?”

I turned to see Eli approach Marcus whose eyes were wide with fear. He quickly jolted behind Kai.

“Kai! Save me. I’m innocent! I told Daniel’s brother I needed a phone at his younger brother’s request and he got me that! I didn’t know it was the latest fucking one. Stop whipping me with the wind!” He cursed; the wind picked up and hit them both.Daniel’s…brother?

“Elyion!” Kai snarled, the wind dropped at his command.Elyion. Who’s Elyion?

“Ugh! I’ll get my revenge on you Marcus, just you wait! And Kai...ugh. Why couldn’t I be a demon. I’d just plan your death with no guilt,” she mumbled, the second half, my sensitive ears heard every word.

I giggled at their exchange before my eyes returned to the gift before me, my heart filled with happiness. I took the phone from his hand, inspecting it.I wonder.I lifted the phone up aiming for the pool.

“MAKOTO! DON’T YOU—” Eli yelled, but my hand move on its own accord, the phone soared through the air into the water.
