Page 8 of Tainted Rose

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“Fine. Come help me. You think you have enough strength to glamour us, just in case anyone comes by?” Marcus questioned.

“Yup. I can. Um, can I stay with you then? I don’t want to be alone right now,” Elias admitted.

I stood up and walked to his side, placing my hand supportively on his shoulder. I knew he dealt with his own demons thanks to that medical center. I told Karen it was a bad idea, that he could be treated in another room in the castle, but all the major equipment was in there and she wanted to make sure Elias wouldn’t die in his sleep thanks to the poison flowing through his veins. Now that it was almost diminished from his system, we weren’t too concerned.

“Of course. You don’t mind my snoring so it’s fine,”Marcus replied.

“It’s cause you sound like a fucking Mustang starting up,”Kai commented.

“It’s not that bad,”Marcus argued.

“It’s pretty bad. I’m surprised Elias or Mako can sleep in the same room as you,”I complained.

“I’m used to it,”Elias voiced as I watched him shrug.

“Whatever. C’mon, let’s get Ryder to bed. Kai, if anything happens, wake us all up immediately,” Marcus ordered.

“Will do,”Kai agreed before his mind left our bond.

I assisted Marcus and Elias in holding Ryder, his arms perched on their necks as they supported his body weight. I could still see the exhaustion in his face; his cheeks still flushed; though, the tears that had run down them had dried.

I said my goodbyes, reassuring them I would get some rest, but I needed to check on her one more time. I made my way back to the medical center, walking through the quiet halls.

Now that it was evening, most of the medical staff was gone, leaving only a few for the night shift. Karen was on call and rested in one of the rooms closest to where Mako was being treated, just in case anything happened.

My legs came to a stop, facing the transparent door, spelled to make the room appear empty, hiding the true contents within its protective walls.

I pressed my left hand against it, the gold Celtic knot work caught my eyes. I took a moment to compose myself as I felt the various emotions flow through me – sadness, anxiety, anger. Yet, the strongest emotion was regret.

Ryder had tried to reassure me that this wasn’t my fault. Yet, no words could console me. I couldn’t get to Mako and Elias fast enough, that was the reason why we were in this predicament. I wasn’t strong enough to shift fully and release my angel’s wings like other advanced angel shifters.

If only I had gotten there faster. She wouldn’t be on the verge of death.

“She isn’t going to die Daniel. It’s not her time. We need to have faith in her. The gods wouldn’t allow her star to fade away. Believe in them and they will do their work.”

I took a deep breath, smiling at the gentle, melodic voice that entered my mind, in an effort to comfort me.

“Thank you, Azriel.”

My angel spirit, Azriel, always consoled me, when I attempted to wallow in misery. The boys knew both sides of me; the good me and the darker me. They simply didn’t know the extent of the darkness residing in me. Only Azriel truly knew and understood that part of me I hid in the shadows.

They didn’t call me a Sinister Angel for no reason.

I allowed my magic to seep through my hand and into the door; the magic circle glowed a light orange before the door slid open. I walked in, allowed the door to close behind me, before a pair of amber eyes met my gaze.

“You should be sleeping,” Kai acknowledged; his hand stopped in place, hovering above his sketchbook.

I smirked before walking towards the large, white bed; the multiple, soft sheets cradled our Princess as she slept.

I couldn’t stop my eyes from lingering on her peaceful face.

“I’ll give you five minutes. You need rest like the others. You all look like shit,” Kai stressed, putting his sketchbook on the side table before making his way to the exit. He gently patted my shoulder before leaving. I whispered my thanks before making my way to the chair next to her bed.

I sat down at the edge of the seat, noticing the unfinished sketch on the side table; Mako’s sleeping image sketched out in multiple colours, as silhouettes surrounded her bed, each figure a different colour.

I knew it was us, by the colours. Five figures surrounded our queen. I forgot how talented Kai was, especially in regard to art. It’s what he did to relax from thinking too much, a good coping mechanism and use of his talents.

I reached out to hold her hand, pressing my lips against her cool skin. I hated how cold she was. I wanted to feel her warm embraces after our hair sessions. She loved when I helped her with her hair in the morning; her eyes glittered with eagerness as to what I’d do. That was one of my motivations to get up in the morning, though I still managed to skip breakfast. I would work on that.
