Page 9 of Tainted Rose

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“Makoto...stay with us, please. Don’t leave us. We have so much to show you. So much to tell you. Be strong,” I whispered, tightening my grasp as I closed my eyes.

I just had to be strong for the both of us. I allowed myself to relax as I held her hand, the sounds of the humidifier and vitals monitor on the opposite side of the bed filled the silence.

I will get stronger. I’ll surpass all of the healers here. I’ll aim for the top, so I can mend all her wounds and keep my friend’s safe. When the darkness tries to overtake us...I’ll be ready.

I opened my eyes to continue watching our princess as I finished my silent vow, waiting for Kai to return.

Once I left here, I would go straight to the training room.

It was time for me to work towards my goal.

I’d slept enough.



“Makoto…stay with…please…don’t much to show...stay strong.”

I tried to pick up the broken sentence, my hearing wavered in and out.

I felt weak and tired; the depressing continuation of floating made me want to return to slumber.

My conscious faded yet again, unable to ignore the pull into the abyss.


I turned my head to face the blue-eyed brunette calling me from afar, surrounded in a field of sunflowers.

As beautiful as the yellow flowers were, they didn’t compare to the woman a few feet away – my Princess who I’d come to love.


I made my way towards her, wanting to pull her into my arms and lavish in her sweet taste.

Her vanilla scent was addicting, and I loved how it lingered on my clothes.

I wanted to hold her hand, as we made our way back to the castle. She was home in Heila, and I wanted to enjoy every moment I could by her side.

I continued walking – my long strides should have helped me reach her faster.

Yet, my mind became confused as to why I wasn’t getting closer. No, I was getting farther away.

“Mako?” I called out to her.

She tilted her head in confusion before her eyes grew wide – something plunged into her chest.

I didn’t register the scream that left my mouth as I charged forward, watching as the tip of the blade dug deeper; blood seeped into the white shirt – into the cotton fabric.

She trembled in her spot – her eyes wide with fear.

“Marcus? I…I don’t want to die,” she whispered. Her voice trembled as tears pooled in her eyes.

I cursed, running as fast as I could, yet she was still so far away.

“Firefly, you won’t die! I’ll save you. Hold on,” I begged. I was so desperate to get to her. Why couldn’t I reach her?

The blade pulled out, the blood flowed freely as it stained her shorts and legs, oozing onto the soil beneath her.
