Page 87 of Tainted Rose

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He disappeared into the kitchen and returned a minute later with two glasses and a bottle of Moscato wine. I smiled at him as he placed the glasses on the coffee table, opening the bottle and pouring us each a glass.

He passed my glass to me before he sat in the one-seater on my left. We sat in silence and enjoyed the lavish, cool taste that lingered from the white wine.

I stared at the remaining clear liquid as I stirred the glass; the spinning movement distracted me.

“Any word from Jeffrey?”

My lazy eyes looked up at Vincent; his baby blue eyes bore into me.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at the mention of my mother’s servant.

“You know I hate him. He might as well classify himself as a double agent for the shit he pulled.” I chugged the remaining white wine in my glass and placed it lightly on the table.

It took everything within me to not laugh at Matthew’s explanation of what happened before their arrival to Realm One. The boys stated this Professor Sepherant had looked over the cliff, not noticing their camouflage. I, of all people, didn’t believe in such luck – he’d purposely ignored their “hidden” presence.

“You know as well as I, he has no choice but to follow his orders,” Vincent pointed out.

“He has a choice. He’s bound to MY mother, NOT to that insolent, savage beast. I’m impressed that Makoto is so close to normal. In fact, I’m thankful to the gods that she turned out to be the humorous, curious princess she’s grown out to be, even after such a tragic childhood. She didn’t deserve such suffering and you know it,” I snarled.

He frowned. “You know I can’t interfere or I would have. Nightmare would have been the first to get rid of him if she’d been allowed to,” he mumbled.

“That’s cause half of you have common sense, while the other half is a bunch of hippie, lovey-dovey—” I began before being cut off.


“Hmph. What are you going to do? Smite me with thunder. I bet Nightmare, Aphroditeee, and Risuki would agree with me.”

“I question why I follow you around,” he commented.

“First of all, do I have to remind you how we met again? Second, we had no choice but to travel together and third, you fell in love with me,” I proclaimed with a confident smile.

“Humans...” He huffed.

“I’m a witch shifter, ex-human,” I retorted back.


“Laviathan,” I countered, not afraid of his threatening tone or using his god name.

He groaned and rose to his feet, stalking towards me. I ignored the butterflies in my stomach, feelings of nervousness and excitement fluttered within.

“I know you don’t understand everything that has happened and WILL happen. But, I need you to at least trust me. Jeffrey...has his reasons. Regardless, he’s on the good side. Just has to play dirty to get what he wants,” he explained softly, standing before me.

“Fine. He’s the least of our concern anyway.” I brushed off the matter.

Vincent offered his hand. I didn’t feel as exhausted as before, the wine helped to relax my tired limbs. I placed my hand in his before standing up with his assistance.

We made our way back to my room; my eyes landed on the picture frame on the nightstand.

I picked it up with a smile; my eyes looked over the five other men in the picture, Vincent and I right in front, frozen midway of an argument.

“You miss them?”

“Yes...but don’t tell them that. They’ll be over their heads for rotations.” I placed the picture frame back down.

“They’ll join us soon. We should do our part and start tracking yourbest friend,”he encouraged; his ending words filled with sarcasm.

“Best friend my ass. She lost such a privilege after what she did. Jeffrey may have his own reasons, but I claim first dibs in torturing her,” I declared.
