Page 88 of Tainted Rose

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“I’ll remind him when the time comes,” Vincent reassured me.

I smiled.

Yes. Just you wait, Elaine. I’ll show you what happens when you mess with a Frost.



The waves of power came to a stop. The cocoon that encased Mako was still present, a dark aura surrounded it.

“Impossible! They’re extinct. I saw the last one die! She has to be something else?”

I remembered that day – her dark blue eyes glazed over as all remnants of life faded away as her lifeless body fell to the ground. She was only eight cycles, her body much too small for the experiment.

I was amazed that no one questioned her death. I guess it wouldn’t have mattered – our king, or should I say our father, couldn’t care less. He made the final decisions and one loss of life meant little to him.

I shook my head. I needed to focus on the present. Mako and Midnight needed me.

“What do I need to do to help her?” I questioned, looking over my shoulder. Winterlya opened her mouth to speak, a soft smile formed on her lips.

I was ready to repeat myself, but noticed the once whip-lashing wind had ceased as the air returned to normal. I returned my gaze back to the black cocoon which began to crack.

Crack – Crick – Crack, the lines continued to form and divide, a black glow peeked out of the miniature space. It shattered.

I froze; my mouth dropped in awe at the beautiful shifter before me.

Mako’s normal long brown hair was a navy blue, the tips a light purple. Her skin looked darker than her usual pale complexion, her markings on full display – the normal black tattoos, now an indigo blue, glowed softly against her tanned skin. She’d gained height, her usual five feet, five inches was now, five-eight.

Her face had obtained a new marking that started from her right temple and flowed down the side of her face, wrapping around her neck.

The most dazzling aspect of her new image was her purple, sparkling, almost transparent wings – blue, purple glitter fluttered around her as her wings fluttered at a fast pace.

Her closed eyes finally opened, revealing a pair of midnight blue eyes.

“Midnight?” I was stunned at seeing an adult dark fairy, her beauty hard to measure with my eyes.

She blinked, staring at me without saying a word. I felt my heart panic, afraid she’d forgotten me.

I took a cautious step forward; my trembling hand pressed against my chest as I took another step forward. Midnight stood her ground; her eyes lingered on my feet before returning to stare at me.

“ you know who I am?” I asked again as I got closer to her, my wings fluttered lightly behind me.

As much as I wanted to fly forward and hug her I needed to know if she remembered who I was – who any of us were.

I knew Mako was able to shift into Lexi’s full form, but I’d yet to see her completely shift with her other spirits. Now that Midnight had taken fairy form, I didn’t know what to expect.

I was three steps from her before I stopped. We stared at one another, her midnight blue eyes took their time analyzing my new appearance.

Mako had seen my fairy appearance, but I doubt Midnight had been able to get a glimpse seeing as she wasn’t a spirit then.

She took a step forward, then another, leaving a foot between us. We looked like complete opposites – my bright pink, green and gold appearance against her purple, blue and black appearance as we faced each other, our height now identical.

“Midnight?” I whispered, ignoring the sting in my eyes. I never thought I’d be so nervous; my hands shook.

I’d finally managed to have enough courage to tell Midnight I liked her and now, as I faced the possibility of her forgetting me, it tore my heart.

If I could have acted like the man I once was and told her straight up when I was first attracted to her like Elias, would I be feeling so afraid?
