Page 54 of Undeniable

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“I believe our work here is done,” one of the female healers announces as all four of them step away from the glass cylinder.

“All of his vitals are within normal ranges,” one of the lab technicians says.

Justin presses in a code on the number pad. The top of the pod opens, and the platform Harold is resting on slides out.

“Harold,” Justin places a gentle hand on his right shoulder and shakes him slightly, “can you hear me? It’s time to wake up.”

Harold takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly. His eyelids flutter open, and he stares at Justin.

“Ahh,” Justin says, “I think I’ve discovered the discrepancy in the readings, but still, a triumph in my eyes, even though yours still look like those of a wolf, my friend.”

Harold sits straight up with a strength I didn’t think he would possess considering the strain his body has been put through. His hands immediately touch the features of his new face. He looks at me with beseeching blue eyes. I go to him, hoping to provide him the reassurance he needs.

“You’re quite handsome, Harold,” I say as I reach his side. “And your wolf eyes simply make you look mysterious.”

Harold clears his throat. “Am . . .” He seems to struggle a bit with speaking as he clears his throat a second time.

“Take is slow, Harold,” Justin advises. “Your new vocal cords will take some getting used to.”

Harold nods before making another attempt to speak. “Am . . . I . . . human?”

I rest my hand on his shoulder. “You were always human. We simply reversed what my father did to you.”

“What . . . happens . . . to me now?”

For all the work we did, Harold still looks like a lost puppy.

“What would you like to do?” I ask.

“Protect you.”

“Personally,” Oberon says, “I think that’s a wonderful idea. I would feel better if you had someone loyal only to you by your side.”

“I’m not in any danger.”

“I beg to differ,” Oberon scoffs. “The moment we won the vote is the moment we made an enemy of your father.”

“He wouldn’t hurt me.” Even as the words come out of my mouth, I second guess them. My father has been known to be a vindictive bastard to those who cross him. He’s already tried to kill Oberon once, but I’m his flesh and blood. He’ll view my betrayal as a sacrilege.

“Please,” Oberon says, “for my sake, keep Harold by your side until the wedding is over. After that, we’ll have all the power.”

“If it will make you feel better,” I concede, hating to admit Harold’s protection might indeed be needed.

“Give me a few minutes to check Harold’s vitals before you take him away,” Justin says, “but he should be perfectly fine to perform his new duties.”

While Harold is poked and prodded a bit more by the scientist, Oberon draws me away from the crowd to speak in private.

“I need to return to my ship to make sure Iris has procured what we need for tomorrow,” he says.

“Procured for what exactly?”

“To make sure your true virtue isn’t put on display for all to see tomorrow night.”

“Why won’t you tell me how we’re going to get out of the bedding ceremony?”

“All in good time, my love.” He kisses me chastely on the lips. “Stay close to Harold, please. I’ll feel better knowing he’s by your side.” Justin looks over my shoulders at my new guardian. “That man is built like a brick wall. Only a fool would try to get through him.”

I laugh slightly at his comparison. Mostly because it’s true.
