Page 55 of Undeniable

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“How will I explain him to my parents? Especially with his eyes.”

“Tell them he’s a dark fae guard that I assigned to you. I doubt they’ll question that. Now, I really must be going.” He kisses me again. “Seriously, Emily, I need to leave.” He kisses me a third time. “I honestly have to go.” He kisses me for a fourth time, making me giggle.

“For a man protesting that he needs to leave, you don’t seem to be going anywhere.”

“It’s that look in your eyes that’s keeping me bound here.” He takes me in his arms and dips me, making me laugh.

“And how am I looking at you?” I ask, softly touching the side of his face.

“Like you want to ravish me in front of all these good people,” he whispers. “But I have a reputation to uphold, kind lady. I will not have you tarnishing it for your own wanton needs. You’ll simply have to wait until tomorrow to have your way with me.”

“And how many ways will I be able to have you?”

Oberon grins. “Any and every way imaginable.”

He kisses me one more time before setting me upright.

He bows to me. “I bid you farewell and pleasant dreams, my future queen. See you at the altar.”

He turns on his heels and exits the room.

When I turn back around, everyone is staring at me. It’s obvious they watched the whole scene. Some of the women look envious, and let’s face it, so do some of the men. I can’t blame them. Oberon is quite dashing and charismatic when he wants to be. Luckily for me, he’ll be bound to me for life after tomorrow, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

After Harold is deemed healthy and able to leave the lab, we walk back to the palace together. It’s well after midnight and the streets of New Aos are mostly empty. The few people we pass keep a wide birth. I’m not sure if they’re scared of me or my new bodyguard. Either way, it prevents me from having to stop and have idle chitchat when all I want to do is crawl into my bed.

As we approach the palace, the hair on my arms stands up on end. I feel like I’m being watched. I stop and turn to look behind me but see no one.

“Something . . . wrong?” Harold asks in his slight stammer.

“I got the feeling someone was watching me.”

“Someone . . . is . . . watching . . . you,” Harold reveals, pointing to the right of us down the street, focusing on something I can’t see. “He’s . . . right . . . there.”

I squint in a vain effort to see the man Harold can see with his wolf eyes, but all I see is darkness.

“He’s . . . gone . . . now.” Harold lowers his arm.

“Did you recognize him? Was it my father?” I ask.

Harold shakes his head.

I sigh in disappointment.

“Stay close to me, Harold. I don’t like the idea of someone following me, especially when they keep to the shadows. No good can come of that.”

“Agreed.” Harold steps a little closer to my side.

As we make our way into the palace, something about the person in the shadows bothers me. I didn’t feel threatened as I stood there staring into the darkness. In fact, I got the strange feeling that I knew the man Harold saw. Who he was and what he wants from me is a mystery that will have to unfold naturally with time.

Chapter 12

(Ivy’s Point of View)

“Everyone is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind,” I say to Boris.

My sudden explosion of power has instantly made me a pariah in the camp. Simon can barely look at me anymore. Actually, that’s a good thing. Considering he’s my half-brother, I’ll need to tell him the truth of our familial relationship before he tries to claim me as his bride. That would never happen though. Damon wouldn’t let it.

