Page 54 of Love Me, Goaltender

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My only hope was that Sebastian hadn’t heard me. I almost snorted. Fat chance.

Proving me right, Sebastian grabbed me again, this time by the wrist, and tugged me around to face him. I turned willingly but kept my eyes down, staring at his bespoke soot-colored jacket. I wanted to run my palms down the fine fabric. I didn’t. Gently, Sebastian placed the flat of his free index finger under my chin and guided my face up until I met his searching eyes.

“What did youjust say?”

Silently, I begged him to drop it. To let me offthe hook.

He refused to let me go. Grey eyes grew darker with hope as my lips stayed firmly sealed. He caressed my chin, his finger grazing the scar that I got the last time I let someone distract me on the ice.Damnthis man.

I gave in. “You know what I just said.”

That rare, perfect smile broke across his face. I couldn’t help but stare, drawn in by the light that seemed to shine from his every pore.

“You want to be my girlfriend.”

I rolled my eyes, but a smile tugged at my lips. I couldn’t help it; his childlike giddiness was contagious.I melted.

“Can I tell you something, Riley?”

“Could I stop you ifI tried?”

The lines on his temples crinkled, and the scar on his lip danced. His hand on my wrist slid down, and his huge palm engulfed mine. Our calluses rubbed together. I shivered and squeezed our entangled fingers.

With the hand on my chin, Sebastian pulled me closer. If I wasn’t already wearing heels, I would have been on my tiptoes.

His breath brushed across my lips. “Do you want to be my girlfriend, Riley Warren?”

Yes.Yes. Yes.

“No,” I said and slipped my handfrom his.

He let me go, not looking surprised in the least. Only disappointed.

Well, that makes two of us. But…

“We’ve had this conversation. We can’t do that. Hell, we shouldn’t be doing whatever it is we’re doing right now. Look what you just did on the ice! What bullshit would you, or would I, pull if we were actually dating?”

“I don’t know. Want tofind out?”

I growled and banged my head into the nearest solid surface—his chest.Thud, thud, thud.

Even when I was done taking my frustration out on Sebastian’s pecks, and my brain pounded in protest, I couldn’t bring myself to back away. I collapsed against him. His hands went to my waist and stroked downmy sides.

“Hey, hey, hey,” he murmured into my hair. “Just think about it. I’m not asking you to come out or anything. I know we have to keep this a secret, but maybe we can be secretly dating instead of secretly ‘hanging out.’ I have legitimate feelings. And I know you do too. We could be so good together. Just think aboutit. Okay?”

“Sebastian,” I whined to his chest, fighting the urge to shout “yes!” His speech was so tempting. And he was right; wewouldbe so good together. But it wasn’t that easy, was it?

“No, no. Don’t answer now. Take a day or two. I’m sure you need to hit the gym to think or talk it over with your brother or Mason. So I’m going to leave before you can turn me down.” He let me go and backed up to the door, hands held up as if to ward off any of my protests. “Get back to metomorrow.”

He pushed open the door andwas gone.

I quickly caught the door with my foot and followed him a few steps down the hallway. “Sebastian,” I called after his retreated form.

Without turning around, he stuck his fingers in his ears and disappeared around the corner.

I shook my head. What a dork.

Unfortunately, he was a gorgeous dork with a beautiful smile and an extremely tempting proposition.
