Page 55 of Love Me, Goaltender

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With another fond shake of my head, I turned to duck back into the room and cameup short.

The smile that I hadn’t realized crept onto my face flaked off like decade-old paint.

Coach Hansson stood at the end of the hallway, disappointment tattooed across every inch of him.

Coach Hansson pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes closed. “You know, Warren. I really wish I hadn’t seen that.”


Coach’s eyes snapped up, and he dropped his hand from his face. “No. Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. But I am going to give you some advice.” Hansson glanced around the empty hallway, walked up to me, and dropped his voice. “Whatever is going on, end it.”

“Excuse m—?”

“Only because I want you to focus on your career.”

I fought down the indignation rising in me and very deliberately did not yell at my coach. “I am focused on my career. Whatever relationship I have with Sebastian doesn’t have anything to do with that. I’m a fantastic goalie.”

“Yes,you are.”

Wait. What?

“Come with me,” he ordered. Once again, I was directed into my meditation room. But instead of being yanked by the Neanderthal that I was sleeping with, Coach Hansson held the door for me and then closed it gently when we were both inside.

Hansson turned to me. “I’m not supposed to tell you this yet, but considering what I just saw, I think you need to factor this into your situation. The team has decided to keep you on the team past this season.”

I must have gone crazy. This could have only been a hallucination. “But what about Hall andStanton?”

No way would management choose me over one of the Blizzards’ veteran goaltenders. I knew when I signed with the Blizzards that I was unlikely to stick around. They already had two record-breaking goalies. Unless…

“Stanton isn’t coming back next season. His physical therapy isn’t going great, so he’s retiring. Hall is coming back next season as our starting goalie. You are going to be our new backup goalie. Management talked it over and your numbers are good. Better than any other goalies your age and with your experience. Plus, as a bonus, ticket sales have gone up since you got traded.”

“And Lukin?” I asked, stillin a daze.

Coach grimaced. “He’s got a bad attitude. And he doesn’t block enough pucks to make putting up with himworth it.”

Holy shit. I get to stay.

Sure, that was my goal all along, but I knew how much of a long shot it was. I was pretty green, and the Blizzards already had two goalies. But now Hall was gone, and I felt for him, I truly did; no one wants to be taken out because of an injury. Unfortunately, that was the way of the gamesometimes.

Then I snapped back to reality and remembered where this conversation started. “Am I only going to stay if I end things withKingston?”

Coach sighed. “You know why dating him is a bad idea, right?”

I nodded, but he explained anyway.

“If it got out, you would be dragged through the mud. I’m not saying it’s right, but it will happen. And it’s not just you and Kingston who would beaffected.”

“I know. The team dynamics would change, and it could affectthe game.”

It was the argument I had been giving myself since I kissed Sebastian in that damn elevator. If my relationship with Sebastian came out and the team took it badly, it would be my first game all over again. They would abandon me, and I would be forced to fend for myself. To them, I wouldn’t just be a girl playing with them, I would be a lying bisexual who liked to screw her teammates. Well, maybe a few of them wouldn’tmind that.

“I’m thinking more big picture, Warren.”

“What doyou mean?”

“How do you think this would impact the inclusion of other women who want to join male sports?”

It took a second to click, and I hung my head.
