Page 63 of Love Me, Goaltender

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Right. Right. Okay.

The second the game was over, I was going to his house and getting my boyfriend back.

Chapter 18

Where the hell is he?

I craned my neck over the crowd in the locker room, searching for the familiar wavy, black helmet of hair. Nothing.

Honestly, I was getting worried at this point. It was only a couple hours before game time, and I hadn’t seen Sebastian. He even skipped our last mandatory practice this morning. Even the other players were confused at that. Sebastian “The King” Kingston did not miss mandatory practices. Hell, he rarely missed voluntarypractice.

Then, halfway through his speech about just enjoying our last game and having fun, Hansson was called out of practice and off the ice by a guy in a suit that I vaguely recognized. Something wasgoing on.


My head whipped around as Mason entered the locker room and pushed past a hoard of hockey players. I stood to meet him, searching his face frantically. “What’s wrong? What’sgoing on?”

“You need to come with me.” Drew took my hand and towed me outthe door.

“Mason. Mason!”

He didn’t answer and continued to drag me out of the lounge area and took a sharp right.

I dug my heels in. Mason jerked to a stop with me.

“Mason. Tell me what’s going on right now.” My tone left no room for argument. I was fighting off every instinctual reaction that was telling me someonewas dead.

“You need to talk him out of it. He’s fuckinglost it.”

I settled down somewhat. Whatever was going on, it wasn’t life and death. “Talk who outof what?”

“Talk Kingston out of ruininghis life.”


“He’s quitting. Kingston’s about to announce that he’sretiring.”

I was wrong. Itwaslifeand death.

I took off down the hallway, my sneakers squeaking on the concrete. A second pair of footsteps joined mine. Mason was onmy heels.

It took me seconds to find the crowd by the press room. It was packed with reporters mumbling about Sebastian. I listened carefully to the dozens of overlapping voices.

It was true; the best forward on the east coast was retiring out of the blue. His contract was ending this season, but the Blizzards were guaranteed to renew it in a heartbeat. Except, when they pulled him into our manager’s office, he refused to sign the new contract. Everyone wanted toknow why.

I knew why. And I needed to stop it.

Thankfully, Sebastian wasn’t in the room yet, so I ducked out, Mason right behind me. I didn’t have to go far to findSebastian.

He came from around the corner, moving fast. Coach Hansson was right beside him, keeping pace and talking quietly but quickly. It looked like he was pleading withSebastian.

I moved forward to intercept them and met Sebastian’s stubborn eyes. He froze in the middle ofthe hall.

Coach spotted me at the same time. “Warren. Thank God. Talk some senseinto him.”

I opened my mouth to do just that, but Sebastian shookhis head.

“No, I’ve made up my mind. It’s been made up for a while,” he said.
