Page 64 of Love Me, Goaltender

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I stepped closer and lowered my voice. “Sebastian, you don’t have to do this. Not for me.”

His blank face cracked, and he smiled down at me. “It’s okay, Riley.Trust me.”

I reached for him, but Sebastian escaped before Coach or I could stop him and was spotted by the press. They parted like the Red Sea before Moses. He strode up to the stage, determination written across every line inhis body.

“Is it too late to stop him?” I asked Hansson as Sebastian rounded the podium. The room immediately burst intoquestions.

“Yes, it is,” came anew voice.

We all turned to find Ethan Jones leaning against a wall without a care in the world. He smiled at us and waved as we gaped at him.

“What are you doing here?” Iasked him.

“I gotta support my boy.”

“How about you tell him not to give up his career for a girl?” Coachsuggested.

That was a little harsh, but I couldn’t say I disagreedwith him.

“Sorry, Coach,” Jones said, not soundingit at all.

Coach huffed out a breath and followed Sebastian into the fray. Jones pushed off the wall and stood next to me and Mason. We watched Coach join Sebastian at the pedestal. Sebastian nodded at Hansson. Coach took the mic first and confirmed the rumors of Sebastian’s retirement.

I wasn’t sure I heard a single word through the roaring in my head. Or maybe that was the roaring of thereporters.

I was twitching to go up there. I didn’t think I could forgive myself for Sebastian giving up his career for me. There was no need. Not anymore. I wanted to be with him whether he quit being a hockey player or not. I would gladly take the hit to my career if it meant that Sebastian got to keep playing. I didn’t want him to do this out of obligation and then end up resenting me.

“It’s okay, Riley. He wants to do this,” Jones said.

“He’s going to hate me forever.” There was nothing I could do now. It was already done. Coach had finished his announcement.

“No, he won’t.” Jones wrapped his arm around my shoulder fondly. I thought he would have disliked me even more right now. We had been cordial on the ice since I broke up with Sebastian, not even a hint of our budding friendship escaping his cold shoulder. Now, with Sebastian leaving the game, he was acting all buddy-buddy. He should have been pissed, but he wasn’t. If anything, he lookedrelieved.

“Now y’all have a moment to ask Kingston some questions.” Coach backed away, and Sebastian tookhis place.

“Hey, guys.” Sebastian smiled at the flashing camera.

I cocked my head to the side. That was Sebastian’s genuine smile. The smile that I only saw in private, over dinner, during Mortal Kombat marathons, and in bed. The smile no one ever saw on the ice. And certainly not in a press room.

“I’m only going to take a few questions. I’m sure you can understand that I’m ready to move on with my life outside of hockey. Johnny, I’ll give you the first one.”

Sebastian leaned on the podium, listening to the question Johnny asked.

I could barely hear a word that he was saying; I was too busy staring at Sebastian in awe. I had never seen him this relaxed in the arena. Or this happy. Usually, from the second he stepped into the stadium he was focused completely on hockey. It was like his determination took him over and he became a hockey robot. But now, he looked … free.

Before I knew it, Sebastian was stepping down from the podium and heading toward us, snapping me out of my head. Jones pulled him into a manly, back-slapping hug. Camera shutters clicked in a frenzy. Over Jones’ shoulder, Sebastian stared at me.

I turned and walked away, knowing he would follow.

This damn room was becoming my sanctuary in the arena. I should get someone to put a name placard on the door. “Riley Warren: she’s probably having a mental breakdown.” Catchy.

I leaned against the far wall and waited, keeping myeyes down.

It took longer than I expected for the door to squeak open and closed again.

“Sorry. Our team owner pulled me aside fora minute.”

“Did he try to talk you out of retiring also?” I still didn’t look up at him. I didn’t want to face him yet, terrified of what his face would say. He seemed okay before he went up there, but no doubt his decision was finally hitting him fullforce now.
