Page 43 of Ice Queen

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“I’ll have to take your word on that one. I’ve got too much on my plate right now.”

With Wendel’s poop scooped, we beelined it for the closest garbage can. “For such a little dog, his shits are enormous.” Colton held the bag over the trash can with two fingers and dropped it in. “Wait, what about that girl? What was she, a cam girl or something?”

“Oh my God,” I groaned. “It wouldn’t bother me if she did that for a living, but that girl – she couldn’t hold a conversation about anything. Well, maybe about makeup.”

“I know the type.” Colton laughed. “They’re the kind to have fun with though.” He elbowed me.

“Maybe for the other guys.” I sighed. “I just walked her home. Trust me, I thought about it when she invited me up to her place. But she was just so boring, and I’m at the point in my life where I need to have a connection with someone.”

Colton smiled. “And when you find her, your career will explode. Trust me, there’s something about having someone on your team at home. It just makes life so much better.”

I stopped and stared at Colton. “I’m used to guys complaining about their girlfriends. It’s nice to know that there are some relationships out there where the people actually like each other.”

Colton picked Wendel up and squeezed him tightly. “You’ll find someone.”

“I thought that I had found someone…” My voice trailed off. “I thought that she was different, but it turns out she’s worse than any bunny.”

“Yikes.” Colton inhaled. “Sounds like you dodged a bullet.”

“Totally. But it’s made me not want to date at all.”

“Perfect.” Colton grinned. “Just focus on hockey.” Wendel wriggled in his arms and then nipped at his ear. “Ouch. Puppy teeth.” Colton rubbed his nose. “And help me train this biting machine.”

“You’re on your own with that.” I patted Norman’s rump. “I’ve only had rescue dogs. The puppy training thing is beyond me.”

“Really?” Colton raised his eyebrows. “You’re like my sister. But she rescues horses.”

We had turned around and were heading back to Colton’s place. “That doesn’t seem like something she’d do.”

“She keeps it a secret.” Colton shrugged. “I don’t know why.”

“Maybe she’s worried it will make her look like she’s got a heart.”

Colton paused and I worried that I’d taken it too far. Then he laughed and clapped me on the shoulder. “You’ve got her figured out.”

Yeah, I thought to myself,the most selfish woman in the world, who happens to rescue horses.

Back at home, I sat on the sofa and Norman flopped at my feet with a grunt. I pulled out my phone and wished that I wasn’t so curious, but typed inEverleigh King – boyfriend, and sure enough, some recent photos of Everleigh sitting in a fancy uptown restaurant with some douchey guy in a dumb-looking suit popped up. His name was Landon Brocklehurst the Third, and he was known for running anti-environmental companies in Europe.

He was perfect for her.

I knew that I would regret sending her a text, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I typed out a message and pressed ‘send’.



The round tablein the parlor was covered in index cards, and the wedding planner had set up easels with the Ritz-Carlton’s wedding setup printed on huge pieces of white cardboard. “I see you got started without me.” I breezed into the sitting room of the country home in my riding clothes.

“Did you go riding this morning?” Marisa asked.

I bit my tongue. My clothing was impeccably clean – it was obvious that I hadn’t. I sat in one of the high-back parlor chairs and crossed my legs. “No. But I’m going as soon as this incredibly fascinating and important task is done.”

Ali shot me a look.

“What?” I asked. “Why do I have to be here to help you figure out where to put everyone?”

To prove her point, Ali pointed to one of the tables. “What do you think about this one?”
