Page 9 of Always Him

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I don’t know if I’ll ever feel this way about another person for as long as I live.



“You’re home!”my dad, Basil, exclaims as if we hadn’t just seen him a week ago for Christmas. “My boys.”

He pulls me in for a bear hug and then lunges for Finn. He lifts him up, which is no small feat and Finn’s feet dangle above the ground for a moment.

“Dad, are you high again?” I ask, taking note of his red-rimmed eyes. He’s either smoked a bowl or he’s been crying. Knowing him, it could go either way, really.

Or maybe he did both. He gets very emotional when he disappears into his shed for some quality weed time.

“Mom and I did smoke a bit and then we got to looking at pictures of you and Logan when you were babies and we both got a little teary-eyed.”

I roll my eyes and watch Finn move into the kitchen just as my mom walks in from outside, their baby goat, Vincent, trailing behind her.

I see my mom’s red eyes and bite back a laugh.

Yeah, the two of them are wasted. It’s ridiculous. Sometimes, I swear to god, they’re just oversized teenagers with a vegetable patch and farm animals.

“My babies,” she says, wrapping me in a long-drawn-out hug, the goat bleating in the background, before smothering Finn. “How are my boys?”

Finn eyes me and then arches an eyebrow.

“We’re fine,” he says, leaning back against the counter and eyeing the cat tree my dad has been working on lately. It keeps getting bigger and bigger. Pretty soon it’s going to take up the entire living room. My dad calls it the kitty mansion. Theo’s cat, who visits from time to time, has it made.

Only the best for the sweet girl.

She’s not all that sweet if you ask me. She stole my keys the last time we were all here. I still haven’t found them; had to have a new set made.

“And how was New Year’s? What did you do?” my mom asks.

“We went to the overlook,” I say, resting my head on Finn’s shoulder.

My mom clasps her hands in front of her, smiling crookedly. Yeah, she had more than a smoke. She must have been in there for a few hours. Maybe ate an edible or two, as well.

“That sounds lovely,” she says, and my dad sniffles a little, his eyes on the two of us.

“And who did you kiss when the clock struck midnight? It’s bad luck to not kiss on New Year’s, you know.”

“I kissed Finn,” I say, and Finn slaps a hand onto his forehead, his cheeks flushing red.

“Don’t tell them that,” he grumbles, and I smirk at him.

“Why not?”


“Um, that is not an answer. We both know this.”

“Because we will never let either of you live it down!” my dad nearly squeals. “I am so happy for you two.Finally!”

My eyebrows slam together and my cheeks flush. “What?” Now I’m a little confused. Because what the fuck is he talking about?

My dad waves a hand between us. “You two are finally together. After all this time!”

I shake my head. “No, um, we’re just friends. Friends who kissed on New Year’s. I didn’t want any bad luck to come my way if we didn’t.”
