Page 13 of Grumpy & Bright

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“I love you. And my son is probably inside of you right now. So why won’t you agree to marry me?” I don't want to answer him and lucky for me my phone rings. He grunts when I move from his arms. I giggle as I walk naked to my purse and pull my phone from it. Dang it. It’s my Mom.

“Hi Mama.”

“Don’t hi mama me, Jinny Spruce. Where have you been? Your father is beside himself since you have canceled on us two weeks in a row.”

“I have been busy, Mama.” I don’t turn to look at Noah when I say it.

“Well your father is threatening to cut off your funding for school if you don’t show how grateful you are and come to dinner tomorrow.” Shoot. I have not felt this good in years, not being around all of their negative energy. But, I am almost done with school.

“Yes, Mama. Ok. I will be there.” I hear a throat clear and turn to see Noah looking at me. He nods his head and I shake mine no. His eyes tell me if I don’t tell them I am bringing him, he is going to show up anyway. “Uh, Mama. I am going to bring a guest.” Before she can ask who, I tell her I will see her later and hang up.

Now, we are almost there and I feel like I am going to pass out. “Calm down precious. Everything is going to be alright.” I look at him and I almost believe him. I know he will do what he can to make me feel better, but my father is not going to be happy.

“I know. It’s just… my father can be a bit… harsh.” That is putting it mildly. He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it.

“Look at me, baby.” I look at him but the tears cloud my vision. “Has he hurt you?” His finger is on my thumb making me look at him.

“Not like you think.” He says nothing and then nods.

“I see.” He says nothing else for the rest of the drive.

Parking, he pulls into the driveway and helps me out of the car. He takes his hand in mine, and a feeling of protection sweeps over me. He squeezes it and kisses me before I knock. “Hi mama.” I say when she opens the door. Her eyes lock on our hands still melded together, her eyes widened. I know what she is thinking but even if I wanted to let him go, he wouldn;t let me.

“Is she here?” I hear my father call from his office. My mom answers back and then shows Noah to the living room. I, of course, have to help in the kitchen.

“So that is what you have been up to?” she asks hurrying around trying to get everything on serving dishes before he asks.

“I have been going to school, Mama. And working. Noah is…”

“He is going to make your father lose it. That is what he is.” She has never lied. We get the dishes on the table in just enough time for my father to come out of his office and spot Noah.

“Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?”

“Father, this is Noah, my-my,” I am literally unsure what to call him and then he saves me.

“Her fiance. It is a pleasure to meet you,Mr. Spruce.” He holds his hand out and my father shakes his hand because it is the manly thing to do, but I can tell he doesn’t like it. Noah follows us into the dining room and when he notices my mother and I not sitting, he pulls out my chair. “Sit, baby.” Oh boy.

“No, we wait for…” He raises his eyebrow and looks at me. “Sit, precious. Now.” Well heck. My mom coughs. Damn near chokes on the shock. I don’t know if it is me being called precious, sitting before my father, or all of the above. But my father is beet red and fuming.

“So how long have you two known one another?” he asks him, once everyone is seated.

“What is time when you find your soulmate?” Noah says looking right at me and then back at my father.

“So in other words not long. Figures. I spend my money to send you to graduate school so you could be of some use and you are busy whoring.” His voice is getting louder. Then suddenly, Noah’s hand is on the table and the dishes are rattling.

“You will not disrespect the mother of my child like that ever again.” I hear my mom gasp beside me.

“A baby.” I want to answer her, but there is too much going on.

“I knew the moment they said you were a girl you were going to be nothing but a headache.” Noah leaps from the table but I grab his arm, silently pleading with him not to do what I know his protector instincts are telling him to do.

“Noah, please.” He looks deranged almost, trying not to kill him. “Please. It's not worth it.” He sits, grabs my face and amidst all of the shouting happening at the table, all I hear are his words.

“You are worth everything, precious girl. Now I know Jinny. Now I know what has been plaguing you and we won’t let it infect you any longer. Give me the word and we will leave here, baby. We will go and start our life together and you will never have to see him again.”

Taking a moment, I look around at the misery on my mothers face and remember how she has always looked this way. I think about his words and the fact he has never loved me, why am I hesitating? I look back at my future. My Noah. Not thinking about school or anything else. “Yes, Noah. Yes. Take me away from here.”

